1850 Census
New York, Erie County, Lancaster
Enumerated 23 Aug 1850
Page 200
Otil Strifler 59 F $2550 Germany
Jacob Strifler 30 M Farmer
Susanna Strifler 27 F
Joseph Stifler 24 M Farmer
Christian Strifler 22 m Farmer
John Strifler 17 Farmer New York (sic)
David Strifler 14
1860 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland
Jacob Striffler 41 M Farmer $280 $75 France
Louisa Striffler 27 F Domestic Wurtinberg
Adaline Striffler 6 F NY
Leonard Striffler 3 M NY
Solomon Striffler 1 NY
The household immediately preceding theirs was that of John and Mary Striffler, his brother.
1870 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland
Striffler, Jacob 51 Farmer $3,030 $300 France
Striffler, Louisa 37 Keeping House Germany Wirtenberg
Striffler, Leonard 13 NY
Striffler, Solomon 10 NY
Striffler, Lydia 4 MI
Striffler, Jacob 4/12 MI
The following three households were those of Adam and Catherine Benkelman, George and Katherine Kolb, and John and Mary Striffler
1880 Census
Census Place:Elkland, Tuscola, Michigan Source:FHL Film 1254607 National Archives Film T9-0607 Page 96C
According to the Rev. Roy J. Striffler, the Striffler's emigrated from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France to New York State in 1830. They were part of the German-speaking population of Alsace. Some of the older Striffler family members recalled a family joke---there were 11 boys in the family, and all of them had a sister Susanna. She married Christian Oscar Lenzner. Family genealogists have only been able to account for eight of the 12 children however. Two of the boys married Benkelman sisters. One son married Mary Rommel, and as there were several Benkelman/Rommel marriages as well, the two families became further intertwined.
Although the family originally settled in New York only Jacob's son David remained in New York. Peter pushed further west, to Kansas. Around 1880, most of the others settled in Cass City, Michigan, where they lived until their deaths. They cut off the stumps remaining on the land they built and turned the wilderness into fruitful farm land.
(Excerpted from Art Peck's THE TEN BENKELMANS WHO EMIGRATED TO AMERICA. He in turn references a September 4, 1950 article from the "Striffler-Benkelman Broadcast", Volume 13, Cass City, Michigan)
Both the flyleaf of the Striffler family Bible, and the tombstone of Jacob Striffler in Lancaster, showed him to be be born in Kirrberg, "departmente de Rhein." (Jacobs, p. 164). In the chapter on the Striffler family in her unpublished 1981 manuscript, BonnieMargaret Jacobs noted that widely spread family stories stated that the Striffler family originated in Switzerland (p. 164). It would appear these were either errorneous, or that the family moved from Switzerland to Alsace.
BonnieMargaret Benkelman Jacobs, in an undated family report she prepared for some of the descendants of the Striffler brothers who married Benkelmann sisters, wrote that birth records had been of the children born to Jacob and Otillia "Have been extracted from the French civil records and translated, and show 8 children born in France, two of whom died while still just children (one was only 15 months old, the other just a few months past their sixth birthday). She stated that "these official civil records support the oft repeated family joke, "There are seven brothers and each one has a sister." On page 165 of her unpublished 1981 manuscript documenting the Benkelman family, she repeated this saying, adding however that "one Striffler heard the riddle with 11 brothers and it should be noted that there is still much to be learned about this family."
With the records in France showing 8 children were born there, and census records show two known children born in the United States, it appears we can account for 10 of the 11. It is possible that records may be uncovered one day to find the final child, or that this final son may have been stillborn or died at a young age, and his memory passed down only through the family joke or riddle.
At the time of the 1880 census, it appear that he and his wife, Sophia, were living with his widowed father and younger siblings.
Cass City Chronicle
July 1, 1904
Local Items
Page 4
J. H. Striffler has built a stone foundation on his property on east Main Street, onto which he intends to move the barn which stands on the place. Workmen are busy this week getting the barn ready to be moved.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 21, 1911
Local Happenings
Page 4
Mrs. A. A. Ricker of Detroit arrived Monday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. J. H. Striffler. On Wednesday, she returned to Detroit accompanied by her sister, Miss Margaret Striffler. Later in the week the two ladies and Mr. Ricker will leave that city for Buffalo, where they will spend a month with friends and relatives.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 31, 1914
Mrs. Henry Frantzman of Townline, N.Y. and Mrs. William Bockstedt and Earl Bockstedt of Buffalo, N.Y., who have been visiting at the home of J.H. Striffler, returned home Wednesday.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, June 5, 1925
J.H. Striffler Passed Away-
Long Prominent in the Community as Auctioneer and Business Man-
Served Cass City and Elkland Township as Office for Many Years
Cass City lost a prominent citizen, one who has been long connected with the business and political affairs of the community, in the death of Jacob H. Striffler, who passed away at his home on East Main street Sunday evening, May 31. Mr. Striffler, in his 45 years of residence here, has been unusually active as a business man and through his tireless energy has done much to bring the Cass City community to the front in a business way.
Mr. Striffler was born in Lancaster, N.Y. on Jan. 6, 1851. On January 22, 1880, at Lancaster, he was united in marriage with Miss Sophia Helwig and the following March they came to Cass City, settling on the Striffler homestead just east of the corporation line of the village.
Mr. Striffer established a farm implement business here in 1882 which he conducted for a period of 19 years. At the age of 19 years, when still a resident of Lancaster, he commenced his activities as an auctioneer, and shortly after coming here, he entered in earnest into his career in this profession which he followed for about 35 years in this community. Many a sale had "Jake" Striffler in charge in that long period and he found it very difficult to give up auctioneering eight or ten years ago when his health made it advisable for him to do so, because he enjoyed the work and so many were insistent that he at least continue until their sales were made.
Engaged as a farmer, implement dealer, cattle buyer and auctioneer, all at one time, Mr. Striffler still found time to give attention to political affairs of the community. He served his township as supervisor, treasurer and highway commissioner and Cass City as village president and trustee.
After a life of unusual activity, Mr. Striffler found it extremely trying to give up his hard work when ill health forced him to "ease up" four years ago.
Funeral services were held at the Evangelical church of which Mr. Striffler was a member on Wednesday afternoon conducted by the pastor, Rev. C.F. Smith. Interment was made in Elkland cemetery.
Besides his widow, he leaves give children, Mrs. O.W. NIQUE of Decker, Mrs. A.A.RICKER and Calvin J. Striffler, both of Cass City, Mrs. Fred SMILEY of Evart, and Mrs. Laura LAWTHER of Flint; one granddaughter, Eleanor NIQUE; one brother, Chas. D. Striffler, and one sister, Mrs. Peter BURG, both of Cass City.
Relatives and friends from a distance in attendance at the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Samuel HELWIG of Lancaster, N.Y., Mrs. Elizabeth BOCKSTEDT of Buffalo, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Frank SIMMET and Harley SIMMET of Middleton, Mich., Miss Bertha SIMMET of Ithaca, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MANN, Mrs. Elizabeth MANN and daughter, Lucile, Mr. and Mrs. Fred BROWN and Mrs. O. DENT, all of Carson City, Mrs. Caroline HELWIG, Marion HELWIG, Mr. and Mrs. Russell ERB and Chester LOESCHE, all of Bad Axe.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
1880 Federal Census Household:
Name RelationMarital StatusGenderRaceAgeBirthplaceOccupatio
nFather's BirthplaceMother's Birthplace
Sophia STRIFFLER Wife M Female W 20 NY Keeping House BAVARIA BAVARIA
Charles STRIFFLER Brother S Male W 19 NY Farmer FRANCE BAVARIA
Susan STRIFFLER Sister S Female W 28 NY Keeping House FRANCE BAVARIA
John STRIFFLER Brother S Male W 17 NY At School FRANCE BAVARIA
Source Information:
Census Place Elkland, Tuscola, Michigan
Family History Library Film 1254607 NA
Film Number T9-0607
Page Number 97A
1900 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City Village
Enumerated 5 Jun 1900
SD 8, ED 111 Sheet 3A
Shiffler, Jacob Hd W M Jany 1851 49 M20 Ny Germany Germany Farmer and Implements
Shiffler, Sophia Wf W F April 1860 40 M 20 5/5 NY Germany Germany
Shiffler, Ida S Dtr W F Jany 1881 19 S Mich NY NY
Shiffler, Lillie Dtr W F Apr 1883 17 S Mich NY NY
Shiffler, Calvin J SOn W M May 1885 15 S Mich NY NY
Shiffler, Maggie M Dtr W F Sept 1892 7 S Mich NY NY
Shiffler, Laura E Dtr W F Apr 1896 4 S Mich NY NY
Stower, Frank Hired Man W M Mar 1870 S Mich Canada/Eng
1910 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Township, Cass City Village
Enumerated 14 Apr 1910
SD 8, ED 113, Sheet 8B
Striffler, Jacob Hd M W 59 M1 30 NY Germany Germany Farmer
Striffler, Sophie Wf W F 50 M1 30 5/5 NY Germany Germany
Striffler, Maggie F Dtr W 17 S Mich NY NY
Striffler, Laura F Dtr W 14 S Mich NY NY
Art Peck writes that they were among the first families in Tuscola County, Michigan, moving there about 1860 on land purchased for $2 an acre, land they had never seen. They cleared the land to establish a farm, a mile east and a mile north of Cass City. John was Elkland County, Michigan treasurer from 1868 to 1870, and again from 1885 through 1887.
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Mich., Friday, July 14, 1922
Vol. 18, No. 9
John Striffler has Passed Away
Settled in Elkland Township 62 Years Ago; Prominent in the Early History of Cass City Community
On the tombstone we carve the name of our beloved dead and then two dates--the year of birth and the year of death. Between these two lies the history of the dead and yet so few know that history. Between Mar. 15, 1833 and July 12, 1922, lies the life history of John Striffler. He was born on a farm near Lancaster, N.Y. and passed on to his home eternal at Cass City, Michigan.
A few months after his marriage to Miss Mary Benkelman at Lancaster on Nov. 14, 1858, Mr. Striffler came to Tuscola county. They resided six months at Watrousville and then completed their journey overland through the timber to Elkland township where they hewed out a home in the woods, and finally saw beautiful farms take the place of the timber tracts. Mrs. Striffler passed away on May 4, 1913. Two children also preceded the father in death, one child at the age of four years, and Mrs. Salome Bien, a daughter, whose death occured but a few months ago.
Coming into the community when it was sparsely settled and all covered with timber and when it took four days' travel with ox teams to go from Vassar to the cite where Cass City now stands, Mr. Striffler had ample opportunity to test the hardships of early pioneer life in the Thumb district. His services in the early days proved valuable and his neighbors soon placed him with the responsibilities of various township offices.
John Striffler was a man of generous impluse and never forgot the hospitable ways of the pioneer. Friend or stranger never failed to find food and shelter if he sought it at his hands, and he delighted in kind and neighborly deeds. Many a poor family found relief from his storehouse and many people enjoyed his hospitality. His home was always open to all, poor or well-to-do, and many found pleasure in the entertainment provided therein. He had borne adversity bravely and enjoyed prosperity quietly. He had filled the various relations of life as husband, father, brother, friend and filled them satifactorily and his life work was well done.
He is survived by five children, Mrs. Archie MARK, G.A. STRIFFLER, Mrs. W.R. KAISER, and Miss Martha STRIFFLER, all of Cass City, and David STRIFFLER of Columbus, Georgia, 12 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Since the death of his wife, his daughter, Martha, has been the companion and faithful attendant of her father.
Funeral services will be held in the Evangelical church which Mr. Striffler attended for many years. It is planned to hold the service Saturday afternoon unless David Striffler, who is on his way home from Georgia, is delayed in his journey from the south.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Spring 2007)
1850 Census
New York, Erie County, Lancaster
Enumerated 23 Aug 1850
Page 200
Otil Strifler 59 F $2550 Germany
Jacob Strifler 30 M Farmer
Susanna Strifler 27 F
Joseph Stifler 24 M Farmer
Christian Strifler 22 m Farmer
John Strifler 17 Farmer New York (sic)
David Strifler 14
1860 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland
John Striffler 27 Farmer $280 $75 NY
Mary Striffler 21 Domestic Wirtinburg, Germany
The household immediately following theirs was that of Jacob and Louisa Striffler
1870 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County
Striffler, John 37 Farmer $5,075 $860 NY
Striffler, Mary 31 Germ Wirtinburg
Striffler, Emeline 10 Mich
Striffler, Albert 6 Mich
Striffler, Salome 4 Mich
The households preceding theirs were occupied by Jacob and Louis Striffler (#53), Adam and Catherine Benkelmann (#54), George & Katherine Kolb (#55).
