# |
MediaNr |
Description |
Media_type |
1801 |
18 |
Payne, Thomas Bunker |
photos |
1802 |
539 |
Payne, Thomas Bunker |
headstones |
1803 |
540 |
Payne, Thomas Bunker |
headstones |
1804 |
39 |
Payne, Thomas Bunker with his second wife, Lillian (James) Payne and son Marion Clyde |
photos |
1805 |
527 |
Payne, Thomas Bunker's sons, ca 1900 |
photos |
1806 |
44 |
Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 1 of 3 |
documents |
1807 |
58 |
Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 2 of 3 |
documents |
1808 |
59 |
Payne, Thomas H. - Info Letter re TH Payne from Mrs Earle W Barry Palmer Alaska PG 3 of 3 |
documents |
1809 |
76 |
Payne, Thomas H. - Telegram informing his family of Tom Payne's death |
documents |
1810 |
68 |
Payne, Thomas H. Civil Service Card |
documents |
1811 |
69 |
Payne, Thomas H. Civil Service Disability Separation, May 1957 |
documents |
1812 |
43 |
Payne, Thomas H. Letters of Administration 1950 (Based on Presumed Death) |
documents |
1813 |
60 |
Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 1 0f 6 |
documents |
1814 |
61 |
Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 2 0f 6 |
documents |
1815 |
62 |
Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 3 0f 6 |
documents |
1816 |
63 |
Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 4 0f 6 |
documents |
1817 |
64 |
Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 5 0f 6 |
documents |
1818 |
65 |
Payne, Thomas H. Proof of Heirship Chickasaw Tribe 1920 PG 6 0f 6 |
documents |
1819 |
72 |
Payne, Thomas H. Union Card |
documents |
1820 |
74 |
Payne, Thomas H. VFW Lifetime Membership |
documents |
1821 |
67 |
Payne, Thomas H.- Alaska Hunting License |
documents |
1822 |
66 |
Payne, Thomas H.- Ladd AFB Job Description 1955 |
documents |
1823 |
537 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton |
headstones |
1824 |
538 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton |
headstones |
1825 |
2051 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton |
headstones |
1826 |
130 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton I |
photos |
1827 |
195 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II |
photos |
1828 |
2050 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II |
headstones |
1829 |
2394 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II |
documents |
1830 |
754 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II ca 1918 |
photos |
1831 |
71 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II in Alaska, between 1945-1955 |
photos |
1832 |
2396 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II, 1906 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation Homestead Patent |
documents |
1833 |
2395 |
Payne, Thomas Hamilton II, 1906 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation Homestead Patent, Back |
documents |
1834 |
28 |
Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1917 |
photos |
1835 |
34 |
Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1933 |
photos |
1836 |
19 |
Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1940's |
photos |
1837 |
23 |
Payne, Thomas Hardrick ca 1940's in California |
photos |
1838 |
757 |
Payne, Vera |
photos |
1839 |
785 |
Payne, Walter and Permelia (Gentry) |
headstones |
1840 |
619 |
Payne, William Bertram & Elizabeth Belter Children |
photos |
1841 |
630 |
Payne, William Bertram and Elizabeth (Belter) |
photos |
1842 |
680 |
Payne, William Bertram Family Bible |
documents |
1843 |
683 |
Payne, William Bertram Family Bible (Births) |
documents |
1844 |
682 |
Payne, William Bertram Family Bible (Deaths) |
documents |
1845 |
681 |
Payne, William Bertram Family Bible (Marriages) |
documents |
