Linda Sue Soukup, age 64, of Lincoln, passed away on Saturday, November 6, 2021. Linda was born December 31, 1956 to Edward and Lenora Wooge. Linda is survived by her loving husband of 46 years Greg Soukup; 2 sons, Frank (Kim) Soukup, James (Liz) Soukup; 2 brothers, Allen Wooge, Ed Wooge; 1 sister, Carol Wooge; 2 granddaughters, Kaylyn and Jessa Soukup; many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Masks are required.
The youngest son of William and Sarah Wooldridge, he remained in North Carolina and his name can be found on the 1790 census. (McIntosh, HISTORY OF ELBERT COUNTY)
Said to be the sister of ex Mayor A. P. Wooldridge of Austin, Texas. He lived at 3122 Wheeler Street, Austin. If she is related, she is more likely an Aunt or Cousin, as Alexander Penn Wooldridge, mayor of Austin, was born on 1847 in New Orleans, and therefore would be much younger than Elizabeth.
In an application for membership to the DAR, Eva Mae Halbert Hackney detailed the following as her ancestor's (Captain Gibson Wooldridge) services in the establishment of American Independence during the War of the Revolution: Justice of the Peace 1782, served until 1783, Surry County, North Carolina; Justice of the Peace 1786-1794, Wilkes County, Georgia; Delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Georgia, 1796 in Lincoln County; Tax Collector in Captain Wooldridge's office, 1780; Road Overseer, 1778, Surry County, North Carolina. References "The Official History of Elbert County, Georgia" 1790-1935, by John H. McIntosh (1968 edition) p. 351; Backlese Book, Surry Co, North Carolina pp 78-79; North Carolina Court Docket, 1775-1778 of Surry Co., North Carolina.
LUCY HUDSPETH born VA married Gibson Wooldridge son of William and Sarah Wooldridge. Gibson Wooldridge married second Widow Leah Poole who was previously married to Capt. Thomas Poole
1785 Aug 13 Source: Surry County, NC Court Minutes Vol I & II 1768-1789 page 77 - 13 Aug 1785 - Valentine Reese vs Gibson Wooldridge; Matthew Brooks, witness for Pltf., 60 miles, 17 days; George Holcomb, witness Deft., 32 miles, 6 days.
1785 May 14 "Valentine Reese vs Gibson Woolridge; Matthew Brooks, witness for Pltf., 3 miles, 8 days; Willis Bradley, 72 miles, 8 days; George Holcomb, 32 miles, 6 days
1801 Sep 5 Bk(K-223)Surry County, North Carolina, Deed Books
Richard Gentry formerly of Surry County to John Martin 80 ac S. side Deep Creek ... being part of 400 acres surveyed for Gibson Wooldridge and conveyed to Airs Hudspeth, then to Richard Gentry by sheriff's deed. Wit: L. H. Holcomb, Nicholas Jacks.
Historical Collections of Ga. Vol.3
Page 11-William Wooldrige to wife Sarah, 100 acres where we did live and five slaves Jack, Jenny,Rachel, Lucy and Isby, all stock, furniture for life. To son Richard slaves Cate, Ceasar,and Pheby in his possession.To son William, slaves Frank, Sam and Nelly. To son Thomas slaves Chas, Abel,and Nancy. To son Gibson slaves James, Cain, and Sucky. To son Edward slaves Winny, Sarah and a wagon. To daughter Sally Hidspeth, slaves Ceasar, Joan, and Nancy for her life and then at her death to her children. To daughter Patty Davis slaves Isaac and Peg for her life and then to her children. Mentions debts owed by Phillip Ryon and Blassingame Harvey. Exors: sons Thomas and Gibson and wife Sarah. Signed Dec.6, 1797 recorded July 25, 1798 Elbert Co.Ga.
Sarah Wooldrige's will to grandson Thomas W.Davis a colt Jolly. The rest of the estate to be sold and divided into five equal parts one to each of my beloved children, Thomas, Gibson, Edward and Sally Hudspeth. The fifth part to be divided between my grandchildren, Thomas W. Absolom, William, Sarah F.,minors lawful heirs of Joseph T.Davis. Signed Feb.24, 1804 recorded May 27, 1806
Elbert Co.Georgia Will
Absolom Davis sr. to sons Frederidk, Lewis, Augustine,Richard,Gideon, Chislen, Joseph T.and Wiley Davis.Daughters Lucy Howard,Nancy Cunningham, Chirial Wooldridge, each one dollar. To son Absolom Jr. residue including slaves,land etc. except feather bed etc to go to grandaughter Nancy Davis. Son Absolom sole excr. Signed Jan.12, 1807 proved July 24, 1807. Wits: Lucy B.Wooldrige, Martha Henderson, Absolom Davis jr.
1810 WOOLDRIDGE GIBSON Abbeville Co SC 22 01001-00001
Pauline Young's Abstracts of Old Ninety Six & Abbeville District Wills and Bonds as on file in the Abbeville Court House
page 88 Absolam Davis - Box 27, pack 613 Estate administered Nov 4 1811 by Robert and Gibson Woolridge bound to Taliaferro Livingston Ord. of Abbeville District sum of $1000.00. Inventory made Dec 26 1811 by Abraham Livingston, Wm. Yarbrough, Titus Murry.
page 144 Samuel Harris - Box 45, Pack 1005: Estate administered Dec 4, 1811 by Titus Murry,Abraham Livingston, Gibson Woolridge bound to Taliaferro Livingston Ord. Abbeville Dist. sum of $20,000.00. Citation read at Rocky River Church. SaleDec 28 1811. Buyers- Natahniel, Mary, Nancy, Richard Harris Sr.
Pauline Young's Abstracts of 96 and Abbeville Districts Wills and Bonds.
page 209. Capt. Charles McGehee - Box 62, Pack 1480 Will dated July 29, 1815 in Abbeville Dist. Recorded Feb 5 1816. Executors: wife, Joanne McGehee, Wm.Waller. Witnesses: Thomas B. Waller, Thomas Purvis, Hyram Gaines. Children: Almera, Nancy, Joanna McGehee. Inventory made feb 9 1816 by Joseph Wardlaw, GibsonWoolridge, Leonard Waller.
page 266 Benjamin Reynolds - Box 78, Pack 1905 Estate administered April 18, 1816 by James Arnold,John Conner, James Pettus, John Downey bound unto Taliaferro Livingston Ord of Abbevile Dist sum $20,000.00. Citation published at Cambridge. Inventory made May 17, 1816 by Gibson Woolridge, James Wardlow,James Shackleford. Expenditures: June 5, 1816 Paid for 1 pair slippers for Hulda Reynolds. Jan 5, 1817 Paid J.V. Reynolds for supervising the plantation one year$200.00. Dec 22, 1817 Paid John McGee for boarding Bennet and Larkin Reynolds for 1817 $157. Paid WilliamSmith on probate money Mr. Reynolds received for himin Virginia $115. Jan 10, 1818 Rec'd of James Reynolds on note $11.57.