1880 Census
Census Place:Elkland, Tuscola, Michigan
Source:FHL Film 1254607 National Archives Film T9-0607
Page 95B Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace
John STRIFFLER Self M M W 47 NY Occ: Farmer Fa: FRANCE Mo: FRANCE
Emmiline STRIFFLER Dau F S W 19 MI Occ: Without Occupation Fa: NY Mo: WERTENBURG
George A. STRIFFLER Son M S W 16 MI Occ: At School Fa: NY Mo: WERTENBURG
Salome STRIFFLER Dau F S W 13 MI Occ: At School Fa: NY Mo: WERTENBURG
Martha STRIFFLER Dau F S W 7 MI Occ: At School Fa: NY Mo: WERTENBURG
Esther STRIFFLER Dau F S W 2 MI Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: WERTENBURG
Philipp STRIFFLER Nephew M S W19 NY Occ: Farmer Fa: NY Mo: NY
19 year old Philip Striffler is likely the son of David and Sophia Striffler of Lancaster, New York. David was said to have died in 1872, and it appears that at least his oldest son left New York after his father died, so perhaps Philip did as well. Leonard Buehrly was from same village in Germany as Mary, and would later marry the granddaughter of her brother, Frederick Benkelman.
1900 Census, Michigan, Tuscola, Elkland, ED 110
Enumerated the 12th of June, 1900 by John Marshall
SD 8, ED 110, Sheet 6 B
Archie and Emeline Mark and family
126 126
Striffler, John Hd W M March 1833 67 M 41 NY France France Farmer
Striffler, Mary Wife W F May 1839 61 M 41 7/6 Germany Germany Germany 1856
Striffler, Martha Dtr W F Nov 1871 28 S Michigan NY Germany
Striffler, Ester Dtr W F May 1878 22 S Michigan NY Germany
Striffler, David A. W M Aug 1883 16 S Michigan NY Germany Farm Laborer
Bean, Saloma Dtr W F Sep 1866 22 Ed 3/3 Michigan NY Germany
Bean, Stanley G.Son W M Dec 1892 7 S Michigan Michigan Germany
Bean, Paul P. G. Son W M May 1894 6 S Michigan Michigan Germany
Bean, William D. G. Son W M Dec 1895 4 S Michigan Michigan Germany
1910 Census, Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp, ED 113, Cass City Village
Enumerated 13 Apr 1910
SD 8, ED 113, Sheet No 5 B
Striffler, John Hd M W 76 M1 NY Germany Germany
Own Income
Striffler, Mary Wife 70 M1 6/6 Germany Germany Germany
Striffler, Martha Dtr F W 37 S Mich Germany Germany
They were living in the household immediately preceding that of Mary's nephew, Benjamin Benkelman, Sr.
1900 Census
New York, Niagara County, Town of Lockport vol 189, Page 185
Enumerated 11 Jun 1900 Peter H Hayes
SD 18 ED 66 Sheet 9A
Striffler, John B Hd W M July 1887 (sic) 35 M 16 NY NY NY Blacksmith
Striffler, Ida E Wf W F Jan --- 36 M 16 NY NY NY
Striffler, Allen G Son W M Aug --- 13 S NY NY NY
Striffler, Mabel E Dau W F Jan 1888 12 S NY NY NY
Striffler, Roy C Son W M Aug 1890 9 S NY NY NY
Striffler, Floyd Son W M Nov 1892 7 S NY NY NY
Leinback, Elizabeth Mother-in-law Sep 1855 64 NY NY NY
1910 Census
New York, Niagara County, Second Election District, City of Lockport
Enumerated 21 Apr 1910
SD 18 ED 24 Sheets 7A and 7B Stamped 194
Sunnyside Street
Striffler, John B Hd M W 45 M1 25 NY NY NY Clerk Hardware Store
Striffler, Ida Wf F W 46 M1 25 4/4 NY Pa NY
Striffler, Glenn Son M W 23 S NY NY NY Shipping Clerk Machine Shop
Striffler, Mabel Dtr F W 22 SD NY NY NY Saleslady Dry Good Store
Striffler, Ray Son M W 20 S NY NY NY Bookkeeper Coal Office
Striffler, Lloyd Son M W 17 S NY NY NY Clerk Truck Co
Leinbech, Elizabeth Mother-in-law NY Germany Germany
1920 Census
New York, Niagara County, Town of Lockport
3 January 1920
SD 20 ED 92 Sheet 3A Stamped 223
Sunnyside Street
Striffler, John B Hd M W 44 M NY NY NY Machinist Machine Shop
Striffler, Ida E Wf F W 55 M NY Pa NY
Leinbach, Eliza Mother-in-law F W 84 Wd NY German Germany
1930 Census
New York, Niagara County, Lockport, Eighth Ward
Enumerated 9 Apr 1930
SD 32-27 SD 6 Sheet 8A Stamped 64
Bacon St
Striffler, Glenn Hd $3500 M W 43 M 26 NY NY NY Chief Inspector Gear Co
Striffler, Maud Wf F W 39 M 23 NY NY NY Manager Ladies Wearing
Striffler, Leslie Son W M 14 S NY NY NY
Wiser,Roland? Jack Lodger M W 9 S NY NY NY
Sunnyside Street
Striffler, John B Hd O $3300 m W 65 M 20 NY NY NY Tool Clerk Machine Shop
Striffler, Ida Wf F W 66 M 21 NY Pennsylvania NY
RAYLAND: John E. Striffler, 57, of RD 1. Rayland, died Thursday in his home. He was a mechanic by trade.
Mr. Striffler was a member of the Bridgeport Lutheran Church.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Georgia Littleton Striffler ; four daughters, Mrs. Sandra Duke of Mingo Junction, Mrs. Tricia Dawson of Rayland, Alma (sic) Striffler, serving with the U.S. Navy, and Doris Striffler at home; five sons, John, David, Robert, Larry and Leahdon, all at home; two brothers, William and Joseph, and two sisters, Mrs. Bryan Blacktod and Mrs. Alva McKinney, all in Pennsylvania, and four grandchildren.
Friends may call at the Ridgley Funeral Home, Smithfield; services Monday, 2 p.m. Hopewell Cemetery.
(Courtesy of Judith Muck)
Note by Judith Muck: In the obituary, they refer to Alma Striffler as female. The name is actually Alva Raymond Striffler. I have a notice of his training in the Navy, a notice of his engagement to be married and SSDI listing.
1900 Census
Kansas, Pottawatomie County, Clear Creek Township
Enumerated 20 and 22 June 1900
SD 85 ED 137 Sheet 41A
Strifler, Frank Head W M Aug 1858 42 M 7 NY Canada Eng Canada Eng Farmer
Strifler, Milo Bella Wf W F Sept 1872 27 M 7 1/1 Kansas Ohio Ohio
Strifler, Maud Inez Dtr W FSept 1896 S Kansas Kansas NY
1910 Census
Kansas, Pottawatomie County, Clear Creek Twp
Enumerated 18 abd 19 May 1910
SD 4 ED 115 Sheet 5B
Strifler, Frank Head M W 52 M1 15 New York France/French Canada/French Farmer
Strifler, Mila Wf F W 38 M1 15 2/1 Kansas US US
Strifler, Maude Dtr F W 14 S Kansas NY Kansas
Tri-County Chronicle
Cass City, Mich., Friday, February 28, 1902
Vol. 3 No 41
Page 1
Passed the Portals
Another Pioneer citizen, Joseph Striffler, passed away last Tuesday morning. During the past three years he had been gradually failing, and most of the time was as helpless as a child. During all those weary weeks and months he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Samuel BENKELMAN, who with unusual filial love cared for her father, although at times the care and anxiety thurst upon her became exceedingly burdensome. Joseph Striffler, during his younger years, was a man of sterling character, always true to his convictions and was more than ordinarily successful in the affairs of this world. His days were many. He lived to be nearly 77 years old. The deceased was born in Alsace, Germany, Sept. 17, 1825. He came to American with his parents in his fourth year and settled in Erie county, N.Y. In the year 1854 he was united in marriage to with Rosanna BALBASH of Lancaster, N.Y. and the same year moved to Scotland County, Mo., residing there elven years and from thence removed to Lee County, Ia. In November, 1876, he moved with his two daughters, and a foster child, now Mrs. J. BENKELMAN, his wife having died the previous year, to Cass City, where he has lived ever since. His two daughters, Mrs. Jacob MAIER and Mrs. Samuel BENKELMAN, survive him. The funeral was held at the Evangelical church on Thursday morning, Rev. L. BRUMM officiating. The remains were laid to rest in Elkland Cemetery.
Note: Joseph Striffler's foster daughter was Augusta Krehl, who married John Adam Benkelman.
A copy of his actual death certificate can be viewed online here:
1850 Census
New York, Erie County, Lancaster
Enumerated 23 Aug 1850
Page 200
Otil Strifler 59 F $2550 Germany
Jacob Strifler 30 M Farmer
Susanna Strifler 27 F
Joseph Stifler 24 M Farmer
Christian Strifler 22 m Farmer
John Strifler 17 Farmer New York (sic)
David Strifler 14
1860 Census
Missouri, Scotland County, Green Township
Enumerated 31 July 1860
Page 196
Joseph Striffler 35 M Farmer $500 $375 France
Rosanna Striffler 25 F Wirtemberg
Fanny Striffler 4 F Iowa
1870 Census
Iowa, Lee County, Franklin Twp, P.O. Franklin Center
Enumerated July 1870
Striffler, Joseph 45 M W Farmer $4000 $7600 France
Striffler, Rosina 35 F W Keeping House Wurttemburg
Striffler, Fannie 14 F W Attending School Iowa
Striffler, Mary 8 F W Mo
1880 Federal Census, Michigan, Tuscola, Elkland, ED 400
Page Fifteen SD 3D ED 400
Enumerated on the 12th of June 1880
George D. Peterhaus
C, 96
Striffler, Joseph W M 54 Farmer France France France
Striffler, Mary W F 19 Daughter Housekeeper NY? France Wurtemberg
???, Augusta W F 10 Boarder At School Iowa Wurtemberg Bavaria (Foster Child?)
The home immediately following his was that of Jacob & Louisa Striffler.
1900 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City
Enumerated 9 Jun 1900 A.D. Gillis
SD 8 ED 111 Sheet 5B
HH 109-112 Adam (b. 1861 NY) and Susan MUCK (b. 1862, NY)
HH 110-113
Bankleman, Samuel Hd W M August 1857 42 M 18 NY Germany Germany
Bankleman, Mary Wife W F Dec 1861 48 M 18 3/3 Mo Germany Germany
Bankleman, Bertha Dtr W F August 1883 16 S Mich NY Mich
Bankleman, Joseph Son W M Oct 1889 10 S Micg NY Mo
Bankleman, Ward Son W M Feb 1894 6 S Mich NY Mo
Striffer, Joseph F in Law W M Spet 1826 73 W 40 Mich (sic) NY (sic) Mo (sic)
Beaver County Times
Dec. 2, 1975 page
Joseph A. Striffler, 71, of Big Sewickley Creek Road, RD 3 Sewickley, died Monday, Dec. 1 1975, in Sewickley Valley Hospital following an extended illness.
Born Nov. 16, 1904, in Old Economy, son of the late Edward F. and Mary Kindelburger Striffler, he was a life-long resident of the Ambridge area.
He was a former employe of Armco Steel Corp., Ambridge retiring in 1964, and was a member of Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Ambridge.
Surviving are his widow, Florence Guenon Striffler; a son, Edward F., Economy; two daughters, Mrs. Clarence (mary Lee) Holler, Warrendale, and Mrs. Paul (Louise) Yoos, Clarks Mills, Pa; nine grandchildren; two great-grandchildren, a brother William Striffler, Melbourne, Fla.; and two sisters, Mrs. Byron (Margaret) Blackford, Ingomar, and Mrs. Alva (Anna) McKinney, Wexford.
Friends are being received today and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Kenneth E. Hare Funeral Home, 500 Park Road, Ambridge.
The body will be taken Thursday at 12 noon to Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Ridge Road Extension, Ambridge, to be in state until time of service at 1 p.m. The Rev. Richard R. Heineman, his pastor, will officiate.
Interment will be in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park, Daugherty Township.
Miss Katherine Striffler of Battle Creek came today to spend the vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Striffler.
Volume 25 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 6, 1965, reported that Katherine and Earl spent two months traveling abroad, throughout Europe and the Middle East. While in Germany, they stopped in G?ppingen, the town in which her mother, Marie Kaiser Striffler, was born.
Katherine Stiffler Buchanan was one of the cousins of BonnieMargaret Jacobs who recounted many of the stories told to her by her grandmother, Louisa Benkelman Striffler.
Cass City Chronicle
December 24, 1920
Around Our Town
Miss Laura Striffler of Yale is spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Striffler.
Volume 25 of the STIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, published September 6, 1965, reported that "Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Ball (Ruth Benkelman) and Mrs. Wilmot Carpenter (Mae Benkelman) entertained Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Smiley (Margaret Striffler) and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Weaver (Laura Striffler) at their trailers in Pinellas Park, Florida, last winter. This is an annual event for them.
1930 Census
Michigan, Genesee County, Flint City, Ward 2
Enumerated April 10. 1930
ED 25-26 SD 10 Sheet 15B
Weaver, Amos W. Hd O $5000 M W 33 M 25 Mich Pa Oh Heat Tester Auto Factory
Weaver, Laura E. Wf F W 33 M 25 Mich NY NY
Weaver, Douglas A. Son M W 3 8/12 S Mich Mich Mich
Weaver, David W. Son M W 0 5/ 12 S Mich Mich Mich
Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, January 12, 1983
Page 2
Shabbona News
Leonard Striffler dies at 91
Leonard Striffler, 91, the last member of the pioneer Striffler family of Cass City, died Monday at Provincial House.