1846 |
764 |
Payne, William H. H. and Hattie (Brown) Family Reunion, Marlow, Oklahoma, mid 1950's, Outdoor Shot |
photos |
1847 |
763 |
Payne, William H.H. and Hattie (Brown) Family Reunion, Marlow Oklahoma, 1950s, Indoor shot |
photos |
1848 |
786 |
Payne, William Henry Harrison |
headstones |
1849 |
490 |
Payne, William Henry Harrison, ca 1905 |
photos |
1850 |
787 |
Payne, Willie T |
headstones |
1851 |
3103 |
Pearson, John Moses and wife Nancy "Nannie" Ella Carlisle |
photos |
1852 |
1378 |
Pease, Lois Benkelman |
headstones |
1853 |
406 |
Petrasek, Barbora |
photos |
1854 |
2849 |
Picnic at Cass City Park |
photos |
1855 |
41 |
Pierce, Roscoe |
photos |
1856 |
20 |
Pierce, Roscoe with his daughter Shirley Lynn |
photos |
1857 |
15 |
Pierce, Roscoe, ca 1930's |
photos |
1858 |
2002 |
Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1938 |
photos |
1859 |
2001 |
Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1940's |
photos |
1860 |
2003 |
Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1940's |
photos |
1861 |
16 |
Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1945 |
photos |
1862 |
228 |
Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 1950's with her cousin Charles Strong and a friend |
photos |
1863 |
1999 |
Pierce, Shirley Lynn ca 2000 with her mother and ??? |
photos |
1864 |
2612 |
Pineland, Texas Logging Crew ca 1920 |
photos |
1865 |
2613 |
Pineland, Texas Lumber Engine, ca 1911 |
photos |
1866 |
1791 |
Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska |
photos |
1867 |
1798 |
Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska, Historical Marker |
photos |
1868 |
1800 |
Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska, Interior |
photos |
1869 |
1801 |
Pioneer Chapel, Milligan, Nebraska, Interior, Altar |
photos |
1870 |
1451 |
Piram, Evilee (White) |
headstones |
1871 |
2200 |
Pointer, Edna Alyne (Mrs. Denton Kerr) |
documents |
1872 |
2201 |
Pointer, Marion B. |
documents |
1873 |
1037 |
Pointer, Marion B. and his sister, Edna, ca 1917 |
photos |
1874 |
1897 |
Posvar, Joseph and Estella Janda |
photos |
1875 |
1902 |
Posvar, Martin |
documents |
1876 |
3109 |
Prado, Danny |
documents |
1877 |
1570 |
Pratt, Ozro Lee and Clara (Adkins) |
headstones |
1878 |
1555 |
Procella, Glendell Raymond Jr. |
headstones |
1879 |
140 |
Quinn and McGuire Cousins ca 1939 |
photos |
1880 |
139 |
Quinn Family, Sturgis, Mississippi circa 1939 |
photos |
1881 |
137 |
Quinn, James & Sidney |
photos |
1882 |
138 |
Quinn, James, Sidney, & Grady |
photos |
1883 |
46 |
Quinn, Sidney with his Aunt Vivian Schoenfeld |
photos |
1884 |
3027 |
Racek, Emma (Mrs. James Virka) |
documents |
1885 |
1423 |
Rennels, Alfred and Blanche (Dunlap) |
headstones |
1886 |
1426 |
Rennels, Alfred and Blanche (Dunlap)-Back |
headstones |
1887 |
1422 |
Rennels, Alvin Jasper "Mutt" and Hazel (Allison) |
headstones |
1888 |
1425 |
Rennels, Alvin Jasper "Mutt" and Hazel (Allison)-Back |
headstones |
1889 |
1429 |
Rennels, Elmer |
headstones |
1890 |
1430 |
Rennels, George and Maude |
headstones |
1891 |
1431 |
Rennels, Infant Son of A.M. and Blanche |
headstones |
1892 |
1432 |
Rennels, Jasper |
headstones |
1893 |
1433 |
Rennels, Jasper-Close Up |
headstones |
1894 |
844 |
Rennels, Juano Lavell & Lottie Edith |
photos |
1895 |
1434 |
Rennels, Lloyd H. |
headstones |
1896 |
2258 |
Rennels, Perry Clyde |
documents |
1897 |
1437 |
Rennels, Thomas Perry and Mary (Trawick) |
headstones |
1898 |
1427 |
Rennels, Wade and Gertrude (Mooney) |
headstones |
1899 |
1428 |
Rennels, Wade and Gertrude (Mooney)-Back |
headstones |
1900 |
1878 |
Retz, Richard with his bride, Sheryl Falk, and daughter, Lauren Retz |
photos |