Abstract of the will of Major Gibson Wooldridge Box 98 pack 2402 South Carolina Will written Oct.24th, 1816 Abbeyville Dist. Probated Nov.2, 1816. Children mentioned but no names given. $10,000.00 bond posted for his will.Only children mentioned two sons John and Thomas.
page 348 Major Gibson Woolridge - Box 98, Pack 2402: Wil dated Oct 24, 1816 in Abbeville Dist. Recorded Nov 2 1816. Exrs: Sons- John, and Thomas Woolridge. Wit: James Ball, David F. Hudson, Royall N. Lipford.Children mentioned but no names given. Administration Bond of John Woolridge (in same pack) made March 3,1817 by Thomas and Robert Woolridge, Samuel Lintonbound to Taliaferro Livingston Ord of Abbeville Distfor $10,00.00. Inventory of John Woolridge made March7, 1817 by George Patterson , Ethel Tucker, Lindsey Harper. Sale: Jan 8, 1818. Buyers: Mrs. P. Woolridge,Patsy Woolridge, Benjamin Murray, James Caldwell. Mrs. Leah Woolridge bought at sale of Gibson Woolridge
History of Elbert Co.Ga. gives the following children for Gibson and Lucy. 1. John Wooldridge born 1776 died 1817 2. Thomas Wooldrige born 1778 3. Elizabeth Wooldrige born 1786 married Samuel Linton Jr.. 4. Sarah Flourney Wooldrige married Hudson Pittman 5. Lucy married a Hudson 6. Robert Wooldrige married Elizabeth Kellum 7. Mary Ann married Benjamin Murray
(Collections of Dubie Hudspeth:
In HISTORY OF ELBERT COUNTY, GEORGIA 1790-1935, by John McIntosh, he writes that "John Wooldridge took up a land grant in Henrico County, Virginia in the year 1725. He is the ancestor of the family of Virginia. His brothers were Thomas, Edward and William who lived in Goochland County, Virginia....William Wooldridge of Elbert County, was the son of John Wooldridge of Chesterfield County, Virginia. He is mentioned in his father's will." McIntosh also indicates that the Wooldridge family originated in Chestershire, England during the reign of Edward the Confessor.
Lieutenant-Colonel, Lincoln County, Georgia Militia, 1797. He was the father of one son, William, and six daughters. (McIntosh, HISTORY OF ELBERT COUNTY)
He was said to have married Elizabeth MELLUM and Susannah BALL.
This appears to be his Will.
Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds?b?
?/b?Compiled by Willie Pauline Young
Liberty, SC
Copyright 1950 by Pauline Young & Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr. , Reprinted 2004
Southern Historical Press, Greenville SC
Summary: Est. admr. 13 Nov 1820 by Susannah W. WOOLDRIDGE, Saml. LINTON Jr., Dr. Eli S. DAVIS unto Moses TAGGART Ord. Abbeville Dist. Sum $3,000 Cit. pub. at Little Mountain Church. Inv. made 20 Nov 1820 by Jas. Crawford, Wm. McCalister, Archibald McMullan. Sale 13 Jan 1821. Byrs: John S. ALLEN, John Boye, Jas. Ball, Joseph T. Baker, Jas. Crawford, Richard Fulton, H. M. Pitman, Jas. Harris, Susannah W. Wooldridge, etc.
In McIntosh's book it was further noted that "William Wooldridge, the father of Gibson Wooldridge, came to Surrey County, North Carolina from Chesterfield County, Virginia in 1773 as deeds of record in the former county show. He served as a member of the grand jury of Surrey County as shown in Book 1775-1778, Index of Colonial and State Records, Vol. XXX, page 424. He was appointed Captain of his district in 1778 and retained that position until his removal to Georgia. This William married Sarah Flournoy, a Hugenot, who came to Virginia in 1700. He was accompanied to Georgia by his son, and a son-in-law by the name of Hudspeth. They arrived in Georgia in the winter of 1783, as deed records in Book C-P 102 in office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Elbert County shows. "
In her DAR application, Eva Mae Halbert Hackney, detailed the following as William Wooldridge's services in assisting the establishment of American Independence during the War of the Revolution: --Captain of District (not military) and Juror for Surrey County, North Carolina. (Reference "North Carolina State Records" Vol 22 p. 502, Vol 23 p. 994, Vol 30 p. 424, DAR Patriot Index p. 762).
He remained in North Carolina and was appointed to the staff of Robert Williams when he was Commissioner Governor of the Mississippi Territory. His son, John, was a Captain int he Mexican War. (McIntosh, HISTORY OF ELBERT COUNTY)
Born in New York City, she was a daughter of Franklin H. Work "Frank" (1819? 1911), a well-known stockbroker and prot?g? of Cornelius Vanderbilt, and his wife, Ellen Wood (1831? 1877). [1]
On September 22, 1880, at Christ Church, New York City, Frances Work married the Hon. James Boothby Burke Roche, who would later become the 3rd Baron Fermoy. They had four children: two daughters Cynthia Roche and Eileen, and twin sons Francis and Edmund. Edmund later became the 4th Baron Fermoy, and was the grandfather of Diana, Princess of Wales. Frances divorced Roche for desertion in 1891, before he had succeeded to the barony. Her lawyer was Thomas F. Bayard, former United States Secretary of State.[2]
On August 4, 1905, the Hon. Mrs. Burke Roche married Aurel de Batonyi, a Hungarian-born riding instructor and society horseman. When he had immigrated to the United States on the Majestic in 1891, Batonyi claimed he was a count. [3] It was also suggested that his real name was Arthur Cohn. [4] Frances sued de Batonyi for divorce two years after their marriage, allegedly because her father threatened to disinherit her if she continued to live with her husband. [4]
She was a prominent figure in the New York City and Newport, Rhode Island, social sets, and was friends with Mrs Reginald Vanderbilt. Her sister, Lucy Bond Work married Peter Cooper Hewitt, a son of New York City Mayor Abram Stevens Hewitt.
She died in the city of her birth at the age of 89. [1]
[1] Williamson, D. (1981) The Ancestry of Lady Diana Spencer In: Genealogist's Magazine vol. 20 (no. 6) p. 192-199 and vol. 20 (no. 8) pp. 281? 282.
[2] The Times (London) Friday, 27 March 1896, p. 7 col. F.
[3] United States Government. 1891 New York Ship's Arrivals Records Index. Washington, D.C.: National Archives. Series M237, Roll #571, July 8, 1891.
[4] Oakland Tribune, September 8 1907, pp. 17? 18.
PRI article, "Dollar Princesses"
Next week, Prince William will take Kate Middleton as his wife in what's being hailed, again, as the wedding of the century.
The pews will be filled with world leaders, other royal family and members of the British aristocracy.
Within that aristocracy will be a strong American connection. For many of their number are descendants of a generation of U.S. women. They were called the "dollar princesses."
The dollar princesses were a breed of very rich American girls who came over at the end of the 19th century to Britain and to Europe, looking for titles. And it was simple as that. It was cash in return for a title.
Daisy Goodwin has written novel, "The American Heiress," based on the lives of these women. Goodwin said newly wealthy Americans like the Vanderbilts had just about everything they wanted, except social status.
"Even though the Vanderbilts, for example, had more money than anybody, they weren't being asked to the nicest parties."
Consuelo Vanderbilt
The solution lay across the Atlantic in Britain. Dukes and earls, struggling with debt and dilapidated castles, were looking for wives with multi-million dollar dowries. The Vanderbilts 19-year-old daughter, Consuelo, married the Duke of Marlborough in 1895.
Goodwin said she was one of the first to make the journey, and the deal.
"When these American girls came over they were so much richer, so the men could hardly resist. And a quarter of the British aristocracy married American money in the period between 1890 and 1910. It's no exaggeration to say these dollar princesses saved the British aristocracy for a generation. They kept the stately homes of England going."
The phenomenon sparked a magazine called "Titled American," which Goodwin said was the "" of its day.
The lives of the dollar princesses were closely followed in the U.S. press.
British men found them vivacious and independent. But for all their fame and considerable fortune, Goodwin said they failed to make fans out of one group ? the English women who suddenly lost their chance at nobility.
"They had kind of grown up from the nursery expecting to marry the Duke of This or the Earl of That, and that's what they were trained to do. And then suddenly, their career prospects were kind of jettisoned by some American girl from nowhere in their opinion who came in looking lovely but had no idea about how to dress, what to do, how to hold her fork or whatever and she would just pinch the most eligible bachelor from under these poor British girls' noses. And they hated it."
As in the much-watched case of Princesses Diana, many of the dollar princesses ended up in loveless marriages. That includes Diana's own great grandmother, Frances Work who was, in fact a dollar princess.
And so, Prince William also has stateside ancestry, thanks to the American obsession with British class and status. In some ways, said Goodwin, it marked the start of Anglo-mania.
"America had all the money but Britain had all the tradition and hey, that's something that hasn't really changed has it, you know. I would say that in America, there's probably more interest in the royal wedding than there is here even. And I'm amazed by that. But I think it's rather wonderful."