He was born May 5, 1891, on the homestead farm, in Elkland Township, the son of Solomon and Katherine (Buerk) Stiffler.
Striffler had been a life member of Tyler Lodge No. 317, F and AM, Cass City, the Cass City chapter of the International Order of Odd-fellows, and years ago had been the manager of Madison Pickle Co. of Cass City for more than 25 years.
He is survived by one brother, Louis Striffler, Detroit, and five nieces and nephews. One brother and four sisters preceded him in death.
A Masonic memorial service was conducted Tuesday evening at Little's Funeral Home, Cass City.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Little's, with Rev. Eldred Kelley of the Salem United Methodist Church, Cass City, officiating.
Burial was in Elkland Township Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
Len Striffler, along with his sister Gertrude, dug deep in their memories for the stories of the Striffler family for BonnieMargaret Jacobs when she was preparing her 1981 manuscipt about the history of the Benkelman family.
Cass City Chronicle
Volume 59, Number 32
Thursday, November 25, 1965
Mrs. MacPhail Succumbs Friday
Mrs. Lillian MacPhail, 79, pioneer of Cass City and wife of a former Cass City businessman, died Friday at Hills and Dales General Hospital.
She had been in ill health for a year and suffered for many years from arthritis.
She was born in Elkland township, Nov. 6, 1886, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Striffler.
She married Angus MacPhail in Argyle Jan. 7, 1914. Mr. MacPhail started and operated a successful business as a funeral director in Cass City from 1920 until shortly before his death on Sept. 19, 1952 (sic).
Mrs. MacPhail was a member of the Cass City Methodist Church.
Surviving are: a son Dr. Albert MacPhail of Flint; two sisters, Mrs. Grace Sandham of Cass City and Mrs. Ruth Moreton of Detroit, and three grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at Little's Funeral Home at 3 p.m. Saturday. The Rev. james Braid, pastor of the First Methodist Chruch, officiated.
Burial was in Elkland cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 2008)
1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp, Cass City Village
Enumerated 4 April 1930
ED 79-11 SD 11 Sheets 2A and 2B Stamped 185
McPhail, Angus Hd M W 49 M 33 Mich Scotland Scotland Mortician Undertaking
McPhail, Lillian E Wife F W 41 m 25 Mich NY Ct
McPhail, Albert A Son Adopted M W 3/12 S Mich Ohio Ohio
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan
Friday, January 23, 1931
"Twenty-five years ago"
January 26, 1906
While assisting in the use of a meat chopper, Miss Lillian Striffler accidentally cut off the end of the middle finger of her left hand.
"Thirty-five years ago"
January 24, 1896
At the Evangelical church, the following Sunday School officers have been elected for the ensuing year: Supt., Mrs. Lena SCHWEGLER; ass't supt., Mrs. Mary BENKELMAN; sec., J. MAIER; treas., Adam BENKELMAN; librarian, Miss Lillie Striffler; ass't librarian, Miss Maud MAIER; organist, Miss Martha STRIFFLER; ass't organist, Oscar LENZNER.
Note: It appears this articles above related to Lillie. It is possible, however, either or both were about her cousin, also named Lillian Striffler, of nearby Argyle, Sanilac County, Michigan. The cousins were only about three years apart in age.
Cass City Chronicle
August 4, 1933
Mrs. E. Bockstedt and granddaughter, Lois Bockstedt, of Buffalo, New York, are spending some time at the A.A. Ricker home.
Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, August 6, 1964
Page Six
Hold Services for Mrs. A.A. Ricker
Final services for Mrs. Lillian S. Ricker, 81, lifelong Cass City resident were held Wednesday afternoon at Little's Funeral Home following her death Sunday, Aug. 2, at Hills and Dales General Hospital where she had been a patient for the past two weeks. She had been in ill health for the past year.
Born in Cass City April 18, 1883, Mrs. Ricker was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Striffler. She married Arthur A. Ricker in Cass City April 15, 1908, where they made their home. He preceded her in death Nov. 8, 1955.
Mrs. Ricker was a member of the EUB Church in Cass City.
Surviving are: three sisters, Mrs. Ida NIQUE of Cass City, Mrs. F.A. (Margaret) SMILEY of Pontiac and Mrs. A.W. (Laura) WEAVER of Flint. A son and a brother preceded her in death.
The Rev. R.E. Betts officiated over the services and interment was in the family lot in Elkland Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
Volume 28 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 2, 1968, reported that he retired from Manufacturers National Bank in Detroit.
Cass City Chronicle
April 30, 1986
Obituaries, Page 14
Louis J. Striffler
Services for Louis John Striffler, 83, were held in the Verheyden Funeral Home in Grosse Pointe April 9. Mr. Striffler died at Cottage Hospital April 8.
He was born Jan. 13, 1903, the son of Solomon and Katherine Striffler at the home on Schwegler Rd. northeast of Cass City.
Two brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.
Burial was in Elkland Cemetery Thursday, April 10. Services were conducted by the Rev. Clare Patton, of Salem United Methodist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Icele, and several nieces and nephews.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
Not listed in BonnieMargaret Jacobs 1981 manuscript.
Mrs. Lydia Zinnecker, 82, resident of Moore nearly 28 years, died of a heart ailment at 1:37 a.m. Thursday in a Billings hospital. She entered the hospital Wednesday night.
She had been visiting two weeks in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Harry Miller of Billings, Rt. 3, when she became ill.
The body was taken to the Creel Funeral Home in Lewiston where funeral services at 3 p.m. Saturday will be conducted by the Rev. Raymond Ginther of the Moore Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Moore Cemetery.
Mrs. Zinnecker was born Nov. 20, 1874, in Cass City, Mich., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Striffler. She was married to George Zinnecker in Cass City Nov. 22, 1893, and they lived in Michigan until 1912.
They then went to Starkweather, N. D., where they lived four years before moving to Garfield county. They lived there until 1929, when they moved to Moore in Fergus county.
Mr. Zinnecker, a carpenter, died in Moore Feb. 15, 1955. Mrs. Zinnecker was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
Surviving Mrs. Zinnecker, besides the daughter in Billings, are two other daughters, Mrs. George Steinar of Gary, Ind., and Mrs. Hal Lucas of Superior, three sons, L. F. Zinnecker of Moore, Henry Zinnecker of Long Beach, Calif., and Dr. Kenneth Zinnecker of Columbus, Ohio; 22 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
The STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROACAST-1964 reported that Mr. Walter Riley and Mabel Striffler Riley of Kenmore, N.Y., a Buffalo suburb, were celebrating their wedding of 1914 (just 50 years ago in June) when Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Striffler made a short visit to Buffalo on the cruise ship the S.S. South American. Besides reminiscing about their wedding trip to Cass City, the Rileys took the Strifflers on a tour of the Towanda area and the Riley Gear Plant. Mabel is of the John Striffler family in New York and related news of the Lockport contingent of the family.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News
Wednesday, February 4, 1976
Mabel M. Riley, Feb. 3, 1976, of the Blocker Homes, Williamsville, N.Y.
Beloved wife of the late Walter J. Riley; mother of Donald W. (Ellen C.) Riley and Mrs. Harley G. (Norma J.) Styer, sister of Floyd Striffler of Lockport; grandmother of Ms. Karen E. Riley, Larry E. and Diane L. Styer.
Friends may call Wenesday from 2-4 and 7-9 at the Lester H. Wedekindt, Inc., Funeral Home, 3290 Delaware Ave. Funeral service in the Little Chapel of the Elms, Elmlawn Cemetery, Thursday mornina at eleven o'clock. Friends are invited. Flowers gratefully declined. Those desiring may make memorial contributions to the Heart Association of WNY, c/o Statler Hilton, Buffalo, N.Y. 14202.
Mrs. Riley was a member of the Kenmore Baptist Church.
Cass City Chronicle
December 11, 1980
Cass City Social and Personal Items
Page Two
Dick Dillman of Saginaw notified relatives Monday that Mrs. Margaret Striffler Smiley, 88, a native of Cass City, died Monday in a Flint nursing home. Funeral services were to be held Wednesday from the Donaldson Funeral Home in Pontiac. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Laura Weaver of Flint, and several nieces and nephews.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
1930 Census
Michigan, Oakland County, Waterford Twp, Drayton Plains Village
Enumerated 10 April 1930
ED 63-132 SD 14 Sheet 12B
Smiley, Fred A Own $6000 HD M W 41 M@31 Ohio PA Ohio Salesman Real Estate
Smiley, Margaret M Wf F W 37 M@27 Michigan NY NY
Margaret T.E. Blackford, Formerly of Franklin Park
Margaret T.E. (Striffler) Watenpool Blackford, 94, formerly of Franklin Park, died Thursday, March 25, 2004, in Passavant Retirement Community, Zelienople. She was born Oct. 22, 1909, in Ambridge to the late Edward and Mary (Kindelberger) Striffler and also was predeceased by her husbands, Allan J. Watenpool and Byron H. Blackford. Margaret was a homemaker and a member of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Franklin Park. Surviving are daughter Shirley Wright of Zelienople, son Robert A. Watenpool of Marshall, sister Anna M. McKinney of Zelienople, four grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. Visitation from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the HERBERT R. KING JR. FUNERAL HOME INC., 2841 Woodland Circle at Route 8, Hampton. Services at 11 a.m. Monday in Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. Please meet at the church at 10:30. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Passavant Retirement Community, 401 S. Main St., Zelienople, PA 16063 or Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2500 Brandt School Road, Wexford, PA 15090. www.kingfuneralhome.com.
Her father's obituary indicated that Martha, the eldest daughter still at home, remained single and in her father's home to care for him, after the death of her mother. She never married. At the time of the 1930 census, she was living with her sister and brother-in-law, Archibald and Emeline Mark, in Cass City Village.
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan
Friday, January 23, 1931
"Thirty-five years ago: January 24, 1896"
At the Evangelical church, the following Sunday School officers have been elected for the ensuing year: Supt., Mrs. Lena SCHWEGLER; ass't supt., Mrs. Mary BENKELMAN; sec., J. MAIER; treas., Adam BENKELMAN; librarian, Miss Lillie STRIFFLER; ass't librarian, Miss Maud MAIER; organist, Miss Martha STRIFFLER; ass't organist, Oscar LENZNER.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, October 29, 1943
Miss Martha Striffler, 71, a lifelong resident of this vicinity, passed away in her home Monday evening after a long illness.
Miss Striffler, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Striffler, was born Nov. 10, 1871, on the Striffler farm in Elkland township and spent her entire life here.
She was a member of long standing of the Evangelical Church where she taught a Sunday School class for many years. She was also active in the Woman's Missionary Society and the Ladies' Aid and held offices in both societies for a number of years. She was a very faithful attendant at all Church services as long as her health permitted. She was also a member of the Townsend Club.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs. W.R. Kaiser of Detroit, and two brothers, George Albert Striffler of Cass City and David Striffler of Columbus, Ga.
The remains were at the Munro Funeral Home until Wednesday when they were taken to her own home on Houghton Street. At noon Thursday the body was taken to the Evangelical Church where it lay in state until the hour of the funeral service at 2:00 p.m. Rev. S.P Kirn, pastor of the church, officiated and burial was in Elkland cemetery.
Pallbearers were Stanley Bien of Lansing, John and Kenneth Kaiser of Detroit and Edward Mark of Cass City, all nephews, and Ben Schwegler and Fred Buehrly, nephews by marriage.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
Clear Creek items 19 FEb 1882: Mr. Geo. Bauman and family are well on their way to California by this time. We understant Mart Striffler went with them.
Don Staton writes that Martin died in California in 1950, living in California for at least 40 years prior to his death. He had at least four children.
Not listed with her parents at the time of the 1860 census. Don Staton believes she went to Cass City around 1879 and there married C. M. Kelly. The 1880 Federal census, for the Village of Caro, Tuscola County, Michigan, has a listing for the household of C. M. KELLY, age 54, and Mary Kelly, his wife, age 36. They were both listed as born in New York. It was shown that both his parents were born in New York as well, and the place of birth of Mary's parents was shown as Germany.
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan
Friday, January 23, 1931
"Thirty-five years ago: January 24, 1896"
At the Evangelical church, the following Sunday School officers have been elected for the ensuing year: Supt., Mrs. Lena SCHWEGLER; ass't supt., Mrs. Mary BENKELMAN; sec., J. MAIER; treas., Adam BENKELMAN; librarian, Miss Lillie Striffler; ass't librarian, Miss Maud MAIER; organist, Miss Martha STRIFFLER; ass't organist, Oscar LENZNER.
Cass City Chronicle
August 8, 1952, page 1
Mrs. Benkelman, Pioneer Resident, Buried Thursday
Cass City lost a respected member of its community Thursday morning when Mrs. Mary Benkelman, 91, died at her home here after a period of declining health. A pioneer resident of this community, Mrs. Benkelman had spent over three-quarters of a century in Cass City and Elkland Township. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Striffler, she was born Dec. 8, 1860 in Madison, Mo., and with her father and sister, the late Mrs. Jacob MEIER, came to Elkland Township in 1875.
Mrs. Benkelman married Samuel G. Benkelman Nov. 28, 1888. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1988 and Mr. Benkelman died in 1940.
