Strong - McLemore History and Ancestry
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Report: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by frequency

         Description: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by frequency

Alle voorkomende tweede niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen. Geordend volgens frequentie

Matches 1101 to 1200 of 2531  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Level_2 Number
1101 Augusta 
1102 Austin County 
1103 Austria 
1104 Autauga County 
1105 Autryville 
1106 Avery County 
1107 Avon 
1108 Avoyelles Parish 
1109 Ayrshire 
1110 B?rtlingen Parish 
1111 Baca County 
1112 Bad Axe 
1113 Bahamas 
1114 Bailey County 
1115 Baird 
1116 Barcelona 
1117 Barnsdall 
1118 Barnwell County 
1119 Barron County 
1120 Barrow County 
1121 Bartlett 
1122 Barton County 
1123 Bassfield 
1124 Bastrop 
1125 Batavia 
1126 Battle Creek 
1127 Bayern 
1128 Bedford County 
1129 Beech Grove 
1130 Beeville 
1131 Belgium 
1132 Belwood 
1133 Bend 
1134 Benjamin 
1135 Bennet 
1136 Bennington County 
1137 Bentonville 
1138 Benzie County 
1139 Bergheim 
1140 Berks County 
1141 Bermondsey 
1142 Bernalillo County 
1143 Berryville 
1144 Bethel 
1145 Bethnal Green 
1146 Beulah Springs 
1147 Bexar 
1148 Bibb County 
1149 Bieldside 
1150 Big Rapids 
1151 Big Sandy 
1152 Big Stone Gap 
1153 Biloxi 
1154 Bingham County 
1155 Bitburg 
1156 Black Hawk County 
1157 Black River Twp 
1158 Blackfoot 
1159 Blackford County 
1160 Blairsville 
1161 Blanco County 
1162 Bland Lake 
1163 Bloomville 
1164 Bokoshe 
1165 Bollinger County 
1166 Bon Homme County 
1167 Bon Wier 
1168 Bone Gap 
1169 Bonnetsville 
1170 Bonneville County 
1171 Boonville 
1172 Botetourt County 
1173 Boulder City 
1174 Boyce 
1175 Bracken 
1176 Bradshaw 
1177 Braggs 
1178 Brainard 
1179 Braintree 
1180 Brasil 
1181 Brawley 
1182 Brazil 
1183 Bremer County 
1184 Bremond 
1185 Brewster County 
1186 Briscoe County 
1187 Bristol 
1188 Brodbeck 
1189 Brodbecks 
1190 Broken Arrow 
1191 Bronson 
1192 Brook Park 
1193 Brookeland 
1194 Broome County 
1195 Brownwood 
1196 Bruce 
1197 Brule County 
1198 Brunswick County 
1199 Buchanan County 
1200 Buck Hall 

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