Jean Conn, 76, of Pineland, passed away Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017, in Hemphill Care Center.
She was born Feb. 11, 1941, in Burnet, to Jesse Lee and Cordelia Cunningham Worrell. She lived her whole live in Sabine County, attending Hemphill schools. She and her husband, Llody, married July 9, 1958 and made their home and raised their family iin Pineland. She worked for more than 50 years as a nurse in Sabine County, the last 42 of those years at Dr. G. C. Winslow's officer, where she was well known and loved by her patients.
She was a member of First Baptist Church in Pineland. She was also a 50-year member of the Eastern Star serving as Past Worthy Matron of the Bronson Lodge before merging with Hemphill Lodge 375. She was an active volunteer with the Sabine County 4-H, mentoring many youth in playdays and county shows.
She enjoyed spending time with her family, her horses, hunting and gardening, in particular her flower beds.
Survivors: husband Lloyd Weldon Conn of Pineland, daughters, Sandra PECK and husband, Don of Pineland and Peggy NASH and husband Ted of Terre Haute, IN, her son, Billy Conn of Hemphill, grandchildren, Brad Cox, Dustin Conn, Brandon Conn, Cassie Vansickle Lowery, Matthew Vansickle, and Dakota Pack, and numerous great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews.
Preceded in death by her parents, sisters, Dorothy WORRELL, Betty CONN and Mary McDANIEL, and brothers, Tommy Worrell and Henry Worrell.
Funeral services held Saturday, December 30, in Starr Fuineral home. Burial followed at Gravel Hill Cemetery. Bro. Floyd Wright and Bro. David Ebarb officiating.
The Sabine County Reporter
January 3, 2018, Page 5
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2018)
Her FindAGrave memorial page, created by "EastTexan" shows her as a daughter of Columbus Marion WORSHAM and his wife Janie (nee Stephens). Both of them also have memorials on FindAGrave.
Name Amelia Sisson
Event Type Death
Event Date 19 Sep 1954
Event Place Lufkin, Angelina, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 18 Sep 1883
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Robert Wright
Mother's Name Elizabeth Mcclellon
Certificate Number: 42323
GS Film number 2114280
Digital Folder Number 005145672
Image Number 00058
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Feb 2014), Amelia Sisson, 19 Sep 1954; citing certificate number 42323, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2114280.
Melba Gene McLemore writes that her mother died after giving birth to her namesake daughter. Annie Clara's father also died, shortly before her first birthday. Her half-brother, Garl Coker Wright, moved into the old home place in Hico and raised Annie Clara as a daughter along with his own children. She married Tom Price and lived in Mississippi. They were without issue.
Name Armantha Wright Snowden
Titles and Terms:
Event Type Death
Event Date 15 Feb 1978
Event Place Trinity, Trinity, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Age 82
Birth Year (Estimated) 1896
Father's Name Robert Wright
Father's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Name Mary Mcclellan
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Burial Holly, Houston County, Texas
Informant Mrs. Ila Brooks, Daughter
Certificate Number 14825
Digital Folder Number 004857349
Image Number 00347
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1977-1986," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Feb 2014), Armantha Wright Snowden, 1978.
Melba Gene McLemore thinks his middle name is Harrison, but this is not proven.
Julia Molitz has church records relating to the Benjamin Wright family that she shared with Melba Gene McLemore. They are from the book "Mt. Hermon Baptist Church, Lincoln County, Tennessee" by Betty Via. These records show that Benjamin Wright was an 1833 constituting member; on 1840 membership list; joined by letter June, 1844; delegate to the association in 1844-1845, 1858-1849, and in 1851, on 1852 and 1859 membership lists; granted letter, August 1859. The book notes that Benjamin Wright was born about 1795 and married his wife, Hannah before 1816, and that they lived in Lincoln (now Moore) County, Tennessee.
1870 Census
Illinois, Jackson County, The Precinct of Ridge
Enumerated 19 July 1870, P.O. Carbondale
Freeman, Jas W 30 M W Farmer Tenn
Freeman, Permialia 25 F W Keeping House Tenn
Wright, Wilson 9 M W Tenn
Wright, William 15 M W Tenn
Wright, Benjamin 27 M W Farmer Tenn
Wright, Julia 26 F W Keeping House Tenn
Wright, Laura 6 F W Ind
Wright, William 3 M W Ill
Thompson, Isaac 12 M W Ill
Household Record 1880 United States Census
Benjamin WRIGHT Self M Male W 33 TN Farmer TN TN
Jane L. WRIGHT Wife M Female W 34 TX Keeping House GA TN
Almeda F. WRIGHT Dau S Female W 9 TX TN TX
Mary L. WRIGHT Dau S Female W 7 TX TN TX
Jasper L. WRIGHT Son S Male W 4 TX TN TX
Emma J. WRIGHT Dau S Female W 2 TX TN TX
Benjamin L. WRIGHT Son S Male W 6M TX TN TX
Source Information:
Census Place Precinct 5, Travis, Texas
Family History Library Film 1255329
NA Film Number T9-1329
Page Number 117A
Texas, Erath County, Precinct No. 7, Part of JP No 12
Enumerated 21 April 1910
SD 12 ED 26 Sheet 4A
Wright, Ben Hd 25 M1 6 Tx Tx Tx General Farming
Wright, Doxie Wf 24 m1 6 2/2 Ga NC Ga
Wright, Nadine Dtr F 4 Tx Tx Ga
Wright, Roswell Son M W 2 Tx Tx Ga
1920 Census
Texas, Hamilton County, Hico, JP 3
Enumerated 5 February 1920
SD 11 ED 94 Sheet 8A
Wright, B.H. Hd M W 36 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Wright, Doxie Wf F W 35 M Tx NC Ga
Wright, Nadine Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Roswell Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Woodrow Son M W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Curtis Son M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
1930 Census
Texas. Hamilton County, JP 3
Enumerated April 15, 1930
ED 97-6 SD 15 Sheets 7A & 7B Stamped 78
Henry C and Isora C WRIGHT
Wright, Benn H Hd M W 45 M19 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Wright, Doxie Wf W 44 M 17 Ga NC Ga
Wright, Roswell E Son M W 22 S Tx Tx Ga Laborer General Farm
Wright, Woodrow W Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Ga
Wright, Curtis Son M W 15 S Tx Tx Ga
Name: Cecil Wright Titles: Residence: Knobel town, Clay, Arkansas Birth Date: Jun 1898 Birthplace: Arkansas Relationship to Head-of-Household: Daughter Spouse Name: Spouse Titles: Spouse Birth Place: Father Name: Albert Wright Father Titles: Father Birthplace: Missouri Mother Name: Emma Wright Mother Titles: Mother Birthplace: Indiana Race or Color (expanded): White Head-of-household Name: Albert Wright Gender: Female Marital Status: Single Years Married: Estimated Marriage Year: Mother How Many Children: Number Living Children: Immigration Year: Enumeration District: 0004 Sheet Number and Letter: 5B Household ID: 90 Reference Number: 65 GSU Film Number: 1240053 Image Number: 00597 Collection: United States Census, 1900
1920 Census
Arkansas, Lawrence County, Campbell Twp
Enumerated 2 Jan 1920
SD 2 ED 78 Sheet 2B
Busick, George Head M W 24 M Ark Ark Ark Fireman Power Plant
Busick, Cecil Wf F W 21 M Ark Mo Ind
1930 Census
Texas, Jasper County, JP 1
Enumerated 25 Apr 1930
ED 121-2 SD 19 Sheet 8B
Picknell, Frank Head M W 43 M 21 Ill Ga Ill Mechanic
Picknell, Cecil Wf F W 31 m 17 Ark Mo Ill
Busick, Clay Stepson M W 9 S Ark Ark Ark
Busick, Alice Gene Stepdtr F W 5 S Ark Ark Ark
Art Peck showed that he was born and died in Cass City. Janet Wright instead lists his places of birth and death as Sanilac County, Michigan. Janet shows that he worked as a finish carpenter. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer prior to his death.
The Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, May 22, 1958
Page One
Body of Charles Wright Found in Car Saturday
The body of Charles A. Wright, 49, of Deford was found Saturday morning after he had been reported missing since Monday. Bad Axe State Police who investigated said that the body was found in a car behind an abandoned cabin, three quarter of a mile east of M-53 on Seeger Road in Sanilac County.
A report by the Sanilac County coroner ruled that the death was caused by carbon monixide poisoning and that Mr. Wright was a suicide victim. He died sometime Wednesday.
Police said that her ran a radiator house from the exhaust into a vacuum cleaner hose which was placed throught he back window into the car.
Surviving besides his wife are 13 children; Delbert, John, Darlene, Katherine, Carol and Philllip at home; Robert of Kingston; Richard of Wilmot; Mrs. Harold Mills, Deford; Mrs. Roger Guinther, Cass Cit, and James, Charles and Mrs. John Mannarino, all of Detroit.
Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m. at Little's Funeral Home. Rev. R. G. Weckle,, pastor of the Baptist Church, Cass City, officiated.
Burial was in Elkland Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, June 2009)
1870 Census
Alabama, Pike County, Beat No. 3, Post Office China Grove
Enumerated 5 August 1870
Stamped 289
Wright, Samuel 22 M W Farmer $160 $100 Ala
Wright, Queen M 24 F W Alabama
Mathews, Henry 33 M W Farmer $-- $100 Ala
Mathews, Queen M 22 F W Alabama
Mathews, Lovetta 1 F W Alabama
HH 146
Wilson and Louisa McLemore
Thompson, Saml 23 M W Farming Ga
Thompson, Queen S 20 F M Keeping House Alabama
Father of Douglas G. WRIGHT, whose obituary follows:
MISSOULA - Douglas G. Wright, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, passed away peacefully from complications of leukemia, on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010, with his loving family by his side.
Doug began his life in Lubbock, Texas, on March 24, 1943, born to Clarence and Billie Wright. He was one of five children who grew up in Vancouver, Wash. He has made Missoula his home since 1963.
He lived life to the fullest with his loving wife Phyllis, creating a lifetime of memo-ries during their years together. They shared a special companionship, enjoying many of the same passions, some of which were antiquing, rock hounding and, of course, Doug's favorite, Steelhead fishing. They were never at a loss for things to talk about.
Doug will always be remembered for his passion for life, love of people and his incredible walk with the Lord.
Doug's legacy includes his soul mate, Phyllis Wright; son Curtis Wright; daughters, Cari Thrapp, Corin Schneider, Trena Gauci (Michael), Ronlyn Howe (Scott), Morgan Barndt (Jim), and Lynette Kerpon(Dave); sisters, Eva Schram, Shirley Gilbert, and Dot Warner (Jim); as well as 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
A celebration of his life will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13, at the Christian Life Center in Missoula, with a refreshment reception to immediately follow.
The Sabine County Reporter
November 9, 1994, Page 9
Funeral services for Cynthia Elvira Jordan, 80, of Pineland were held at 2 p.m. Monday, November 7, 1994, at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Ferel Little and Bro. Clarence Campbell officiating. Interment followed at new Centerview Cemetery near Pineland.
She died Saturday, Nov. 5, 1994, at her residence on the Martin Cemtery road.
Born Aug. 7, 1914 in San Augustine County as a daughter of the late Will and Ophelia (Carrico) Wright, she was a former longtime resident of Pasadena before returning to the Pineland area in 1976. Mrs. Jordan was a member of the United Methodist Church and the retired owner/operator of Cinderella Florist in Pasadena.
Survivors: husband, William A. "Bill" Jordan of Pineland; three sons, William Harold Jordan of Highlands, Larry Jordan of Houston, and Terry Paul Jordan of Atlanta, Georgia; a sister, Ruby Richberg of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; three brothers, Joel David Wright of Houston, and John Wright and Obid Wright, both of Pineland; eight grandchildren; and twelve great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Mike Wright, Randy Wright, Terry Wright, Barry Wright, James Jordan, and Emanuel Jordan.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2009)
Darlene was a member of the Women of the Moose chapter # 1633 in St Louis. She enjoyed flowers, birds, and going to rummage and yard sales. Dalene loved her children and grandchildren and spending time with her family. Darlene was survived by her children: Joseph (Barbara) Peters of St. Louis, Mich., James (KellyTurner) Peters of St. Louis, Mich., Vanessa Coffin of St. Louis, Mich., Katherine (Eric McGill) Peters of St. Louis, Michigan; Several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Memorial service held Monday, April 18, 2005 in Kranz Funeral Home, Cass City with Rev. M. Louise Wright of First Spiritual Church of Bay City officiating. Interment will be in Elkland Township Cemetery, Cass City. Information from the obituary.
Ethelean Randolph, 84, died Thursday evening in her home in Rosevine, Texas. She was born in Sabine County to Mack and Mary Lee Chambers Wright. Ethelean was a homemaker and had owned and operated Randolph's Grocery Store in Rosevine. She was a member of the Rosevine Baptist Church.
Mrs. Randolph is survived by her son Elmer Lee Randolph and his wife Gladystine of Rosevine, her daughter Sandra Sue Turner and her husband Calvin of Tenaha, a brother Billy Ray Wright of Hemphill, a sister Rosa Ann Clark of Hemphill, five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 5:00PM until 9:00PM, Saturday, Oct. 13, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Funeral services we be held at 2:00PM, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the Rosevine Cemetery.
Courtesy Starr Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, October 17, 2012, Page 11
Art Peck wrote that he was killed by an enraged bull. However, from his obituary, transcribed below, this does not appear to have been the case.
Cass City Chronicle
October 19, 1923
Page 5
Fred Wright Died at Bad Axe October 11
Frederic E. Wright passed away Thursday, October 11, at Bad Axe hospital. Mr. Wright was taken sick Sunday, October 7, and taken to the hospital Monday, where he was immediately operated upon for ulcer of the stomach. Until late Wednesday his condition was most favorable, when he developed pneumonia and passed away the following day. Mr. Wright has been a patient sufferer with stomach trouble for several years.
Frederic Eldred Wright was born in Greenleaf November 23, 1878, and has always lived in this township. On August 10, 1904, he was united in marriage with Miss Laurel C. Kolb, who passed away July 31, 1917. Mr. Wright was a kind father and a good neighbor and will be greatly missed in this community.
He leaves to mourn his sudden death hsi four sons, Morley, Charles, Maurice and Eldred, three brothers, Philip Wright of Oscoda, Mich., John Wright of Greenleaf, Albert Wright of Detroit; three sisters, Mrs. Mary M. Caldwell, Mrs. Emily J. Ferrin, Mrs. Minnie A. McConnell, all of Detroit, many nephews and nieces and a host of sorrowing friends.
Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and daughters, Misses Gertrude, Alice and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. William Wright and sons, Billy and George, Mrs. Emily Ferrin, Mrs. Minnie McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolb, Mrs. Walter Markin, all of Detroit, Mrs. E.F. Wright and sons, Alvin and Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Frahm, Miss Myrtle Wright and Dwight Barnes of Pontiac.
Funeral services were held Saturday, October 13 with Rev. Newberry officiating and interment made in Elkland Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, summer 2007)
Janet Wright provided the following transcription of his death certificate:
Death certificate: October 13, 1923, He was under the care of Frank Morris MD, cause of death was Lobar Pneumonia following an operation for stomach ulcer. The surgery took place on Oct 8th at the Bad Axe Hospital. Fred died at 1 pm on Oct 12, 1923. Date of birth was Nov 24 1877.
Melba Gene McLemore writes that Garl and Pet moved back to his old homestead to raise not only their children, but his young half sister, Annie Clara, who was 23 years his junior.
