The Military Marker on his FindAGrave Memorial Page was inscribed with a Cross, and "Felix Leroy Balard PVT US Army World War II Feb 25 1928 Jul 2 1996"
BALYEAT-GATES FAMILY BIBLE RECORD (THE HOLY BIBLE, American Bible Society, New York, 1859 ? Family Records located between the Old and New Testaments) - NOTE: I tried to duplicate the entries exactly as written?misspellings and all.
Margaret BALYEAT was Borne September the 20 ? 1826
Elizabeth Aacesta BALYEAT was Borne Decmber the 21, 1845
John Wesley BALYEAT was Borne March the 18, 1847
Catharine Jane BALYEAT was Borne September the 27, 1848
Ansavilla BALYEAT was Borne March the 19, 1850
Marion BALYEAT was Borne June the 16, 1852
Walter BALYEAT was Borne May the 15, 1854
Edward Alonzo BALYEAT was Borne August the 15, 1859
Frank BALYEAT was Born May the 10, 1861
Marion BALYEAT Departed this life July the 31, 1879, aged 27 years
Marion BALYEAT son of Johnathan BALYEAT, Departed this life July the 31, 1879, aged 27 years and a few days
Jonathan BALYEAT Departed this life on March the 21, 1898, aged 74 and one Month
Margaret GATES BALYEAT Departed this life on Febuary the 11th, 1904, Aged 77 years four Months and 21 days
Ansavilla MEYERS died Dec. 24, 1928
Edmund Alonzo died June 1930
Walter R. BALYEAT, son of Margaret and Jonathan BALYEAT, Departed this life Dec. 15th, 1916, aged 62 year and five months.
Catherine Jane SCOTT departed this life Nov. 9, 1920, aged 72 yrs., 12 days. at Mt. Dora, Fla.
Elizabeth Aleesta BALYEAT departed this life Jul. 31, 1921 aged 75 yrs. 7 mo. + 9 days.
John Wesley died Oct. 23, 1931, National Military Home, Va.
Sara Catherine BALYEAT, Apr 1st 1941
This Bible was acquired at the Estate Sale of GORDON W. BALYEAT, M.D. (1911-2009) at 150 Morningside Dr. S.E., East Grand Rapids, MI 49506, on November 12, 2009.
1900 Federal Census
Michigan, Ionia County, Odessa Twp, Lake Odessa Village, District 21, Page 33
Enumerated 23 to 27 June 1900
SD 52 ED 21 Sheet 17A Stamped 232A
Balyeat, John W Hd W M Mar 1847 53 M 24 Ohio Ohio Ohio Farmer
Balyeat, Sarah Wf W F July 1854 45 M24 2/2 Ohio Pa Ohio
Balyeat, Wilma I Dtr W F Jan 1881 19 S Mich Ohio Ohio School Teacher
1910 Federal Census
Indiana, Elkhart County, Middlebury, District 42, Page 18
Enumerated 9 May 1910
SD 13 ED 42 Sheet 9B
Balyeat, John Wesley Hd M W 63 M1 34 Ohio Ohio Ohio Farmer
Balyeat, Sarah Catherine Wf F W 56 M1 34 2/2 Ohio Pa Ohio
1920 Federal Census
Indiana, Elkhart County, Middlebury, District 29, Page 1
Enumerated 2 January 1920
SD 13 ED 29 Sheet 1A Stamped 212
Balyeat, John W Hd M W 72 M Ohio Pa Ohio Farmer
Balyeat, Sarah C Wf F W 66 M Ohio Pa Ohio
Balyeat, Wilma Irene Dtr F W 38 S Mich Ohio Ohio
Balyeat, Elecota E Boarder F W 74 S Ohio Pa Ohio
Name: Wilma Irene Balyeat