Mrs. Benkelman was one of the founders of the Woman's Study Club in Cass City and served as president of the organization in 1910 and 1927. She was a member of the Adult Ladies's Class of the Methodist Church.
Funeral services were held Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Douglas Funeral Home. Rev. F.W. Porter, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated and burial was in Elkland Cemetery. Surviving are two sons, Joseph and Ward Benkelman of Cass City, a niece, Miss Laura MAIER, and a nephew, Fred MAIER.
Cass City Chronicle
Wednesday, January 15, 1997
Page 5
Mary Gardiner
Mary Elizabeth Gardiner, 88, of Port Austin, died Saturday, Jan. 11, 1997, at her home following a long illness.
She was born March 4, 1908, in Argyle, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Zinnecker) Striffler. She married Edward B. Gardiner Oct. 1, 1941, in Ohio. He died in October 1982.
One of the founding members of the Port Austin United Protestant Church, she was also a board member of the Port Austin Township Library, a member of the U&I Club of Port Austin, Port Austin Senior Citizens Club, Port Austin Women's Club, the Priscilla Club of Port Austin and the Audubon Society of Michigan. She and her husband retired in 1956 from the Detroit House of Corrections in Plymouth to Broken Rocks near Port Austin.
Surviving are one sister, Florence Southworth of Elkton; one step-grandson; 2 step-great-granddaughters, and several nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by one step-daughter, Virginia Klopp; 3 brothers, Roy, Delmar and Daniel Striffler; 3 sisters, Ethel Orr, Ione Sturm and Wilma Fry, and one step-great-grandson.
Services were to be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Kaufman Funeral Home in Bad Axe, with the Rev. Ray A. Jacques, pastor of the Port Austin United Protestant Church, officiating. Interment will be in the Colfax Township Mausoleum.
Memorials may be given to the Port Austin Township Library.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, April 2008)
Ethel's granddaugher, Susan Orr Wagner, writes that she was named Mary Ethel Striffler, but was always called Ethel. When her younger sister, Mary Elizabeth was born and went by her first name Mary, her elder sister Ethel dropped Mary from her name entirely. On census records she was referred to as Ethel M, changing her first name to her middle initial.
Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, March 30, 1967
Double Services for the Robert H. Orrs
Funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Orr, natives of the Cass City area, were held Thursday, March 28, at the funeral home in Pigeon.
Mr. Orr, 74, died Monday, March 20 in the Pigeon hospital after a brief illness. He was born May 10, 1892, in Cass City. His wife, 72, the former Ethel Striffler, died Wednesday, March 22, in the same hospital. She was born March 28, 1894, in Sanilac county.
The couple were married Aug. 15, 1916, at Cass City and in 1917 they moved to Pigeon where he operated a drugstore.
Their survivors are: two daughters, Mrs. Albert Fetting and Miss Marjorie Orr, both of Saginaw; two sons, Robert of Livonia and John of Pigeon, and eight grandchildren.
Mr. Orr is also survived by one brother, Morton Orr of Cass City. Four sisters and a brother are among Mrs. Orr's survivors. They are: Mrs. Wilma Fry of Port Huron, Mrs. E.B. Gardiner of Port Austin, Mrs. Ione Sturm of Detroit, Mrs. George Southworth of Elkton, and the Rev. Roy Striffler.
Burial was in Elkland Cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, April 2008)
1930 Census
Michigan, Huron County, Pigeon, Winsor Township
Enumerated April 9, 1930
ED 32-39 SD 11 Sheet 5B
Orr, Robert H. Hd O $3000 R M W 37 M 24 Michigan Ireland Canada-English Druggist Drug Store
Orr, Ethel M Wf F W 36 M 22 Mich Mich Germany
Orr, Ethel M Dtr F W 12 S Mich Mich Mich
Orr, Robert S Son M W 8 S Mich Mich Mich
Orr, John L Son M W 4 3/12 Mich Mich Mich
Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, January 12, 1967
Page Four
Mrs. Mary Helwig Succumbs in Caro
Mrs. Mary Pauline Helwig, 83, died Sunday, Jan. 8, at the Tuscola County Medical Care Facility, Caro, following a lengthy illness. She was the widow of Edward Helwig.
Born Nov. 11, 1878, in Tuscola county, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Christian Striffler. She and Mr. Helwig were married Sept. 26, 1906, and they made their home on a farm on Schwegler Road. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1956. Mr. Helwig died Aug. 24, 1959.
A lifelong resident the Cass City area, she was also a life member of the Salem Evangelical United Brethren Church.
Surviving are: one son, Clark of Cass City; one sister, Mrs. Barbara Griffin of California; one granddaughter, Mrs. Donald (Judy) Finkbeiner, and three great-grandchildren, all of Cass City.
The Rev. Ira Wood, pastor of Cass City EUB Church, officiated at the funeral services held Tuesday afternoon at Little's Funeral Home.
Burial was in Elkland cemetery.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2008)
1910 Census
Michigan, Tuscola, Elkland Twp
Enumerated 15 and 16 April 1910
SD 8 ED 112 Sheet 1A Stamped 121
HH 6-6
George and Catherine HELWIG
HH 10-10
George and Emilia KRAPF
HH 12-12
Helwig, Edward Hd M W 33 M1 3 NY NY NY Farmer
Helwig, Mary Wf F W 30 M1 3 0 Mich NY Germany
On Ruth Marchetti's website, she writes: "One internet source gives Christian as a middle name. He had a brother named Christian, so I am not sure if this is accurate or not. Moved to America 1830, arriving May 24 & living in Buffalo, NY. He, along with Henry and Jacob, are listed in 1840, 1850 and 1855 Census records as living in Buffalo, NY. Brother David stayed in New York, making his home in Lancaster. The rest of the family ended up in Cass City, Michigan, except for Peter, who moved to Kansas. Dates conflict between family records and published obituary on when he moved to Kansas. Family accounts put them moving to Kansas no earlier that 1867 after the birth of their last child. If newspaper is correct (1859), the last 3 or 4 children would have been born in Kansas."
Clear Creek items 17 Jan. 1882: It is with sadness that we report the death of one of our oldest settlers, Mr. Peter Striffler. Last Friday morning he was out about his work, as usual, but about 10 o'clock he went into the house and laid down, and complained of feeling unwell. About 11 o'clock he raised up to vomit and fell over, partly on the floor. His wife, ran to the nearest neighbors for help, when he was placed back on the bed, dead. Funeral services were held at the Bluff Creek school house Sunday afternoon. While the corpse was being viewed by the friends, someone remarked that he did not look like a dead person, considerable excitement ensued, when it was decided to have an examination. Dr. Dean was sent for, who, upon arrival, pronounced his dead, and that in his opinion his death was caused from an affliction of the heart. Mr. Striffler was a good neighbor and citizen, and his loss will long be felt in the community. The bereaved family has the heartfelt sympathy of the whole neighborhood. He was 66 years old and has been a resident of Kansas for a good many years.
RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Havensville, Pottawatomie co, Ks. Area Working database (Merrie Pinick: cftm648@yahoo.com ) dated 2008-08-17
1860 Federal Census
Clarence, Erie County, NY
Enumerated the 13th day of July 1860 by A. Prince
Peter Striffler 45 M Farmer $--- $200 Germany
Catherine Striffler 42 F Germany
Daniel Striffler 15 M N.Y.
Emma Strifller 13 F N.Y.
Isabel Striffler 10 F N. Y. Attended School
Tilla Striffler 6 F N.Y. Attended School
Peter Striffler 5 M N.Y.
Frank Striffler 3 M N.Y.
Bennet Striffler 2 M. N.Y.
Wm. Striffler 5/12 M N.Y.
1870 Federal Census
Kansas, Pottawatomie County, Pottawatomie
Enumerated 22 July 1870 by Sophronius Lee
Striffler, Peter 56 Farmer $150 France
Striffler, Catherine 50 Keeping House France
Striffler, Martin 8 At Home NY
Striffler, Jessie 3 At Home NY
1880 Federal Census Household:
Name RelationMarital StatusGenderRaceAgeBirthplaceOccupationFather's BirthplaceMother's Birthplace
Cathrine STRIFFLER Wife M Female W 61 FRANCE House Keeping FRANCE FRANCE
William STRIFFLER Son S Male W 20 NY Laborer FRANCE FRANCE
Eva ALLEN GDau S Female W 4 KS IL NY
Source Information:
Census PlaceClear Creek, Pottawatomie, KansasFamily History Library Film 1254393 NA Film Number T9-0393Page Number 229B
1880 Census
Census Place: Shannon, Pottawatomie, Kansas; Roll: 393; Family History Film: 1254393; Page: 238A; Enumeration District: 241; Image: 0318.
Peter Striffler was shown as a Servant in the household of David and Maria VROMAN
He was age 25, Single, and shown as born in New York, with the birthplace of both parents being listed as France
1900 Census
Kansas, Pottawatomie County, Clear Creek Twp
Enumerated 13 Jun 1900
SD 85 ED 137 Sheet 4A Stamped 55
Striffler, Peter Head W M Mar 1857 43 M 13 NY Canada Eng (sic) Canada Eng (???) Farmer
Striffler, Mary Wf W F Apr 1870 30 M 13 6/6 Kansas Indiana Ireland
Striffler, Jessie Dtr W F Aug 1999 11 S Kansas NY Kansas At School
Striffler, Eva Dtr W F Oct 1890 9 S Kansas NY Kansas At School
Striffler, Frank Son m W Mar 1893 7 S Kansas NY Kansas At School
Striffler, John Son W M Feb 1895 5 S Kansas NY Kansas
Striffler, Lenora Dtr W F Apr 1897 3 S Kansas NY Kansas
Striffler, Chester Son W M Jan 1899 1 S Kansas NY Kansas
1910 Census
Kansas, Pottawatomie, Clear Creek Twp
Enumerated 14-17 May 1910
SD 4 ED 115 Sheet 4B
Strifler, Peter Head M W 53 m1 23 NY FranceFranch CanadaGerman Eng Farm Labor Working Out
Strifler, Mary Wf F W 42 M1 23 7/7 Kansas Ireland/Irish Ireland/Irish
Strifler, John Son M W 14 S Kansas NY Kansas Laborer Livery Stable
Strifler, Nora Dtr F W 12 S Kansas NY Kansas
Strifler, Chester Son M W 10 S Kansas NY Kansas
At the time of the 1880 census, he appears to have moved to Michigan and was living in the home of John Striffler and his wife, Maria Benkelman, in Cass City, Michigan.
Cass City Chronicle
October 31, 1930
Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Striffler and William Paul returned last Thursday from a week's visit with Irvine Striffler at Brocksville, Ontario. The trip was by the way of Toronto, Kingston, and at Brantford the part visited Mr. Paul's sister-in-law, Mrs. Hally Laird. At Brockford, they also visited Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wilson and took trips to Ottwaw, Chesterville and Quebec. On the return journey, they crossed the St. Lawrence river by ferry to Morristown, New York, and in LOCKPORT, N.Y., visited at the homes of George STRIFFLER, Philip STRIFFLER (??) , Van STRIFFLER, and Jacob MUCK. The party also visited Niagra Falls. On their way home, they were held up for 3 1/2 hours just before reaching Watertown, N.Y. because of deep snow.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
Lockport Union Sun & Journal, May 6, 1919: Phillip Striffler died at his residence at the Rapids May 6th a.m., aged 57 years. He leaves besides his bereaved wife one son, Van G. of the Rapids, also his mother, Mrs. David Striffler of Penn, and three brothers, John of this city, Ed. of Penn., George of town of Lockport, and one sister, Mrs. B.S. Lazelle of Jamestown, N.Y. Funeral will be held Wednesday, May 7th at 2 o'clock from the house; which will be private. Interment will be in Beamen's cemetery.
1900 Census
New York, Niagara County, Royalton Town
Enumerated 11 June 1900
SD 18 ED 88 Sheet 7B
Striffler, Philip D Hd W M July 1860 39 M17 2/1 NY NY NY Farmer
Striffler, Maria M Wf W F Mar 1861 39 M 17 2/1 Mich NY NY
Striffler, Van G Son W M Oct 1893 7 S NY NY NY At School
Riddly, Emily Mother-in-law W F May 1835 65 Wd 2/1 NY Mass Vt Capitalist
1910 Census
New York, Niagara, Royalton Twp
Enumerated 21 April 1910
SD 18 ED 135 Sheet 8A Stamped 49
Striffler, Philip D Hd M W 48 M1 27 NY NY NY Farmer
Striffler, Maria M Wf F W 47 m1 27 1/1 Mich NY NY
Striffler, Van G Son M W 17 S NY NY Mich Farm Laborer
Riddle, Emily C Mother-in-law F W 74 Wd 1/1 NY Mass Vermont
Roy Clifford Striffler (8 Aug 1889/90, NY - 5 Oct 1962, NY, buried Cold Spring Cemetery, Lockport, Niagara County, NY)
Niagara Falls Gazette, October 5, 1966:
Oil Salesman, 72, Is Killed As Cars Crash in Beebe Road
NEWFANE - A 72 year old salesman for the Dahl Oil Co. here for the last five years was killed instantly at 9:58 a.m. today in a head-on , two-car crackup in rain-slicked Beebe Road, about a mile north of Ridge Road. Roy C. Striffler, 566 High St., was pronounced dead at the scene by County Coroner Dr. George V. Muscato. Death was due to head and internal injuries according to the Sheriff's Department.