Texas, Dallas County, Justice Pr. No. 2
Enumerated 12 June 1900
SD 6 ED 129 Sheet 8A Stamped 219
Wright, G.G. Hd W M Mch? 1872 28 M 6 Tn Tn Tn Farmer
Wright, Winnie Wf W F Mch? 1876 M 6 2/1 Ky Ky Va
Wright, Mamie Dtr W F April 1898 2 S Tx Ky Ten
Gallhugh?, Jane M-in-L W F Aug 1857 45 Wd 4/4 Va Ky Va Boar
1910 Census
Texas, Hamilton County, JP No 2
Enumerated 28 Apr 1910
SD 22 ED 73 Sheet 12A
Wright, Garl C Hd M W 35 M1 10 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Wright, Pettus Wf F W 29 M1 5/5 Tx Mo Tx
Wright, Winnie Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Herman Son M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Ennie Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Vernon Son M W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Viola Dtr F W 1 2/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Annie Sister F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Texas, Hamilton County, JP 8
Enumerated 9 Jan 1920
SD 11 ED 100 Sheet 1B
Wright, Garl. C Hd M W 43 M Tx Tx SC Farmer
Wright, Winnie P Wf F W 39 M Tx Mo
Wright, Winnie F Dtr F W 19 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Herman R Son M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Vernon W Son M W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Viola G Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Evelyn L Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Cleo C Dtr F W 4 O/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, G.C. Jr. Son M W 1 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Annie C Sister F W 21 S Tx Tx SC
1930 Census
Texas, Hamilton County, JP 8
Enumerated April 12, 1930
ED 97-12 SD 15 Sheet 10A Stamped 144
Wright, Garl C Hd M W 54 M 23 Tx Tn Tn Farmer
Wright, Winnie P Wf F W Tx US Tx
Wright, Viola Dtr F W 20 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Evelyn Dtr F W 16 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Cleo Dtr F W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, G.D. Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Roy G Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
She was listed in 2019 and in 2020 as "Helen Minnis of Rosevine"---surviving her daughter Rose Nell Beard and her son Larry Horn.
Helen Louise Minnis, 94, of Rosevine, Texas passed away Sunday, January 3, 2021 in Hemphill Care Center.
Helen was born on December 10, 1926 in Rosevine, Texas to Luther Wright and Julia Drawhorn [???, other sources show PARMER] Wright. She had been a resident of Rosevine during her early years and then again in her retirement. She lived in the Houston and the Kingsville area through most of her working years. She was certified in credit and operating systems for Goodyear. She had worked as a secretary in the medical field and specifically enjoyed her work at Dr. Haley's office. She always said that she loved to work.
She was a member of the Rosevine Baptist Church. She loved the Lord and her church. She enjoyed and found beauty in all things - people, flowers, clothes, fingernails, hair, and makeup. She loved gardening, canning, and taking care of her place with her husband, Lyman. She missed him everyday since his passing and longed to be with him again.
She is survived by her grandchildren, Vic Sowell and wife, Barbara, of Palestine, Teresa Boyett and husband, Kelley of Hemphill, Lora Horn of Tyler, Kurt Horn of California, Lisa Williams of Tyler, and Lynna Tomlin and husband, Paul, of Henderson; great grandchildren, Krystle, James, Tara, Tessa, Thomas and wife, Faith, Conner, Jace, Cameron, Cori, Rileigh, and Elijah; and great-great grandchildren, Raina, Zerenity, Benjamin, Gavin, Theodore, Devin, and Elli.
Graveside services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 9, 2021 in Rosevine Cemetery under the direction of Starr Funeral Home with Bro. Floyd Wright and Bro. Cliff Durham officiating.
Condolences can be made and guest book may be signed online at
1930 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP No. 6
WS 202-8 SD 19, Sheet 8A Stamped 99
Wright, Ira Head M W 40 M 20 Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Wright, Vera Wf F W 24 m 18 Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Irene Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Audrie Son (sic) M (sic) W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Evelyn Dtr F W 3 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Delbert Son M W 1 S Tx Tx Tx
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 on shows that he served in the Air Force from 16 Jun 1948 to 30 Sep 1969.
The Sabine County Reporter
January 31, 1996, Page 14
Iverna White Few
Iverna White Few, 57, of Jasper died Thursday, Jan. 24, 1996, at her residence following an illness.
Born Juen 23, 1938, in Hebron community as a daughter of Winnie Hickman Wright Coward and the late Freddie Wright, she had lived in Jasper since 1986 and was a former longtime resident of the Hemphill/Pineland area. Mrs. Few was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a nurse with the Texas Department of Corrections and previouly with Jasper Memorial Hospital.
She was intiated as a member of the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter at Hemphill in 1968 and had since become affiliated with the Jasper and Woodville chapters.
Survivors: sons, Larry White of Bryan and Bruce White and Tracy White, both of Hemphill, a daughter, Penni COFTY of Jasper; her mother, Winnie Coward of Jasper; two brothers, Belma Wright of Livingston and Orville Wright of Onalaska; a sister, Lutie M. DAVIS of Jasper; and nine grnachildren.
She was preceded in death by a son, Billy David White.
Funeral services wer held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the First United Methodist Church, Jasper, with Dr. Jerry Neff and Bro. Vance R. Purtell officiating. Interment was at Jasper Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements were handled by Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home - Jasper.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2011)
James Wright was a member of the Mt. Hermon Baptist Church in Lincoln County, Tennessee by 1840.
Middle name sometimes shown as HARRISON.
Melba Gene McLemore found a Power of Attorney from James Wright to William H. Ragsdale, proven by oath of John WILLY and John ISOM, GI Cty., TN Cty. Ct. Min. p 201.
Will Johnson shows him, apparently in error, as dying after 1870 in Illinois. This contradicts the research of both Douglas Wright and Melba Gene McLemore, who both show his death much earlier, Doug Wright shows he died in Hamilton County, Texas whereas Melba Gene shows he died in Mississippi. He is not listed with his wife and children at the time of the 1860 Rusk County, Texas census.
Douglas Wright shows that he died young, ca 1860 in Hamilton County, Texas. Will Johnson has a later date of death, after 1880, also in Hamilton County. However, Melba Gene McLemore has him marrying Ada Cannefax in 1888, putting his date of death later still. Additionally, a James and Ada Wright can be found in Hamilton County, Texas as of the 1910 cenus. By 1920, Ada was widowed, and living with a son, George, and daughter Eula, who had also been widowed.
1880 Census
Living with his brother and sister-in-law, William and Marg
aret WRIGHT, in Hamilton County, Texas.
1900 Census
not located
1910 Census
Texas, Hamilton County, JP No 8
Enumerated 16 April 1910
SD 11 ED 73 Sheet 2A
Hico & Carlton
HH 18-19
Wright, Jimmie (age 19, TX) and Cora (age 17, Tx), married 1 year <--Perhaps a son of James and Ada's?
HH 19-20
Wright, James Head M W 54 m1 26 Tx Tn Tn Farmer
Wright, Ada Wife F W 47 m1 26 9/9 Tx Tx Mo
Wright, Jessie W Son M W 14 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, George Son M W 12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Eula Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Ada Dtr F W 7 S Tx Tx Tx
1920 Census
Texas, Hamilton County, Hico
Ada Wright 58 Tx Widow
Eula Moss 20 Tx Dtr Widow
George Wright 22 Tx Son Single
(Index listing only, unable to pull up image on
The History of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (author John Belisle, The Sabine Banner Press, 1912) states that "in 1860 the white population of Sabine Parish numbers about four thousant, and there were less than two thousand slaves. There were few really wealthy people in the parish, and many owned not more than one of two slaves." The owners of six or more in 1861 included Jesse Wright.
