Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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Matches 1801 to 1900 of 3045  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# MediaNr Description Media_type
1801 18  Payne, Thomas Bunker  photos 
1802 539  Payne, Thomas Bunker  headstones 
1803 540  Payne, Thomas Bunker  headstones 
1804 39  Payne, Thomas Bunker with his second wife, Lillian (James) Payne and son Marion Clyde  photos 
1805 527  Payne, Thomas Bunker's sons, ca 1900  photos 
1806 44  Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 1 of 3  documents 
1807 58  Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 2 of 3  documents 
1808 59  Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 3 of 3  documents 
1809 76  Payne, Thomas H. - Telegram informing his family of Tom Payne's death  documents 
1810 68  Payne, Thomas H. Civil Service Card  documents 
1811 69  Payne, Thomas H. Civil Service Disability Separation, May 1957  documents 
1812 43  Payne, Thomas H. Letters of Administration 1950 (Based on Presumed Death)  documents 
1813 60  Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 1 0f 6  documents 
1814 61  Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 2 0f 6  documents 
1815 62  Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 3 0f 6  documents 
1816 63  Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 4 0f 6  documents 
1817 64  Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 5 0f 6  documents 
1818 65  Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 6 0f 6  documents 
1819 72  Payne, Thomas H. Union Card  documents 
1820 74  Payne, Thomas H. VFW Lifetime Membership   documents 
1821 67  Payne, Thomas H.- Alaska Hunting License  documents 
1822 66  Payne, Thomas H.- Ladd AFB Job Description 1955  documents 
1823 537  Payne, Thomas Hamilton  headstones 
1824 538  Payne, Thomas Hamilton  headstones 
1825 2051  Payne, Thomas Hamilton  headstones 
1826 130  Payne, Thomas Hamilton I  photos 
1827 195  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II  photos 
1828 2050  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II  headstones 
1829 2394  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II  documents 
1830 754  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II ca 1918  photos 
1831 71  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II in Alaska, between 1945-1955  photos 
1832 2396  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II, 1906 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation Homestead Patent  documents 
1833 2395  Payne, Thomas Hamilton II, 1906 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation Homestead Patent, Back  documents 
1834 28  Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1917  photos 
1835 34  Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1933  photos 
1836 19  Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1940's  photos 
1837 23  Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1940's in California  photos 
1838 757  Payne, Vera  photos 
1839 785  Payne, Walter and Permelia (Gentry)  headstones 
1840 619  Payne, William Bertram & Elizabeth Belter Children  photos 
1841 630  Payne, William Bertram and Elizabeth (Belter)  photos 
1842 680  Payne, William Bertram Family Bible   documents 
1843 683  Payne, William Bertram Family Bible (Births)  documents 
1844 682  Payne, William Bertram Family Bible (Deaths)  documents 
1845 681  Payne, William Bertram Family Bible (Marriages)  documents 
1846 764  Payne, William H. H. and Hattie (Brown) Family Reunion, Marlow, Oklahoma, mid 1950's, Outdoor Shot  photos 
1847 763  Payne, William H.H. and Hattie (Brown) Family Reunion, Marlow Oklahoma, 1950s, Indoor shot  photos 
1848 786  Payne, William Henry Harrison  headstones 
1849 490  Payne, William Henry Harrison, ca 1905  photos 
1850 787  Payne, Willie T  headstones 
1851 3103  Pearson, John Moses and wife Nancy "Nannie" Ella Carlisle  photos 
1852 1378  Pease, Lois Benkelman  headstones 
1853 406  Petrasek, Barbora  photos 
1854 2849  Picnic at Cass City Park  photos 
1855 41  Pierce, Roscoe  photos 
1856 20  Pierce, Roscoe with his daughter Shirley Lynn  photos 
1857 15  Pierce, Roscoe, ca 1930's  photos 
1858 2002  Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1938  photos 
1859 2001  Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1940's  photos 
1860 2003  Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1940's  photos 
1861 16  Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1945  photos 
1862 228  Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1950's with her cousin Charles Strong and a friend  photos 
1863 1999  Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 2000 with her mother and ???  photos 
1864 2612  Pineland, Texas Logging Crew ca 1920  photos 
1865 2613  Pineland, Texas Lumber Engine, ca 1911  photos 
1866 1791  Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska  photos 
1867 1798  Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska, Historical Marker  photos 
1868 1800  Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska, Interior  photos 
1869 1801  Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska, Interior, Altar  photos 
1870 1451  Piram, Evilee (White)  headstones 
1871 2200  Pointer, Edna Alyne (Mrs. Denton Kerr)  documents 
1872 2201  Pointer, Marion B.  documents 
1873 1037  Pointer, Marion B. and his sister, Edna, ca 1917  photos 
1874 1897  Posvar, Joseph and Estella Janda  photos 
1875 1902  Posvar, Martin  documents 
1876 3109  Prado, Danny  documents 
1877 1570  Pratt, Ozro Lee and Clara (Adkins)  headstones 
1878 1555  Procella, Glendell Raymond Jr.  headstones 
1879 140  Quinn and McGuire Cousins ca 1939  photos 
1880 139  Quinn Family, Sturgis, Mississippi circa 1939  photos 
1881 137  Quinn, James & Sidney  photos 
1882 138  Quinn, James, Sidney, & Grady  photos 
1883 46  Quinn, Sidney with his Aunt Vivian Schoenfeld  photos 
1884 3027  Racek, Emma (Mrs. James Virka)  documents 
1885 1423  Rennels, Alfred and Blanche (Dunlap)  headstones 
1886 1426  Rennels, Alfred and Blanche (Dunlap)-Back  headstones 
1887 1422  Rennels, Alvin Jasper "Mutt" and Hazel (Allison)  headstones 
1888 1425  Rennels, Alvin Jasper "Mutt" and Hazel (Allison)-Back  headstones 
1889 1429  Rennels, Elmer  headstones 
1890 1430  Rennels, George and Maude  headstones 
1891 1431  Rennels, Infant Son of A.M. and Blanche  headstones 
1892 1432  Rennels, Jasper  headstones 
1893 1433  Rennels, Jasper-Close Up  headstones 
1894 844  Rennels, Juano Lavell & Lottie Edith  photos 
1895 1434  Rennels, Lloyd H.  headstones 
1896 2258  Rennels, Perry Clyde  documents 
1897 1437  Rennels, Thomas Perry and Mary (Trawick)  headstones 
1898 1427  Rennels, Wade and Gertrude (Mooney)  headstones 
1899 1428  Rennels, Wade and Gertrude (Mooney)-Back  headstones 
1900 1878  Retz, Richard with his bride, Sheryl Falk, and daughter, Lauren Retz  photos 

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