Chester L. Borget, 21, of 2720 Ridge Road, Ransomville, the other drive , was shaken up and treated and released at Ransomville General Hospital.
Sheriff's Deputies William M. Sibolski, William H. Munch and Paul E. Crane, and Criminal Deputy John W. Cole investigated.
Mr. Borget told the deputies he was traveling north in Beebe Road and that the Striffler car was headed south when the collision occured. He said the Striffler car apparently was attempting to make a left turn into a driveway.
Fred Dahl, owner of the Dahl firm, Park Avenue, said Mr. Striffler left the office this morning to collect bills and that he was "in his usual good spirits." He said Mr. and Mrs. Striffler had celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June.
Mr. Striffler, who formerly operated the Elevated Coal Co., Lockport, for several years, had been a salesman for the Dahl firm since Jan 1, 1957. Before working at Dahl's he had been a salesman for the Crosby-Whipple Oil Col, here.
Surviving besides his wife, are a daughter, Mrs. Clement H. Whitmore, and two brothers, Floyd and Glen Striffler, all of Lockport. Funeral arrancgements were being made.
1930 Census
New York, Niagara County, Lockport City, 3rd Ward
Enumerated April 2, 1930
ED 32-17 SD 6 Sheet 1B
Striffler, Roy C Hd R $40 M W 40 M 23 NY NY NY Joint Manager, Coal Company
Striffler, Edith J Wf F W 40 m 23 NY England Canada/English
Striffler, Lois E Dtr F W 16 S NY NY NY
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, October 5, 1928
Vol. 23, No. 25.
Rev. Striffler is Ordained Pastor
Rev. Roy J. Striffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Striffler of Cass City, was ordained as minister in the Congregational church on Thursday, September 27, at North Fairfield, Ohio. The examination was held at three o'clock after which a banquet was served to 25 visiting members. The ordination services were held in the evening. Dr. Graham gave an address on "The Love of Christ Compels." Ordination prayer was give by Rev. Harry Trust of Mansfield. The charge to the minister was given by Rev. Horton of Oberlin and the charge to the people by Rev. B.P. Claggett of Sandusky. Rev. and Mrs. Striffler are moving to Oberlin for the winter were Mr. Striffler will take special work at Oberlin College.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, April 2008)
Cass City Chronicle
August 28, 1936
Page 4
Rev. and Mrs. Roy Striffler and children of Geneva, Ohio, came in on Saturday to spend several days with Mr. Striffler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Striffler.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, February 18, 1949
Vol. 43, Number 43
Rev. Roy Striffler goes to New Baltimore
Rev. Roy Striffler, who has served the Congregational Church at Geneva, Ohio, as minister for 15 years, has resigned to go to New Baltimore, Mich., where he will be pastor of the Community Church. The Strifflers have three children. Their son, David, is a student in the school of forestry at Michigan State College. Rev. Mr. Striffler was graduated from Cass City High School in 1916 and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Striffler.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
Volume 22 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 7, 1959, reported Rev. R.J. Striffler accepted a call to the First Congregational Chruch in Bay City, Michigan effective May 1, after 10 years in New Baltimore, Michigan. The September 6, 1965 issue of the same periodical reported that after six years of service in Bay City, Rev. Striffler resigned to accept a call to the Congregational Christian Church of Berkay, Ohio. This is a rural community about 15 miles northwest of Toledo, Ohio. Roy says he is tapering off before retirement.
Volume 28 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 2, 1968, reported that the Rev. Stiffler woudl retire from the full time Pastorate on Oct. 15. The family had purchased a home in Wauseon, Ohio in which to spend their retirement years. On September 29, a service of Thanksgiving was to be held in the Congregational Christian Church at Berley, Ohio, where Roy was currently pastor. This was to also recoginze the fortieth anniversary of his ordination.
1930 Census
Ohio, Huron County, Fairfield Township, North Fairfield Vil
Enumerated Apr 12, 1930
ED 39-3 SD 3 Sheet 8B
Stiffler, Roy J. Hd R $15 M W 32 M 29 Mich Mich Germany Wuertenberg Minister Church Congregational
Striffler, Grace D. Wife F W 34 M 31 New Jersey New York New Jersey
Striffler, R. Phillip Son M W 1 10/12 Son Ohio Mich NJ
Striffler, W. David Son M W 9/12 Ohio Mich NJ
Roy Striffler's Son Dies in Accident
From Geneva (Ohio) Free Press
Less than an hour after her hurried from his sixth grade class at the Geneva school building, Roy Philip Striffler, 11-year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. R.J. Striffler, Eagle Street, died at Community Hospital where he had been rushed immediately after the bicycle on which he was riding was struck by an automobile on North Broadway at about 4:00 p.m. Wednesday.
The car that struck the boy was driven by A.E. Dreese, West Maple Avenue, a former pastor of the North Center Church and now employed at the Geneva Metal Wheel Co. Mrs. Dreese told Geneva authorities that the lad rode from between two parked cars near the Pleasant Street intersection.
The elderly driver, well-known in Geneva church and community circles, said the youngster was directly in front of the care "before I had a chance to stop." Taken to Community Hospital at about 4:15, the boy died five minutes later.
Ashtabula County Coroner, C.C. Webster, Geneva, and Patrolman Archie Drought, who jointly investigated the accident, exonerated Mr. Dreese of any blame. It was reported that the driver of the car had just left his work at The Geneva Metal Wheel Co. and was on his way home. He was travelling at a moderate speed, officials said.
Officials reported that the boy's death resulted from a fractured skull and broken neck.
Young Striffler was just beginning to take deserved pride in his newspaper route. Wednesday night was his third night ont he route which he carried from the Geneva Bus Station. Delivering the Ashtabula Star-Beaso in the northern portion of the village, the youngster had just started his delivery when he was hit by the car. Prior to Wednesday night, he had been accompanied by the boy who had formerly operated the newspaper route.
When Philip was brought into the Community Hospital his newpaper sack accompanied him. Unable to identify the youngster immediately, Patrolman Drought called the bus station, from where the lad carried the papers, and found out that boy's name. The family was notified at once.
Father of Roy Philip Striffler is Rev. R.J. Striffler, Geneva Congregational Church pastor, one of Geneva's best known and most highly regarded ministers.
Philip was a faithful member of his Sunday School class at the Congregational Church and was keenly interested in the Cub Scout movement which was started in Geneva early this year. He was in the sixth grade at school. The lad was a music pupil of Miss Harriet Webster, East Main Street.
Roy Philip Striffler was born at Oberline, June 10, 1928. At the time the Striffler's residence was in North Fairfield, Ohio.
Besides his mother and father, the youngster is survived by a sister, Martha Anne; two brothers, David and Foster; and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Striffler, Cass City, Michigan.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
Cass City Chronicle
Vol. 33, Number 50
Friday, March 10, 1939
Graduating Class of 66 has 20 Honor Students
Russell Striffler is Valedictorian...
The Class of 1939 of the high school at Cass City which will number 66 has an unusually large percentage of honor students, 20 having earned that distinction. Russell Striffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon C. Striffler, of Cass City heads the list with a nearly perfect record and will be valedictorian.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 16, 1947
Cass City, Michigan
Rev. Russell C. Striffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon C. Striffler, of Cass City has completed his course in the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Napierville, Ill., and was graduated from that institution during commencement week from April 30 to May 5. He has been pastor of the Evangelical Church at Benton Harbor since last fall, filling the vacancy caused by the illness and death of the former minister of that charge. Rev. Mr. Striffler is attending the Michigan conference of the Evangelical Church at Vicksbury this week.
Volume 12 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 5, 1949, reported that her was transferred from the Michigan Conference to the New England Conference, with a pastorate at Medford, Mass.. He was to enroll in Boston University in the Fall to study for his Ph.D. degree. Volume 14 of the same periodical reported that he joined the staff of Iowa Methodist Hospital (Des Moines) as a Chaplain-Psychiatrist to offer a religious approach to those mentally ill or depressed by illness.
His obituary was published in the Minnesota Star Tribune on October 7, 2019:
?/b?The Rev. Dr. Russell Clare Striffler died of natural causes Sept 14, 2019. He was 97 years old and living in Arden Hills, MN. He was born in Cass City, MI. to S. C. and Mary Striffler. Russell graduated from North Central College in Naperville, IL. In 1945. From there he went on to graduate from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, from Boston University receiving a master's degree in Pastoral Psychology, and from Dubuque Theological Seminary with a Doctorate of Ministry Degree. He married June Gilbert in 1944. They were married for 73 years. Russell served for 37 years as director of Chaplaincy and was Chaplain Supervisor at Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, IA and St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids, IA. He is survived by his daughter, June Striffler Sand (David) and his son, David R. Striffler (Marie). He has been graced with four grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Services will be held at Johanna Shores (Presbyterian Homes - 3200 Lake Johanna Blvd., Arden Hills) on Friday October 11 at 3pm.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, June 19, 1936
Turning Back the Pages
Twenty Five Years Ago
June 23, 1911
Miss Ruth Striffler, who has been teaching at Tecumseh the past two years, has accepted a position for next year in the public schools in Marchfield, Oregon, a thriving western city of 6,000.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 30, 1913
Local Items, page 4
Ruth Striffler of Argyle was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.A. Sandham, Friday.
Cass City Chronicle
September 4, 1914
Local Items, page 4
Miss Ruth Striffler left Monday morning for Blackfoot, Idaho, where she accepted a position in the public schools.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
Her social security application, completed on October 8, 1952, showed her as Ruth Elizabeth Moreton of 20137 Litchfield, Detroit 21 Mich. She listed her full name at birth as Ruth Elizabeth Stiffler, and gave her date of birth as 23 April 1888 in Cass City. Her parents were shown as Samuel Striffler and Pauline Ahr.
1920 Census
Michigan, Wayne County, City of Detroit, Dist. 11
SD 145 ED 209 Sheet 3B
Moreton, William Hd M 34 Utah Utah NY Purchasing Agent, Auto
Moreton, Ruth Wf F 31 Mich NY Ct Teacher
1930 Census
Michigan, Wayne County, Detroit, Pr 44, Ward 14, Block 33
Enumerated 3 Apr 1930
ED 82-1092 SD 70 Sheet 2B
Morton, Williah H Own $12,000 44 m@31 Utah Utah NY Salesman, Bronze-Tools
Morton, Ruth E 41 M@27 Mich NY Ct Teacher
Lorraine Smith Benkelman transcribed the following letters from Salome to her brother, George Albert
May 11, 1888
The men have been working near the river these two weeks, when the weather was so they could plow. Today they were sowing oats. Pete Burg helped mother with the garden. I let the deer out one evening and he ran around the house in the orchard and garden and tracked the garden all up. We got him back in. The report around is that Adam Benkelman was coming home. We were so glad to think they were going to be here again, then we were disappointed to hear it was only Minnie Burg's talk. It seems odd to not see you, with a book under your arm or in the morning see you come from upstairs. Mother wants to know how far it is from church, are are there any girls in your neighborhood?
Your fat sister, "Baby Elephant Jumbo", Salome
June 6, 1888
I am staying at the Muck's for three weeks now. Anna Peterson is dead. She had a tumor and died under an operation. I heard that Adam Benkelman was expected home any day, but will not be sure until I hear that Minnie Burg did not make it up. The population of Cass City has increased since you left. Adam Muck has a girl, Del Landon a girl, Duncan Graham and Alex McKenzie both boys.
July 31, 1888
What are you doing there? Are you going to stay there. What do you eat anyhow? is Mrs. W. Weydemeyer working where you board? Berries and huckleberries are scarce this year. The Enterprise says "Two women to eveyr raspberry." Lucy Meier was here begging for the new church in Fremont. Did you hear from Will Bien yet, since you are up there? He gets $28 a month. How much are you getting. David said you should come home and cut his hair.
October 10, 1888
folks making syrup again. Mother and Mattie are helping in the sugar house and I am doing the housework. Charlie Yous is working for us again this fall. Johnnie Zinnecker hired out to Pa for a month, he may stay and go to school this winter. Dora Schenck has engaged to teach the Walmsley school. Walter Gamble and Lissie Ale are teaching the CC school. Mrs. John Doying died last Monday. Ada's funeral was yesterday. Peter Dodge is married to Sam's stepdaughter, got license in Caro at 8 pm, thene married at 2 am, lots of talk. Archie's father is married again to Albert Scarr's widow. Adam Muck has a girl, Del Landon a girl, Duncan Graham has a boy, Alex McKenzie a boy.
November 9, 1888
You mentioned going West, how far, Wisconisn or further? Mattie and I sent for the Normal course books. Mrs. Wunderlich organized the class. We younger folks have clubbed together and bought a book for the minister, "the Beautiful story and Gold gems of religious thoughts." Got is from James Waldon, the fellow who's feet got frozen. He is a book agency, walks with crutches.
November 29, 1888
Today is Sam and Mary's wedding day. Rev. N. Wienderlich performs the ceremony. I was not invited. Did you know Mr. Champion died last week. Archie has no hired man at present. Elmer Eastman was working for him but he is gone. Johnnie Zinnecker is going to work for his board this winter and go to school. George Zinnecker is a worker here now. Jake Striffler and family have gone to New York on a visit. Mrs. Waldon has a pair of artificial feet.