1850 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish
Enumerated 10 Sept 1850
Jesse Wright 41 M Farmer $18,000 Tenn
Milberry Wright 45 F La
John O Anthony 21 M Farmer La
Christopher Anthony 19 M None La
James Anthony 16 M None La
Catharine Anthony 14 F La
Marion Anthony 9 M La
Thos. J Wright 4 M La
Wm. M. Anthony 23 M Farmer $2000 La
1850 Census
Tennessee, Lincoln County, Subdivision 2
Enumerated 27 Sept 1850 by Alfred Bearden
Stamped 35
Joel Wright 32 M Shoe Maker Ky
Jane 24 F Tenn
James 6 M Tenn
Benjamin 4 M Tenn
Permelia 4 F Tenn
John 11/12 M Tenn
1860 Census
Missouri, Lawrence County, Buck Prarie Twp, P.O. Hall
Enumerated 30 July 1860 by J W Payne
HH 978-938
Joel Wright 47 M Farmer $--- $400 Tenn
Jane Wright 37 F
James Wright 20 M Farmer
Benjamin Wright 18 M
Permelia Wright 15 F
John Wright 12 M Attended School
Greene Wright 10 M Attended School
Isaac Wright 4 M Attended School
Wilson Wright 4/12 M Mo
HH 979-939
John A. Swan 21 M Farmer $--- $50 Tenn
Julia Swan 26 F ----
Mary G Swan 5/12 F Mo
Julia Swan MIGHT be a sister of Joel's
1870 Census
Illinois, Jackson County, The Precinct of Ridge
Enumerated 19 July 1870, P.O. Carbondale
Freeman, Jas W 30 M W Farmer Tenn
Freeman, Permialia 25 F W Keeping House Tenn
Wright, Wilson 9 M W Tenn
Wright, William 15 M W Tenn
Wright, Benjamin 27 M W Farmer Tenn
Wright, Julia 26 F W Keeping House Tenn
Wright, Laura 6 F W Ind
Wright, William 3 M W Ill
Thompson, Isaac 12 M W Ill
Joel David Wright, 65, of Houston died Saturday, Feb. 11, 1995.
Mr. Wright was a native of Sabine County and had lived in the Houston area for several years.
Survivors: wife, Mary Wright of Houston: three sons, Terry Wright, Michael Wright, and Randy Wright; a daughter, Lisa; two brothers, John Wright and Obid Wright, both of Pineland; a sister, Ruby Richburg of Oklahoma City; and a granddaughter.
He was buried Tuesday at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Houston.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2009)
John Wright passed away Tuesday, January 5, 2020 at CHRISTUS Jasper Memorial Hospital in Jasper, Texas.
A resident of Jasper, Texas for the past 7 years, John was a native of Pineland, Texas, and a former resident of Tyler, Texas. John liked building wooden framed buildings and homes. John was formerly employed by Georgia Pacific - Weyerhaeuser. He also served our country in the U.S. Army as a medic from 1958 through 1963.
John is survived by his two sons, Greg Wright & his wife Kerry Lynn of Fort Worth, Texas and Barry Wright & his wife Robin Loraine of Jasper, Texas; sister, Thettie Purtell & husband Vance of Fort Worth, Texas; eleven grandchildren, Clayton Hood, Adam Hood, Cameron Hood, Stephen Wright, Braedon Wright, Andrew Wright, Vivian Wright, Jonah Wright, Jaxson Wright, Ellie Wright, and Victoria Charlton; and three great grandchildren, Breelyn Hood, Everett Hood and Emma Hood.
He was preceded in death by his parents John Wesley and Bennie Dell Wright; his wife of 44 years, JoAnn Brown Wright; and his brother, Narrel Wright.
Services are under the direction of Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home of Jasper.
To protect each other from COVID-19 infection we ask that you comply with CDC Social Distancing Guidelines as well as Governor Greg Abbott's request that a face covering be utilized before entering this facility. Funerals are currently a public event being held during the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. When you attend any public event, you are acknowledging risk of exposure. For guidelines go to
Downloaded from Stringer and Griffin Funeral Home, also published in The Sabine County Reporter, January 20, 2021, page 4
1920 Census
Texas, Wilbarger County, Oklaunion Pr. 8
Enumerated 12 January 1920
SD 13 ED 143 Sheet 2A Stamped 267
Wright, John H Hd M W 32 M Tx Tx Tx Farmer
Wright, Lillian L Wf F W 31 M Tn Tn Tn
Wright, Lillian L Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tn
John served in the U.S. Army from January 11, 1966 to January 10, 1968. He received his honorable discharge as a Spec 4. During his time in the service he was a Radio Tel-Operator communications specialist. John received the national Defense Service medal, Vietnam Service medal, Good Conduct medal and Sharpshooter (rifle M-14) IOS Bar. After returning from Vietnam, John worked at Pontiac Motors. After his marriage to Louise,on Nov 29, 1969 at the Fraser Presbyterian Church, he worked for Walbro Corporation in Cass City for 29 years. John enjoyed Hunting, fishing, golfing, and woodworking. He enjoyed watching football, especially the Detroit Lions and the Michigan Wolverines. He was a member of the Cass City VFW post # 3644. John truly loved spending time with his grandchildren. Funeral service was held at 11:00am Thursday July 15 2004 in the Kranz Funeral Home, Cass City, with Rev. Marlin Brown of the First Spiritual Episcopal Church of Owosso officiation. Interment will take place in the Elkland Township Cemetery . Pall bearers for Mr Wright : Scott Hutchinson, Don McGREGOR, Steve Wright, Stacy Wright, Scott Cook, Jeff Naegele and Dan Guinther.
In her annotated transcription of the Rosevine Cemetery, Kay Parker McCary shows him as the son of John Thomas WRIGHT and Rosa Jane STREETER, and that his tombstone was a double with his second wife, Marta. E. Wright, his first wife being Mollie Irene Davidson.
His tomb indicated he was a Mason, and was inscribed "His words were kindred and his deeds were love. His spirit humble He rests above."
The Sabine County Reporter
August 16, 1995, Page 10
John Wright
John Wesley Wright, 85, of 103 Cherry St., Pineland, died Monday, Aug. 14, 1995, at Medical Center Hospital in Nacogdoches.
Wright was born July 24, 1910, in San Augustine County as a son of the late Charlotte (Carrico) and Isaac William Wright and was a member of the Pineland Church of God. He was a lifelong resident of the Pineland area and was retired from the dry kiln operation of Temple-Inland Forest Products Inc. in Pineland.
Survivors: wife, Bennie Dell (Hinkle) Wright of Pineland; a daughter, Thettie Janice Purtell of Arlington; a son, John Earl Wright of Coppell, Texas; a sister, Ruby Richburg of Oklahoma City; a brother, Obad Wright of Pineland; eight grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. today (Wednesday) at the chapel of Starr Funeral Home Inc. in Hemphill with Bro. Clarence Campbell, Bro. Tommy Walker, and Bro. Vance R. Purtell Sr. officiating. Interment will be at Pineland City Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, May 2009)
NEVADA - Graveside services for Johnnie Algeretia Wright Chance, 83, of Nevada, are scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday at Liberty Hill Memorial Gardens.
Mrs. Chance was born April 17, 1926, and passed away Aug. 28, 2009. She was wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; five brothers; three sisters; and two great-great-grandchildren.
She is survived by children, John, Betty, Stephen, Kathy, Teresa, Lisa and Toni; brother, Tony Wright; 15 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grand.
Mrs. Chance retired from Dallas Independent School District.
Thanks to Misty Odom Hornsby, Vistacare, Dennis Ochoa and Raquel Sandoval for the loving and compassionate care.
Thanks for the memories, Mother.
Published in Tyler Morning Telegraph on August 29, 2009
Shown on Tammy Bryant's online FamilyTreeMaker tree at as a daughter of Lester Burton WRIGHT and Verna Mae DAVIS.
On her annotated transcription of the Gravel Hill Cemetery index, Kay Parker McCary notes that she was the daughter of James Benton and Willie Wright. She shares a double headstone with her first husband, William E. "Pete" Laird, and was married second to George Strange.
He married Dilla SHAW. They were the parents of 14 children. They raised four sons, Wisey Ernest, Buford Earl, Cicero Hazel, and Wayland. Another son, Audry Eugene died at the age of one year. Nine daughters survived and married: Odessa Fanita ATKINSON, Ruth Susie ALLISON, Winnie Mae STARNES, Adeline Magie PUGH, Maggie Lee ALLEN, Opal Joe BELCHER GRIMLAND, Rachel LANGE, Ruby Nell WALKER, and Bobbie Joe HERN.