Gender: Female
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
Birth Date: 28 Jan 1881
Birthplace: Odessa, Ionia, Michigan
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: John Wesley Balyeat
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Sarah C. Cramer
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C74301-1
System Origin: Michigan-ODM
GS Film number: 960503
Reference ID:
Collection: Wilma Irene Balyeat, "Michigan, Births and Christenings, 1775-1995"
Name: Wilma I Balyeat
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Year: 1940
Event Place: Ward 2, Anderson, Anderson Township, Madison, Indiana, United States
Gender: Female
Age: 59
Marital Status: Single
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized): White
Relationship to Head of Household (Original):
Relationship to Head of Household (Standardized): Head
Birthplace: Michigan
Estimated Birth Year: 1881
Residence in 1935: Same Place
Enumeration District Number: 48-18
Family Number: 289
Sheet Number and Letter: 61A
Line Number: 10
NARA Publication Number: T627
NARA Roll Number: 1072
Digital Folder Number: 005459828
Image Number: 00663
Collection: Wilma I Balyeat, "United States Census, 1940"
1930 Census
Louisiana, DeSoto Parish, Ward 5
Enumerated Apr 4, 1930
ED 16-15 SD 1 Sheet 3A Stamped 196
Goss Community, Rough 1, Mansville, La
Bandy, Fred J Head M W 42 m 27 La Ala Ala Engineer Oil Field
Bandk, Averil Wf F W 34 M 19 Tx Tx Tx
Bandy, Margaret Dtr F W 7 S la La Tx
Crawford, Lewis Ftr-in-law M W 76 Wd Tx Tenn SC
Crawford, Herbert Head M W 43 M 21 Tx Tx SC Engineer Station Oil Field
Crawford, Maggie Wf F W 42 m 20 Tx Tx Tx
Crawford, Norman-ab Son M W 21 S Tx Tx Tx
Crawford, Bernard-ab Son M W 19 S Tx Tx Tx
Lizzie May Cramer, 90, formerly of Brodbecks R.D. 1, died Saturday at 5:14 a.m. at Hanover General Hospital.
She had been a guest at the Homewood Retirement Center for the past 13 years.
Her husband, John Luther Cramer, died in 1945. She was a daughter of the late Noah and Lovina (Myers) Bange.
She was a member of the Reformed congregation of St. Jacob's (Stone) Church, Brodbecks.
Surviving are four sons and three daughters, Stanley J. Barthold, Spring Grove; Walter W. Cramer, Hanover; Mrs. Clark (Pauline) Rohrbaugh, Hanover; Mrs. Leroy C. (Ruth) Wentz, Manchester, Md.; Harold E. Cramer, East Berlin; Mrs. Monroe D. (Catherine) Utz, Hanover; Harry L. Cramer, Hanover; 21 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Lloyd (Carrie) Rohrbaugh, Hanover.
The funeral will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Kenworthy Funeral Home, 269 Frederick St., Hanover, with the Rev. Thomas White officiating. Burial will be in St. Jacob's (Stone) Church Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home this evening.