Cass City Chronicle
August 15, 1919
The Week's Doing, Page Eight
Mrs. Salome Bien left Monday for a short visit at the home of her son, Stanley Bien, at Lansing.
Cass City Chronicle
February 3, 1922
Page One
Deaths of the Week
Mrs. Salome Bien
The Evangelical church was crowded Sunday afternoon by relatives and friends who came to attend the funeral of Mrs. Salome Bien whose death occurred at her home in Lansing last Thursday. Rev. F. L. Pohly conducted the services and interment was made in Elkland cemetery.
Salome Striffler was born Sept. 19, 1866, on the parental farm near Cass City. She was united in marriage with Wm. Bien in Kilmanagh, Mich., Nov. 25, 1891. This happy union was of short duration, for Mr. Bien preceded his wife in death 26 years ago. Three sons came to bless the home for whom their mother toiled and sacrificed these many years to make possible their education and welfare and whose privilege it became, in these later days, for them to reciprocate their love and devotion in caring for her.
For the past few years, Mrs. Bien has suffered greatly from cancerous trouble but in it all manifested a most patient and hopeful spirit. All that medical skill and kind hands could do could not overpower her affliction. On Jan. 26, 1922, she peacefully passed away at Lansing, Mich., at the age of 55 years. Mrs. Bien gave her heart to God in her youth and united with the Cass City Evangelical church of which she remained a member.
She leaves to mourn her departure three devoted sons, Stanley of Lansing, Paul of Detroit, and William, a student at the U. of M. at Ann Arbor, an aged father, John Striffler of Cass City, two brothers, G.A. Striffler of Cass City and David Striffler of Columbus, Ga., three sisters, Mrs. Archie Mark, Miss Martha Striffler and Mrs. W.R. Kaiser, all of Cass City, besides a host of other relatives and friends.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, March 2008)
1900 Census, Michigan, Tuscola, Elkland, ED 110
Enumerated the 12th of June, 1900 by John Marshall
SD 8, ED 110, Sheet 6 B
126 126
Striffler, John Hd W M March 1833 67 M 41 NY France France Farmer
Striffler, Mary Wife W F May 1839 61 M 41 7/6 Germany Germany Germany 1856
Striffler, Martha Dtr W F Nov 1871 28 S Michigan NY Germany
Striffler, Ester Dtr W F May 1878 22 S Michigan NY Germany
Striffler, David A. W M Aug 1883 16 S Michigan NY Germany Farm Laborer
Bean, Saloma Dtr W F Sep 1866 22 Ed 3/3 Michigan NY Germany
Bean, Stanley G.Son W M Dec 1892 7 S Michigan Michigan Germany
Bean, Paul P. G. Son W M May 1894 6 S Michigan Michigan Germany
Bean, William D. G. Son W M Dec 1895 4 S Michigan Michigan Germany
1910 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Township, Cass City Village
Enumerated 21 Apr 1910
SD 8 ED 113 Sheet 4A Stamped 135
Bien, Salome Hd F W 43 Ed 3/3 Mich NY Germany Own Income
Bien, John C Son M W 17 S Mich Canada/English Mich
Bien, Paul P Son M W 15 S Mich Canada/English Mich
Bien, William D Son M W 14 S Mich Canada/English Mich
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan, March 23, 1923
Local Happenings, Page Four
Sam Striffler spent a few days last week in Battle Creek where he was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Earl BUCHANAN.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, November 12, 1954
Page Six
Cass City Area News Items
Relatives here received word of the death, Saturday, of Samuel Striffler, 82, of San Diego, Cal. Mr. Striffler, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Striffler, was born and raised here. Funeral services and burial took place in California. He is survived by his wife, Mary, who has been hospitalized for a long period of time; a daughter, Mrs. Earl Buchanan, of San Diego and a son, Vernon Striffler, of Long Beach, California, and one sister, Mrs. George Zinnecker of Moore, Montana.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
California Death Index:
1900 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp, Cass City Village
Enumerated 12, 13 and 14 June 1900 by John Marshall
SD 8, ED 110, Sheet 7A Stamped 110
Striffler, Samuel W M Feb 1872 28 M2 Mich France Germany
Striffler, Mary L W F May 1879 21 M2 1/1 Germany Germany Ge
Striffler, Catherine W F Dec 1899 5/12 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Louisa W F Sept 1853 57 7/3 Germany Germany Germany
Crocker, Fred W M Apr 1880 20 Mich Ohio Germany
HH 138-138
Solomon and Kate Striffler
Fred Crocker was Samuel Striffler's first cousin, once removed. His mother was Dorothea Benkelman Crocker, a niece of Sam's mother, Louisa.
Cass City Chronicle
January 24, 1908
Local Items, page 4
Fred and Harry Striffler and a number of their young friends went to Argyle Friday evening and spent several housrs at the home of the boys' parents. The trip was made in a bob sleigh and the crowd had a happy time.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 30, 1913
Ruth Striffler of Argyle was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.A. Sandham, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Striffler of Argyle were callers at the home of J.A. Sandham Tuesday.
Cass City Chronicle
January 15, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. STRIFFLER and Mr. and Mrs. Angus McPHAIL of Argyle and Harry C. STRIFFLER of Ann Arbor were New Years guests at the home of J.A. SANDHAM
Cass City Chronicle
January 14, 1916
Mrs. Angus McPHAIL of Argyle is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.A. Sandham
Cass City Chronicle
October 05, 1923
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Moreton of Detroit arrived in town Thursday last week and have been visiting Samuel Striffler, Mr. and Mrs. Angus McPhail and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Sandham until Wednesday when they returned home. Mrs. Moreton's father, Samuel Striffler, returned with them to make a short stay.
Cass City Chronicle
June 18, 1926
Local Happenings, Page 8
Chas. Rommell of Sturgis is visiting his cousin, S. W. Striffler, and other relatives.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, March 16, 1928
Former Argyle Merchant Is Dead
Samuel W. Striffler, who had been in poor health for several years, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Angus McPhail, on Tuesday afternoon at the age of 70 years.
He was born in Lancaster, New York, on Dec. 4, 1857. In 1863, the family moved to Sturgis, Michigan, and in 1877 they came to Cass City, settling on a farm in the northeastern part of Elkland township.
On May 9, 1882, Mr. Striffler was united in marriage with Miss Pauline Ahr and they commenced their married life on Mr. Striffler's farm in Greenleaf township, three miles east and one mile north of Cass City. Here their children were born and they remained there until December, 1891, when, owing to Mrs. Stiffler's failing health, they moved to Argyle, Sanilac county, where Mr. Striffler engaged in the mercantile business. As a merchant for 28 years in Argyle, Mr. Striffler became widely acquainted, and because of his honorable dealings with his customers and his public spirit in advancing the interests of his town, he was held in high esteem in that community. He was a regular attendant of the Argyle M.E. church and a staunch supporter of that society.
In the spring of 1920, Mr. Striffler sold his mercantile business at Argyle and bought a home in Cass City. Mrs. Striffler passed away on Nov. 4, 1920, and a son, Edward H., preceded his parents in death in 1903. Since Mrs. Striffler's death, Mr. Striffler has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Angus McPhail.
Funeral services will be held in the Evangelical church in Cass City this (Friday) afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. George Hill, assisted by Rev. C.F. Smith, and interment will be made in Elkland cemetery.
Mrs. Striffler is survived by five children, Mrs. John A. Sandham and Mrs. Angus McPhail, both of Cass City, Mrs. Wm. Moreton of Detroit, Fred Striffler of Caro and Dr. Harry C. Striffler of Pontiac; two brothers, Wm. D. Striffler and Solomon C. Striffler, both of Cass City, and three sisters, Mrs. Chas. E. Patterson and Mrs. Edward Helwig, both of Cass City, and Mrs. Andrew McDermott of Alhambra, California.
1900 Census
Michigan, Sanilac, Argyle
Enumerated 22 Jun 1900
SD 7, ED 113, Sheet 10A, Stamped 10
HH 182-186
William and Elizabeth Striffler & Family
HH 184-188
Striffler, Samuel W M Dec 1857 42 M 18 Ny Germany Germany Dry Goods Merchant
Striffler, Pauline F Oct 1860 39 M18 6/6 Ct Germany Germany
Striffler, Edward H W M Jun 1882 17 S Mich NY Ct
Striffler, Grace L W F May 1885 15 S Mich NY Ct
Striffler, Lillian E W F Nov 1886 13 S Mich NY Ct
Striffler, Ruth M W F Apr 1888 12 S Mich NY Ct
Striffler, Fred W M Apr 1890 10 S Mich NY Ct
Striffler, Harry W M July 1891 9 Mich NY Ct
1910 Census
Michigan, Sanilac, Argyle Twp, ED 127
Enumerated 12 May 1910 by James Aute
SD 7 ED 127 Sheet 12 B
Striffler, Samuel W Hd M W 52 M1 28 NY France-German Germany-German Retail General Store
Striffler, Pauline Wife F W 49 M1 28 6/5 Connecticut Germany-German Germany-German
Striffler, Lilian Dtr F W 23 S Mich NY Ct Telephone Operator Central Office
Striffler, Fred C Son M W 20 S Mich NY Ct Clerk Retail General Store
Striffler, Grace L Dtr F w 25 S Mich NY Ct
1920 Census
Michigan, Sanilac County, Argyle
SD 7, ED 126 Sheet 1B
Striffler, Samuel W Hd M 62 M NY France/German Germany/German
Striffler, Pauline Wf F 59 M Oh Oh Oh
Vore, Gladys Servant F 17 F Canada Scotland/English Scotland/English
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Striffler visited at the home of Frank Striffler in Deford over Sunday.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, November 24, 1933
Local Happenings
Page 3
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Striffler and daughter, Luella, and Miss Gertrude Striffler of Detroit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Striffler.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 15, 1936
Elkland Twp. Loses Prominent Citizen
Solomon Striffler Came Here in 1859, Year after Township Was Organized
Elkland township lost a pioneer resident and an outstanding citizen in the death of Solomon Striffler, who passed away at his home on the corner of Leach and Third streets in Cass City on Friday morning, May 8. He had been ill for about a year.
The funeral services were held at the Evangelical church on Sunday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. G.A. Spitler, pastor of the church. Interment was made in Elkland Cemetery.
Solomon Striffler was born in Lancaster, N.Y., on April 5, 1859, and came to this community with his parents, Jacob and Louisa Striffler, at the age of six weeks.
Solomon Striffler and Miss Katherine Burke were married on Nov. 15, 1883, by Rev. B.F. Wade at the home of the bride's uncle, Fred Burke, in Elkland township. The following spring, Mr. Striffler erected a residence on his farm one mile north of the Elkland cemetery and here he and his wife lived and reared their children until 13 years ago when they moved to Cass City. Mr. and Mrs. Striffler celebrated their golden wedding on Nov. 15, 1933.
Mr. Striffler, with possibly one exception, had spent more years in Elkland township than anyone residing in the community. His advent in this place was in the year following the organization of the township of Elkland in 1858. Watrousville was the nearest point that boasted any mercantile establishments in those pioneer days when a lumber trail was the only road in Cass City. Settlers left here at noon and walked to Watrousville, carrying their merchandise purchases home the next day.
Ms. Stiffler was a member of the Evangelical church here and a man of high ideals. He was for many years, until ill health made it necessary for him to resign, the teacher of the adult class in Sunday School and he stood foremost among students as a Bible student. He served Elkland township as treasurer, justice and highway commissioner, and for 28 years was a school director.
Mr. Striffler leaves besides his widow, six children, Frank and Louis Striffler of Detroit, Mrs. Ira Reagh, Leonard Striffler, Mrs. Alma Schenck and Miss Gertrude Stiffler, all of Cass City, eight grandchildren, one brother, Samuel Stiffler, of Battle Creek, and one sister, Mrs. George Zinnecker, of Moore, Montana.
Those for out of town in attendance at the funeral Sunday afternoon included Mr. amd Mrs. Ira H. Blakely, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. I.M Clapper, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Striffler, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kaiser and children, Kenneth John and Ruth, Mrs. Florence Spangler, Louis Striffler, Burke Arehart, and Miss Luella Striffler, all of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Striffler and daugther, Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buchanan and children, James and Nellie Marie, all of Battle Creek; Fred Striffler of Caro; and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nique of Decker.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Winter 2007)
1900 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp, Cass City Village
Enumerated 12, 13 and 14 June 1900 by John Marshall
SD 8, ED 110, Sheet 7A Stamped 110
Samuel & Mary Striffler
Striffler, Solomon Hd W M APr 1889 41 M16
Striffler, Kate Wf W F Sept 1864 34 M 16 5/5
Striffler, Franklin A Son 13
Striffler, Alice L Dtr 11
Striffler, ____ Son 9
Striffler, ____ ??? 4
Striffler, Luella A Dtr 7/12
(Note this listing was at the bottom of the page, and the m
icrofilm copy of it was partially obscured).