In 1996, the family celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first K.J. WRIGHT family reunion, from July 5 through July 7 in Breckenridge at the Pugh Ranch. At that time, there were 326 direct descendants of Keaton and Dilla. The first family reunion was held at the Wright home in Rochester, Haskell County, when their son, Cicero was coming home from the service in 1946.
(Excerpted from a scan of a newspaper article from the Thursday, June 27, 1996 THROCKMORTON TRIBUNE titled "Keaton & Dillo Wright -1946," courtesy of Melba Gene McLemore)
Note, the DOD in the above article and on the Texas Death Index vary by four days. I used the DOD on the Texas Death Index.
1900 Census
Texas, Hamilton, JP 8
A Keaton Wright, age 17, was listed as a farm laborer and b
oarder in the home of James and McDaniel. He was shown as born in May 1883 in Texas, to parents born in Mississippi and Alabama. This is possibly a different Keaton Wright, perhaps a cousin?
1910 Census
Texas, Wilbarger County, JP 4
Enumerated 16 April 1910
SD 18 ED 240 Sheet 1B
Wright, Keton J Hd M W 28 m1 Tx Tx Tx Farmr
Wright, Dilla Wf F W 24 m1 5 3/3 Tx Ms Tx
Wright, Odesia Dtr F W 4 S Tx Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Y.Z. Son M W 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Audrey Son M W 11/12 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, John H Brother M W 23 S Tx Tx Tx Farm Laborer
1920 Census
Texas, Throckmorton County, Woodson, J.P. 3
Enumerated January 1920
SD 13, ED 111, Sheet 3A, Stamped 23
Family 30
Wright, K.J. Hd 39 M Tx Tx Us Farmer General
Wright, Dilla Wf 34 M Tx Tx Us
Wright, Odesie Dtr 14 S US US US (note, Texas was orig. written and then crossed through)
Wright, Wiley Son 12 S US US US (note, Texas was orig. written and then crossed through)
Wright, Ruth Dtr 9 Tx
Wright, Buford Son 7 Tx
Wright, Winnie Dtr 5 Tx
Wright, Adaline Dtr 4 1/12 Tx
Wright, Winnie (sic) 2 8/12 Tx
Wright, ------ Dtr 1/12 Tx
1930 Census
Texas, Throckmorton County, Pr. 3
Enumerated April 8, 1930 by Mrs. Esther P. Tuggle
ED 224-4 SD 8-4 Sheet 2A Stamped 253
(bottom of page)
April 9 35-36
Wright, Keet J Hd M W 49 M23 Tx Ark SC
Wright, Dilla D Wf F W 47 M 21 Tx Miss Tx
Wright, Ruth R Dtr F W 20 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Buford E Son M W 19 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Winnie M Dtr F W 17 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Adaline Dtr F W 15 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Maggie L Dtr F W 13 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Opal Dtr F W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Sheet 2B (top of page)
Wright, Cisno Son M W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Rachael Dtr F W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Ruby N Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Wright, Bobbie G Son (sic) M W 1 11/12 Tx Tx Tx
Said to be a daughter of Rev. John Wesley Wright and Cynthia Elvira Gary.
From FindAGrave:
Larrissa Cordelia Wright, called "Delia" as a girl, Cordelia when grown, Irenia Opheilia Wright, Cynthia Sarah Wright and Isaac William Wright were reared by twice widowed maternal Grandma Mary (Carter) Gary Loggins (born TN). Mary Loggins loved them, taught them Christian values and that family meant everything. They became fine young people, decent, honest and hard working. The girls knew how to cook great meals and how to maintain a home. They all helped her on her farm and somehow they managed even during those hard times.
Larrissa Cordelia Wright married Charles Ayers "Jack" Wood, a young farmer. "Jack" and Cordelia Wood and their children lived with Grandma Mary Ann Jackson (Carter) [Gary] Loggins.
In 1880, L.S/(T?) Wright and wife Mary J. were living in San Augustine County with their two oldest sons, John M and Thomas, along with three of his younger brothers, Jas.F.; Moncho; and Lonzo.
In 1900, he and Mary Jane, along with 9 children are living in Sabine County. Lloyd is a farmer. They live near Rush and Alice Birdwell and John and Celesta Fullen, as well as close to the widowed Mary A. Keller, born in South Carolina in Dec 1833.
In 1910 he is still in Sabine County, with six of his children, and three granddaughters, Florence and Era DRAWHORN and Leitha SHARVANO. Daughters Rosa's last name is also listed as SHARVANO. (All three daughters of Rosa?).
name: Luther Lee Wright
death date: 17 Jun 1963
death place: San Augustine, San Augustine, Texas
gender: Male
race: White
death age: 58 years 8 months 16 days
estimated birth date:
birth date: 01 Oct 1904
birthplace: Texas
marital status: Married
spouse's name:
father's name: Thomas Wright
father's birthplace:
mother's name: Mattie Drawhorn
mother's birthplace:
occupation: Highway Worker
place of residence: Bronson, Sabine, Texas
cemetery: Rosevine
burial place: Rosevine, Texas
burial date: 18 Jun 1963
Informant: Mrs. Julia Wright
additional relatives:
film number: 2117288
digital film number: 4028547
image number: 2405
reference number: cn40236
Collection: "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," Luther Lee Wright, 1963
(Transcribed from undated, unreferenced clipping on his FindAGrave memorial page)
Luther Wright Dies; Rites Set
Funeral is Today at 4 For Resident of Rosevine
San Augustine, Jun 17 Spl
Funeral Services for Luther Lee Wright, 58, of the Rosevine Community, 12 miles south of San Augustine, will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Rosevine Baptist Church.
The Rev. Clarence Howell will officiate. Assisting will be the Rev. Noel Hammock. Burial will be in the Rosevine Cemtery. The Wyman Roberts Funeral Home of San Augustine is in charge of arrangements.
Graveside Rites
The Bronson Masonic Lodge, of which Mr. Wright was a member, will conduct graveside rites.
Mr. Wright died at 8 a.m. Monday in San Augustine Memorial Hospital following a long illness.
Native of Rosevine
He was an employee of the Texas Highway Department in Sabine County. He was born in the Rosevine Community, Oct. 1, 1904 and was a Baptist.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julia Wright, Rosevine; three daughters, Mrs. Vergie Lee Roberts, Houston, Mrs. Verlyn Baber, Beaumont, and Mrs. Helen Bigley, Kingsville; one son, Winfred Wright, Rosevine; two sisters, Mrs. Madie Jordan, Beaumont, and Mrs. Hazel Sowell, Nacogdoches; two brothers, Arthur Wright, Beaumont, and Leon Wright, Houston; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
1940 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 6
Enumerated April 26, 1940
SD 42-2 ED 202-9 Sheet 12A
Steep Creek Road
O $900
Wright, Luther Head M W 34 M 7 Tx Same Place Farmer
Wright, Julia Wf F W 32 M 6 Tx Same Place
Wright, Virgie Dtr F W 16 S Tx Same Place Student Public School
Wright, Verlene Dtr F W 14 S Tx Same Place Student Public School
Wright, Helen Dtr F W 13 Tx Same Place
Wright, Winifred Son M W 5 S Same Place
Services for Lutie Mae Davis, 86, of Lufkin, will be held in the Gipson Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in the Hebron Cemetery.
Mrs. Davis was born April 2, 1927 in San Augustine County, Texas and passed away November 25, 2013.
Published in The Lufkin Daily News on Nov. 27, 2013
Services for Lutie Davis, 86, of Lufkin, will be held in the Gipson Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. P. A. DuBose and Tracy Lane officiating. Interment will follow in the Hebron Cemetery in Broaddus.
Mrs. Davis was born April 2, 1927 in San Augustine County, Texas, the daughter of the late Winnie Iverna (Hickman) and Elbert Freddy Wright, and passed away November 25, 2013.