1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City, ED 11
Striffler, Solomon M W 70 M @ 24 NY Alsace Lorraine Germany Retired Farmer, Greenhouse
Striffler, Kate 65 F W M @ 18 Germany Germany Germany 1878
Striffler, Leonard 38 S M W S Michigan New York Germany Groomer Stock for Show
On his Form SS-5, application for a Social Security Account Number, Solomon Striffler listed his address as Rt. #1, Cass City, MI. His date of birth was given as Jan. 18, 1882, Tuscola County, Michigan, and he listed his age at his last birthday as 72. His father was listed as Christofer Striffler, and mother as Mary Rummel. His occupation was shown as self employed farmer. His SSN was 362-38-3574.
Cass City Chronicle
Vol. 32, Number 43
Cass City, Michigan, Friday, January 21, 1938
Page Four
In honor of Solomon C. Striffler's birthday, Mrs. Striffler entertained at dinner Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Striffler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helwig and son, Clark. W. D. Striffler is a brother of the honor guest and Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Helwig are sisters.
Cass City Chronicle
November 24, 1966
Final Services for Solomon C. Striffler, 84, lifelong resident of the area, died Saturday, November 19, in Hills and Dales Hospital where he had been hospitalized for a month. Mr. Striffler, a retired farmer, had been in ill health for a year. Born in Cass City January 18, 1992, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Christian Striffler. He and Miss Mary BUEHRLY were married in Cass City June 29, 1910, and they made their home in Elkland Township. Mrs. Striffler died December 30, 1963. Mr. Striffler was a life member of Salem EUB Church, Cass City.
Survivors included two sons: the Rev. Russell Striffler of Des Moines, Iowa, and Delvin Striffler of Caro; two sisters, Mrs. Edward HELWIG of Cass City and Mrs. Barbara GRIFFIN of Alhambra, California and four grandchildren. Little's Funeral Home had charge of arrangements and final services are to be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. at the EUB Church. The Rev. Ira Wood, pastor, will officiate and burial will be in Elkland cemetery.
(Research):1910 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp
Enumerated 16-18-19 of April 1910 By John A. Benkelman
SD 8, ED 112 Sheet No 1 B
Striffler, Solomon C Hd M W 28 S Mich Ger Germany France Germany Home Farmer
Striffler, Chris? Father M W 82 M1 52 France German France German France German
Striffler, Mary Mother F W 72 M1 8/6 Ger Germany Ger Germany Ger German
1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland, ED 12
Striffer, Solomon C Hd M W 48 M @ 28 Mich Alsace-Lorraine Germany Farmer
Striffer, Mary L Wife F W 40 M @ 23 Mich Germany Germany
Striffer, Delvin L Son M W 14 Michigan Michigan Michigan
Striffer, Russell C Son M W 7 Michigan Michigan Michigan
Funeral services for Stanley Striffler, 88, a native of Cass City and former businessman here, were held Saturday at the Verheyden Funeral Home in Grosse Pointe. Burial was in Elkland Cemetery.
He died Jan. 14 in Art Center Hospital in Detroit.
Striffler attended Cleary Business College in Ypsilanti and after going to Detroit, worked as an accountant until his retirement.
Survivors include a sister-in-law, Mrs. Kenneth (Florence) Striffler of Caseville and two cousins, Mrs. Robert Dillman of Cass City and John Miller of Mount Clemens.
His wife, Marjorie, died Nov. 3. A daughter, Geraldine, also preceded him in death.
Mr. and Mrs. Dillman of Cass City, Mrs. Striffler from Caseville, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stiffler of Detroit and Mrs. Robert Rands of Port Huron and a nephew, C.K. Striffler of Rockville, Md., attended the funeral.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, February 2008)
1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland twp, Cass City Village
Enumerated April 11, 1930
ED 79-4 SD 11 Sheet 4B
Striffler, Stanley Hd O $1900 M W 38 M25 Mich Ny Canada Merchant Grocery
Striffler, Mildred V Wf 29 M 17 Mich NY Germany Saleslady Grocery
Striffler, Geraldine M Dtr 8 Mich Mich Mich
O'Dell, Hilda Maid Mich Mich Mich Servant
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, September 16, 1910
Page One
Had Love and Respect of All
Mrs. A.H. Muck Passed To Her Reward
Death Occurred Sunday Evening and Funeral Service was Held Wednesday Morning
Mrs. A.H. Muck died at her home at the corner of Grant and Pine Streets Sunday evening after an illness of several months.
Susan Striffler was born in Lancaster township, Erie county, New York, on June 15, 1849. She came to Michigan April 15, 1878, and was united in holy wedlock to Adam H. Muck on May 21, 1885. To this union three children were born.
Mrs. Muck was converted in her youth and while in New York became a member of the M.E. church. After coming to Cass City she transferred her church membership to the Evangelical church here. She was an every day Christian-one who seemed born to inspire the love and respect of all who were fortunate in being acquanted with her. No one was more willing to aid the suffering, cheer the desponding and sustain the weak and her life was a blessing and benefaction to all within the sphere of her influence.
The funeral service was held in the Evangelical church Wednesday morning and a large number of relatives and friends attended. She leaves to mourn her demise her husband, three children, Mrs. E. W. Kaercher, Miss Emma and Philip Muck; two step-daughters, Mrs. Wm. Joos and Miss Lena Muck; two brothers, J.H. and C.D. Striffler; one sister, Mrs. Peter Burg.
Relatives from out of town who attended the funeral were: Jacob Muck of Lockport, New York; Mrs. Wm. Bockstedt and Miss Gassner of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Ricker of West Grant; Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Nique of Shabbona; Mrs. Geo. Zinnerker of Owendale; S.W. Striffler of Argyle.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Fall 2007)
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, October 29, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Lenzner and little daughter, Mrs. C.O. Lenzner, Miss Emma Lenzner of Cass City and Mrs. Samuel Lenzner of Detroit were Colwood visitors Friday night.
Cass City Chronicle
May 5, 1905, page 1
Pioneer Passed Away
Another pioneer has passed away in the person of Mrs. Susan Lenzer, who died at her home at the corner of Oak and Pine streets, last Friday evening, April 28.
Mrs. Lenzer, nee Striffler, was born Aug. 6, 1823, in the province of Lorraine, then a part of France but now a part of Germany. When she was six years of age her parents sailed for America ans settled near Lancaster, New York. In 1853 she was married to C.O. Lenzer, Sr. To this union five children were born, all of whom survive. In 1873 the family moved to Cass City, where Mr. Lenzer entered into the furniture business and continued the same for many years. He died in 1897.
At an early age Mrs. Lenzer joined the Reformed church and has lived a consistent Christian life and followed the teaching of the Golden Rule. For some years she has been in feeble health and was very ill the two weeks preceding her death. Her departure is mourned by a host of relatives and friends in whose estimation she was held in high esteem. Five children--Miss Emma, C.O. and Franklin of this place, John of Gagetown and Samuel of Detroit, and two brothers, John and Christian Striffler of Cass City, survive.
The funeral services were held at the residence Sunday Afternoon, Rev. Berge officiating, and the remains interred in the Elkland cemetery. The out of town relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lenzer of Detroit, John Lenzer of Gagetown, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Striffler and W. D. Striffler of Argyle.
1880 Census
Oscar Sr. LENSPAER Self M Male W 54 SAXONY Cabinet Maker SAXONY SAXONY
Susanna LENSPAER Wife M Female W 56 FRANCE Keeping House FRA. FRA.
John LENSPAER Son S Male W 23 NY Cabinet Maker SAXONY FRA.
Franklin LENSPAER Son S Male W 21 NY Carpenter SAXONY FRA.
Samuel LENSPAER Son S Male W 19 NY Carpenter SAXONY FRA.
Emma LENSPAER Dau S Female W 16 NY At School SAXONY FRA.
Source Information:
Census Place Cass City, Tuscola, Michigan
Family History Library Film 1254607
NA Film Number T9-0607
Page Number 100D
1900 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City Village
Enumerated 8 June 1900 by A.D. Gallis
SD 8 ED 11 Sheet 5A Stamped 119
Pine Street
Lenzner, Susan Hd W F Jan 183 (sic) ?? W 47 5/5 Germany Germany Germany 1830 70
Lenzner, Emma Dtr W F Jun 1863 36 S NY Germany Germany Dress Maker
Linzner, John Border W M Oct 1847 52 S Ny Germany Germany Day Laborer
Thomas K. Striffler of Caro, age 71, passed away following a courageous battle with cancer on Sunday, August 27, 2023 at home, surrounded by the love of his family. Tom was born June 3, 1952 in Flint, the son of the late Delvin & Martha (Kane) Striffler. He was raised in a loving yet disciplined home in Caro and fondly remembered Sunday dinners with his grandparents and time spent helping his father at his car dealership. He graduated from Caro High School with the class of 1970 and later earned an engineering degree from General Motors Institute in Flint. While at GMI, he served in a co-op position with Saginaw Steering Gear, later called Delphi, in what would become a thirty-three year career with the company, retiring in 2003. He was united in marriage with Carol J. Paul on August 23, 1975 in Bay City and the couple has cherished forty-eight loving years together.
Tom was a devoted Christian and practiced his faith by helping others. He followed a moral compass provided by the Lord's teachings and believed in doing what is right, even if it isn't popular. He was raised in the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Caro and remained with the congregation when it merged to become the Caro United Methodist Church. He held countless positions within the church and was willing to do anything as long as it didn't involve preaching or singing. He served as a witness to the Lord's love throughout his life, even in his final days.
Tom was a steadfast advocate and dedicated servant to the City of Caro. He cultivated a love for the community in others and exuded optimism about the potential of a small town if people simply came together with common purpose. He was instrumental in the development of the Chippewa Landing Park and the iconic bridge that spans the Cass River. Tom was Caro's first mayor following its transition to cityhood and was selected as the 2008 Caro Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year. He was also honored as a Distinguished Alumnus of Caro Schools, served as a board member of the Tuscola County Community Foundation, the Neal Sisters Foundation, and spent many years as a Big Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters in Caro.
He was most proud of the family he and Carol created and was a constant support to his two children. He enjoyed coaching Little League when the kids were younger, and later softball with Caro High School. In retirement, he enjoyed the simple pleasures of watching his grandchildren and tending to his garden. Tom loved the peace of Lake Huron at his childhood cottage in Broken Rocks of Port Austin. It remained a sanctuary for him, reflecting the beauty of God's earth, and will continue to bless the family through future generations.
Left to cherish Tom's memory are his wife, Carol; two children and their spouses, Christian & Sarah Striffler of Augusta, Bethany & Matt Kirk of Fairgrove; three grandchildren, Mia, Nolan, and Wesley; one sister and her husband, Sharon & Patrick Oriel of Glen Arbor; stepsister, Joann Tomlinson of Caro; many nieces, nephews, friends, and his beloved cocker spaniel, Buster. In addition to his parents, Tom was preceded in death by his stepfather, Reid Thurston.
In keeping with Tom's wishes, cremation has taken place. A celebration of his life will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, September 1, 2023 at the Caro United Methodist Church with Pastor Robert Demyanovich officiating. The family will be present to receive friends at the Ransford Collon Funeral Home in Caro on Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and at the church on Friday from 10:00 a.m. until the time of the service at 11:00 a.m. Those planning an expression of sympathy are asked to consider memorial contributions to the Caro United Methodist Church, Tuscola County Community Foundation, or the Good Samaritan Fund.
1920 Census
New York, Niagara County, Town of Lockport
Enumerated 10, 12 and 13 January 1920
SD 20 ED 227 Sheet 1B
Fm 17-17
Striffler, Van G Hd M W 27 M NY NY Mich Farmer
Striffler, Hattie W Wf F W 21 M NY NY NY
Striffler, Donald L Son M W 1 9/12 S NY NY
1930 Census
New York, Niagara County, Lockport Town
Enumerated April 9, 1930
Sheet 3A Stamped 98
Striffler, Van G Hd O $4500 M W 37 M 26 NY NY NY Roller Radiator Factory
Striffler, Hattie W Wf F W 31 M 20 NY NY NY
Striffler, Donald L Son M W 12 S NY NY NY
Striffler, Philip E Son M W 10 S NY NY NY
Striffler, Maria Mother F W 69 Wd Mich NY NY
This is his listing from the California Death Index at Rootsweb. It appears that his grandmothers maiden name is being used, and not his mothers. Perhaps his record and that of his father, for whom he was named, were confused. The report of his marriage, published in the September 1, 1958 issue of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, notes that he was the great grandson of David Striffler.
The STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST Volume 10, dated September 1, 1947, reported that Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Striffler and Eddie drove to Nova Scotia to visit relatives.
The STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, Volume 11, published September 6, 1948, reported that Vernon, who had been working for Squibbs Co. of Battle Creek, had been transferred to California and was moving with this family to Long Beach.
Volume 26 of the sam periodical reported he had returned to Battle Creek where he was employed with the Muir Drug Company.
Cass City Chronicle
Thursday, December 15, 1966
Cass City Social and Personal Items, Page Two
Vernon Stiffler, 63, of Battle Creek died Nov. 25 in University Hospital. Mr. Striffler was a former Cass City resident and graduated from Cass City High School. Funeral services were held in Battle Creek Nov. 29. Burial was also in Battle Creek. Survivors include his widow Arlene, one son, Edward of Battle Creek and one sister, Mrs. Katherine Buchanan of San Diego, Calif.