She attended school in Broaddus and at Massey School. She graduated from Vocational Nursing School at Memorial Hospital in Nacogdoches in 1967. She fulfilled a lifetime career of nursing until she retired in 2009. She married Riley Davis in 1941. She loved traveling, dancing and had a big heart. She was a loving mother and grandmother. Mrs. Davis was a member of Kelty's Baptist Church and Eastern Star Chapter # 291 in Jasper.
She is survived by daughter, Mildred White (Hemphill); son and daughter-in-law, Roy and Judy Davis (Lufkin); daughter and son-in-law, Charlotte and Larry Havard (Zavalla); daughter and son-in-law, Sharon and Weldon Hunter (Diboll); brother, Orville Wright (Livingston); 11 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and cousins; and special friends, Sara Costello and Wayne Small.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by husband, Riley Davis; son, Elbert Davis; 4 grandchildren; two sisters and one brother.
1940 Census
Texas, Sabine County, JP 6
Enumerated April 16, 1940
SD 42-2 ED 202-9 Sheets 7A and 7B
Rosevine to Gravel Hill Road
R 10
Wright, Mack Head M W 52 M Tx Same House Carpenter
Wright, Mary Lee Wf F W 45 M Tx Same House Housewife
Wright, Morgan Son M W 21 S Tx Same House Laborer Farm
Wright, Louise Dtr F W 17 S Tx Sam House Student
Wright, Theo Son M W 14 S Tx Same House Student
Wright, Ethelene Dtr F W 11 S Tx Same House
Wright, Billie Rae Son M W 9 S Tx Same House
Wright, Rosa Ann Dtr F W 6 S Tx Same House
It is possible that her middle name is Ambria, which is how she is referred to in the obituary of her daughter, Dorothy. Furthermore, it appears that both her mother, and namesake daughter Marion, used the name Ambria. However, on census records, in the obituary of her son Herbert Lee Chapman, and on her tombstone, she is instead simply listed as "Mother, Marion Caie, 1877-1918."
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
James M. Trendel March 17, 2010, 1:21 am
Cemetery: DeWitt Cemetery
Name: Marion Caie
Date Of Photograph: September 19, 2009
Photo can be seen at:
Image file size: 118.7 Kb
Past and Present of Greene County, Missouri
Early and Recent History and Genealogical Records of Many of the Representative Citizens
Jonathan Fairbanks and Clyde Edwin Tuck
MARION D. WRIGHT. The record of the successful self-made man is always interesting and instructive. It encourages those who have been held back by an unfavorable early environment. There are a great many people abroad in the land who would make a great deal more of their opportunities and make themselves useful citizens if they had the proper encouragement at the right time. The life record of Marion D. Wright is one that should be read with interest and profit by many who have become discouraged on life's rugged highway, for we find that Mr. Wright has forged his way to the front in the face of adversity and with no outside assistance. He was for some time one of the successful merchants of Walnut Grove and is now classed among the most progressive general farmers and stock men of the northwestern part of Greene county.
Mr. Wright was born in Polk county, Missouri, November 28, 1861. He is a son of John and Mary (Wood) Wright, both natives of that county also, the father's birth occurring in 1835, and the mother's in 1842. They grew to maturity in their native community, were educated in the old-time subscription schools and were married there and established their home on a farm. John Wright spent most of his life in Polk county, but lived in the West several years. He owned a good-sized farm in Polk county where he carried on general farming until the breaking out of the Civil war when he enlisted in the Union army and died while in the service, at Arlington Hospital, Pilot Knob, Missouri, in October, 1862. Politically, he was a strong Republican and pronounced in his views on public affairs. He was a member of the Turkey Creek Baptist church, and was a highly respected citizen and well known among the early settlers. He had but the one child, Marion D. Wright, of this sketch. The mother of our subject was a daughter of Isaac and Susanna (Vaughn) Wood, both natives of cast Tennessee, from which country they emigrated to Polk county, Missouri, in an early day and established the family home on a farm. Mrs. Mary Wright remarried and is now living in Walnut Grove.
John Wright enlisted in Company L, Sixth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, for three years, but died from exposure soon afterwards.
Marion D. Wright spent his boyhood days on the home farm in Polk county, and he worked hard when growing to manhood during crop seasons, attending the district schools during the winter months. When eighteen years of age he entered the Southwest Baptist College at Bolivar, Missouri, and took a four-years' course, making an excellent record. After leaving college he returned home and resumed work on the farm, but soon thereafter he went to Walnut Grove and began in the general merchandise business and flour milling, which lines of endeavor he conducted with ever increasing success and satisfaction until 1902, in which year he sold out and bought the farm of one hundred and eighty-three acres where he now resides. He has made many improvements, such as erecting a silo and out-buildings, fences, etc., until he now has one of the valuable, productive and desirable farms, of the county, which is well located near the thriving town of Walnut Grove. In connection with general farming he raises a good grade of live stock of which he is an excellent judge, and he is regarded as one of the most progressive general farmers in this section of Greene county as well as one of the most substantial and successful citizens, a man who has done much for the general good of the community.
Mr. Wright was married on December 23, 1886, to Maggie McLemore, a daughter of Andrew Jackson McLemore, and Dialtha (Alexander) McLemore, long one of the prominent families of this section of the Ozarks. Mrs. Wright was born in Christian county, Missouri, and she received her education in the common schools.
Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wright, namely: Dean lives in Walnut Grove; Reu, Thomas, Dialtha, Marian and Laura Mae, all at home with their parents, but the eldest.
Politically, Mr. Wright is a Republican, and while he has never been an office holder he has been influential in public affairs of his locality, and his support may always be depended upon in furthering any movements in the community calculated to be of general good, in material, civic or moral matters. Fraternally he belongs to the Masonic order at Walnut Grove. He and. his wife are members of the Baptist church at Walnut Grove, he having been clerk of the local congregation since its organization in 1903, and is a pillar in his church. He is a broad-minded, well-informed gentleman of positive ideas and correct principles and is highly esteemed by all who know him.
Name Martha Alice Wright
Event Type Death
Event Date 31 Jul 1963
Event Place Kountze, Hardin, Texas, United States
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birth Date 10 Feb 1885
Birthplace , Texas
Father's Name Robert Wright
Mother's Name Martha Mcclenland
Certificate Number 57188
GS Film number 2117293
Digital Folder Number 005144762
Image Number 02392
Citing this Record:
"Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 Feb 2014), Martha Alice Wright, 31 Jul 1963; citing certificate number 57188, State Registrar Office, Austin; FHL microfilm 2117293.
1860 Census
Texas, Rusk County, Beat No. 9, P.O. New Danville
Enumerated 15 July 1860
Page 121, Stamped 281
HH 782-800
Isaac (52, SC) DYAL
HH 783-801
G.C. Dyal 27 M Farmer $--- $600 SC
Mary Dyal 19 F Tenn
Arbel 1 F Texas
1870 Census
Texas, Tarrant County, Precinct No. 2, P.O. Fort Worth
Enumerated 31 July 1870
Page 57, Stamped 501
G.C Dial 37 M Farmer $400 $350 S. Car
Mary J Dial 28 F Keeping House Tenn
Bell Dial 11 F Tex
Willie Dial 9 M Tex
Buddy Dial 5 M Tex
L. Pegram 15 F Tex
D. Statum 11 M Tex
L. Statum 8 M Tex
Samuel Statum 3 Tex
John Statum 1 M W Tex
W.McNutt (34, Ala)
1880 Census
Texas, Comanche County, 35 ED, 8th Precinct
Enumerated 2 and 3 day of June 1880
Page 2 SD 4 ED 35
Garlington Dial 46 Physician SC SC Tenn
Mary Dial 38 Wife Keeping House Tenn Tenn Tenn
Isaac W. Dial 18 Son Works on Farm Tx SC Tenn
Jackson Dial 14 Son Works on Farm Tx SC Tenn
Arthur Dial 8 Son Tx SC Tenn
Elbert Dial 6 Son Tx SC Tenn
Garlington Dial 3 Son Tx SC Tenn
Mary J. Dial 5/12 Dtr Tx SC Tenn