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2008)
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan, Dec. 21, 1928
Page Five
Where they will spend Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Striffler will have as guests on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. R.H. ORR and children of Pigeon, Dr. and Mrs. William STURM and Miss Mary STRIFFLER of Detroit.
Cass City Chronicle
October 6, 1933
Local Happenings, Page Four
Mr. and Mrs. George Southworth and family of Elkton visited at the home of Mrs. Southworth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Striffler.
Cass City Chronicle
Vol. 33, Number 50
Friday, March 10, 1939
Sunday visitors at the W. D. Striffler home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Orr and daughter, Marjorie, of Pigeon and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Southworth and son, Duane, of Elkton.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, May 16, 1947
Local News
Mrs. E.B. GARDINER of Plymouth spent last Thursday and Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. STRIFFLER. Her nieces, Joyce and Jessie FRY, returned home with her and came to Cass City Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. Ione STURM, of Detroit.
Cass City Chronicle
January 21, 1949
Local News, Page 4
Mrs. Wilma FRY visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. STRIFFLER, in Plymouth Sunday.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, March 11, 1949
Elkland Pioneer Resident Died in Plymouth Saturday
Funeral of William D. Striffler Conducted here Monday by Rev. S.P. Kirn
William D. Striffler, a pioneer of the Elkland Township community, passed away early Saturday morning, March 5, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.B. Gardiner of Plymouth, Mich. He had been ill about a month. Had he lived until March 21 next, he would have been 88 years of age.
The body was brought to Little's Funeral Home here and at noon Monday was taken to the Evangelical United Brethern Church where it lay in state until 2:00 p.m. when funeral services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Stanley P. Kirn. Two quartet selections were sung by Donald Borg, Maurice Joos, B.A. Elliott and Joseph Benkelman, with Mrs. Maurice Joos as piano accompanist. Burial was made in Elkland cemetery.
Six nephews of the deceased served as pallbearers. They were Delvin Striffler of Caro, Clark Helwig, Grant Patterson, and John Clark and Wallace Zinnecker.
William David Stiffler was born March 21, 1866, in Sturgis, Mich., the son of the late Christian and Mary Rommel Stiffler. He came to Cass City with his parents when a small boy.
Mr. Striffler was united in marriage in Cass City, on Dec. 6, 1892 with Miss Elizabeth Zinnecker. Following the marriage, they started housekeeping in Argyle, Michigan, where Mr. Striffler in company with his brother, Samuel, was engaged in a general merchandise business under the name of Striffler Bros. In 1900, having disposed of his interest in the Argyle store to his brother, Mr. Striffler purchased a farm in Elkland Township, a mile north and half mile east of Cass City. In 1923 the retired from farming and made Cass City their home. They went to Plymouth last fall to spend the winter months with their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Stiffler celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1942. Mr. Striffler has been a member of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Cass City since 1909.
Mr. Striffler leaves his widow, one son, Rev. Roy J. Striffler, of New Baltimore, Michigan; five daughters, Mrs. R.H. Orr of Pigeon, Mrs. Ione Strum of Detroit, Mrs. George Southworth of Elkton, Mrs. Wilma Fry of Cass City and Mrs. Gardiner of Plymouth; one brother, S.C. Striffler of Cass City; three sisters, Mrs. C.E. Patterson and Mrs. Edward Helwig, both of Cass City, and Mrs. Barbara Griffin of Alhambra, California; thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Three sons, one brothers and one sister preceded him in death.
[Note: A list of relatives and friends who attended the funeral was printed in the paper as well, but not transcribed]
(Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, Summer 2007)
1900 Census
Michigan, Sanilac, Argyle
Enumerated 22 Jun 1900
SD 7, ED 113, Sheet 10A, Stamped 10
HH 182-186
Striffler, William Hd W M M7 Mar 1867 Mich Germany Germany Dry Goods Merchant
Striffler, Elizabeth Wf W F M7 4/4 Feb 1869 Germany Germany Germany
Striffler, Ethel M Dtr W F Mar 1894 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Daniel Son W M Oct 1895 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Roy J Son W M Oct 1897 Mich Mich Germany
Striffler, Ione C Dtr W F Apr 1900 Mich Mich Germany
HH 184-188
Samuel and Pauline Striffler & Family
1910 Census
Not Located
1920 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland
Enumerated 21 January 1920
SD 7 ED 178 Sheet 6A
FM 123-126
Striffler, William D Hd M W 53 M Mich France/German WurtembergGermany/German Farmer
Striffler, Elizabeth Wife F M 50 M 1879 Na 1890 BarvariaGermany/German BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Daniel Son M W 24 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German Laborer
Striffler, Florence Dtr F W 16 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Wilma Dtr F W 14 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Mary Dtr F W 11 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Striffler, Delmar Son M W 8 S Mich Mich BavariaGermany/German
Fm 124-127
Jaus, John and Maud
Fm 125-128
John A. and Augusta Benkelman
1930 Census
Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Township, Cass City Village
Enumerated April 11, 1930 by Helen Schwaderer
ED 79-4, SD 11 Sheet 4B (bottom) and 5A (top), Stamped 188
Striffler, William D Hd O $1800 M W 64 M 26 Mich Alsace/Germany Germany Salesman Implements
Striffler, Elizabeth Z Wf F W 60 M 23 Germany Germany Germany 1869 Na
Striffler, Daniel Son M W 34 S Mich Mich Germany Painter Decorating (unemployed)
Striffler, Delmar W Son M W 18 S Mich Mich Germany Printer's Devil Newspaper
William F. Striffler Sr., 76, of 6116 Isla St., Melbourne, Fla., died Sunday, Nov. 18, 1979, in the Melbourne Hospital following an extended illness.
Born July 27, 1903 in Economy Borough, son of the late Edward F. and Mary Kindleberger Striffler, he had lived in Economy borough until moving to Florida in 1968; was a retired employee of H.D. Porter Co., Ambridge, retiring in 1968; a member of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Economy Borough, and was a lifetime member of the Economy Volunteer Fire Department.
Surviving are his widow, Iva Willoughby Striffler; two sons, William F. Jr., Melbourne, and Jack T., Economy Borough; two daughers, Mrs. Norman (Margaret) Kopp, Melbourne, and Mrs. Lillian Sessie, Aliquippa; 14 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Byron (Margaret) Blackford, Ingomar, and Mrs. Alva (Anna) McKinney, Wexford.
He was preceded in death by a son, Harry in 1963, and a brother, Joseph A., in 1975.
Friends are being received today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Kenneth E. Hare Funeral Home, 500 Park Rd., Ambridge, where a service will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m., with his pastor, Rev. Charles Shade, officiating.
Interment will take place in Sylvania Hills Memorial Park, Daugherty Township.
The Cass City Chronicle
February 9, 1923
Local Happenings
Page Four
The high school annual is well under way, all plans being nearly complete. The staff...had been organized and working for several months with untiring enthusiasm: Business manager, Grant Pinney; assitant, Nila Burt; editor-in-chief, Bernice Wager; assitants, Wilma Striffler and Lilah Spurgeon...
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, Jun 8, 1923
Page One
Largest Class in H.S. History
The largest class ever to be graduated from the Cass City high school, 17 boys and 26 girls, will be presented with diplomas at the opera house next Thursday evening...the Class Day program included a class history, Irvine Striffler...class prophecy, Wilma Striffler...both were listed as member of the Class of '23
Cass City Chronicle
July 6, 1923
Page Four
Local Items
Miss Wilma Striffler is employed at the millinery shop of Mrs. Julia Gay.
Cass City Chronicle
Sept. 14, 1923
Page Four
Local Items
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark of Caro, accompanied by Miss Wilma Striffler of this place, leave next Monday on a motor trip to California. Taking the Lincoln Highway route, they will camp along the way stopping to visit at the following places: Oriona, St. Louis, Mich., Lake Odessa and Gary, Indiana. They will spend the winter in California, Miss Striffler visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Southworth at Dinuba.
Cass City Chronicle
Oct. 19, 1923
Page Four
Local Items
A letter recently received by Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler from their daughter, Miss Wilma Striffler, states that the motor party with which Miss Striffler is making a trip to California has advanced as far as Simeron, New Mexico. She also told of climbing to the summit of a mountain and viewing Pike's Peak. It is expected that by the time this paper reaches its readers that the young lady will be nearly to her destination.
Cass City Chronicle
March 27, 1925
Page Four
Local Items
Miss Wilma Striffler, who has been in Dinuba, California for some time, returned to her home her Tuesday.
Cass City Chronicle
August 20, 1926
Page Four
Local Items
Members of the Christian Endeavour gave a farwell party in the basement of the Evangelical church Tuesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Wilma Striffler. After an hour of games, ice cream and frosted cake were served. Mrs. A. A. Ricker, in presenting Miss Striffler with a scarf from C. E. members, commended her for faithfulness and efficiency in church work. Miss Striffler is expected to leave hear next Monday for Los Angeles, California, and later will go to San Luis Obispo, California, where her sister, Mrs. Geo Southworth, resides.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, Oct. 4, 1929
Local Happenings
Page Two
Miss Wilma Striffler left Tuesday morning for Detroit where she visited her sisters, Mrs. William STURM and Miss Mary STRIFFLER, and left there Wednesday to return to her work at San Luis Obispo, California, after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. STRIFFLER.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, October 14, 1932
Local Happenings
Page Six
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler, son Delmar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry and little daughter of Cass City and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orr and family of Pigeon spent Sunday at Whip-poor-will Harbor.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 6, 1934
Local Happenings
Page Four
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry and two daughters left Wednesday morning for San Luis Obispo, California, where they will make their home.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 7, 1939
Local Happenings
Page Four
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry and two daughters, Joyce and Jessie, of San Luis Obispo, California, will leave home today to make the trip to Michigan. They expect to spend two months with Mrs. Fry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler, and other relatives here.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, July 28, 1939
Local Happenings
Page Three
Mrs. Robert Fry and children, Joyce and Jessie, of San Luis Obispo, California, Mrs. Ione Sturm of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler returned Thursday from a week's visit at the Orr cottage at Sunshine Beach. Miss Mary Striffler spent the week-end at the W. D. Striffler home in Cass City and returned to Plymouth Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ione Sturm, of Detroit. Mrs. Sturm has spent a two weeks' vacation with her parents.
Cass City Chronicle
Friday, June 6, 1942
Local Happenings
Page Three
Mrs. Robert Fry and daughters, Joyce and Jessie, expect to leave San Luis Obispo, California, about June 9 for Cass City to make their home with Mrs. Fry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler.
Cass City Chronicle
Cass City, Michigan
Thursday, January 22, 1970
Vol. 63, No. 40
Mrs. Wilma Fry dies in Port Huron
Mrs. Wilma S. Fry, 64, succumbed Thursday, Jan. 15, in Port Huron Hospital where she had been a patient one day.
Mrs. Fry, former Cass City Village clerk and treasurer, had made her home in Port Huron for the past four years. Born in Argyle Aug. 9, 1905, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Striffler. She married Robert Fry in California and the couple made their home at San Luis Obispo. He died in 1942 and Mrs. Fry moved to Cass City that year. She was a member of Salem United Methodist Church and Zonita International--a charter member of the Cass City Club. Funeral services were held Saturday, Jan. 17, at Little's Funeral Home with Rev. Ira Wood, pastor of Salem Church, officiating. Burial was in Elkland cemetery.
Surviving are: two daughters, Mrs. Harold (Joyce) WILLARD of Port Huron and Mrs. Paul (Jessie) BERRIMAN of Ferndale, three grandchildren, one brother, Rev. Roy STRIFFLER of Ohio, and three sisters, Mrs. Ione STURM of Detroit, Mrs. George SOUTHWORTH of Elkton and Mrs. Edward GARDINER of Port Austin.
A photo of his military marker is posted at FindAGrave.
It is inscribed with a Cross, and
James F. Striffler
World War I
Mar 4 1892
26 Jan 1946
Name James Francis Strifler
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date 1917-1918
Event Place Pottawatomie County, Kansas, United States
Gender Male
Birth Date 04 Mar 1893
Birthplace Blaine, Kansas, United States
Nationality United States
Affiliate Publication Title World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards
Affiliate Publication Number M1509
GS Film number 1643804
Digital Folder Number 005250474
Image Number 03775
Citing this Record:
"United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K66N-YQD : accessed 20 Oct 2013), James Francis Strifler, 1917-1918; citing Pottawatomie County, Kansas, United States, NARA microfilm publication M1509, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d); FHL microfilm 1643804.
Courtesy of Don Staton, who notes that James was working for the Union Pacific Railroad at the time he registered for the draft
1880 Census
Alexander Stringer Self M M W 40 MS Farmer MS MS
Amanda F. Stringer W M F W 35 MS Keeping House MS MS
A. C. Stringer Dau S F W 2 MS MS MS
E. W. Stringer Dau S F W 4 months MS MS MS
Mary Stringer Mother W F W 73 SC Retired HK --- ---
Elizabeth Entreken Other S F W 19 Ms Works in House MS MS
Marion Martin Other S M B 14 Ms Works on Farm MS MS
Census Place:
Beat 5, Lawrence, Mississippi
FHL Film # 1254653
NA Film # T9-0653
Page Number 309C