1910 Census
Pennsylvania, York County, Manheim Township
Enumerated 25 Apr 1930
SD 15 ED 75 Sheet 6B
Bankert, Isiah P Hd M W 26 M1 2 Pa Pa Pa Carpenter House
Bankert, Katie R Wf F W 25 M1 2 1/1 Pa Pa Pa
Bankert, Robert Son M W 1 5/12 S Pa Pa Pa
Fuhrman, Wesley D Hd M W 46 M1 26 Pa Pa Pa Farmer
Fuhrman, Mary C Wf F W 48 M1 26 5/4 Pa Pa Pa
Fuhrman, Robert R Son M W 21 S Pa Pa Pa Farm Laborer
Fuhrman, Arthur R SOn M W 20 S Pa Pa Pa Farm Laborer
Fuhrman, Titus R Son M W 12 S Pa Pa Pa Farm Laborer
Fuhrman, Annie M Mother F W 67 Wd 3/3 Pa Pa Pa
1920 Census
Pennsylvania, York County, Penn Township, Page 4
Enumerated 16 Jan 1920
SD 13 ED 89 Sheet 2B
Bankert, Isaiah P Hd M W 36 M Pa Pa Pa Carpenter House
Bankert, Katie R Wf F W 35 M Pa Pa Pa ??? Laborer
Bankert, Robert H oOn M W 11 S Pa Pa Pa
Bankert, Mary C Dtr F W 6 S Pa Pa Pa
Bankert, Dorothy E Dtr F W 2 5/12 S Pa Pa Pa
1930 Census
Pennsylvania, York County, Manheim Township
Enumerated April 19, 1930
ED 67-47 SD 25 Sheet 10A Stamped 268
Bankert, Isiah Hd M W 46 M 25 Pa Pa Pa Farmer
Bankert, Katie R Wf F W 45 M 23 Pa Pa Pa
Bankert, Mary C Dtr F W 16 S Pa Pa Pa
Bankert, Dorothy E. Dtr F W 12 S Pa Pa Pa
Mrs Anna Barbara Harpole and her family arrived in Philadelphia on Oct. 28th, 1738. She was a twenty-nine year old Protestant widow with five young sons. They arrived aboard the bilander Thistle of Philadelphia. George Houston was the captain. The ship had sailed from Rotterdam, Netherlands, via Cowes, England. This was because only British ships were permitted to land at American ports of the period. The passengers imported on this voyage consisted of forty-two men, thirty-six boys, forty-one women and twenty-three girls. A total of 142 passengers.2 3
A bilander was a two masted vessel and its distinguishing feature was the large trapezoidal mainsail, the forward end of which came as far forward as the middle of the ship. Steerage passengers were densely packed, often with poor food and bad water. Disease was commonplace. Christopher Sauer, a German printer in Philadelphia, mentioned in a letter, in that same year of 1738, that 2,000 Germans had just died of a "pest" on immigrant ships. No doubt this was an exaggeration, Sauer was crusading on behalf of the German immigrants; but we can be sure there was some truth in his assertion.
Upon arrival in Philadelphia, Anna, as head of the family, was probably immediately marched under guard to the Court House where she was required to swear the Oath of Allegiance to the Protestant King George the Second and explicitly state her refusal to give any allegiance to the former Catholic King James, or any of his heirs. She was then taken back to the Thistle.
Afterwards Anna would have been free to leave the vessel if she had enough passage money. If she did not, she was consigned, along with others in that sorry state, to a merchant. An advertisment would have been printed in a Philadelphia newspaper. Buyers would have bargained with her for a stated period of her domestic or other service. After the Indenture, her sworn and witnessed agreement, was signed by her. The buyer would have paid the merchant her passage money and any other debts that she owed to the Captain. The buyer then received the servant in exchange. Families were often divided at this point, the able-bodied children being "sold" into temporary servitude to pay the family's passage.
What precisely happened in the Herboldt family's case is currently unknown. Nicholas, we can be reasonably certain, was too young to be separated. Anna must have found some immediate employment. It is at least possible that she had a contact in the New World and some money before she made the fateful decision to take her young family across the Atlantic. The probability is that Anna made the transition successfully as we know that her son Hans was later apprenticed to a brickmaker.
1782 - A "Widow Harple" of New Hanover Township, County of Philadelphia, was assessed for ?0.18.9 being her annual effective supply tax. Her total valuation was listed as ?150.4
1783 - A "Widow Harple" of New Hanover Township, County of Philadelphia, was listed as possessing 85 acres but no horses, cattle, sheep or negroes for her annual Federal tax assessment.5
1790 - A "Widow Harple" was living in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania with, presumably, her five children all under sixteen; three girls and two boys. Census 1790
A John Harple of Montgomery county, PA, [born 1752] is listed as a Pennsylvanian [Military] Pensioner, [former rank of] pr[ivate in the] P[ennsylvanian] L[ine, pension payments were activated on] March 1 1821[when he reached the age of 69]; [he then] d[ied on] June 22, 1832, [at the age of] 80.6 Square here brackets denote assumptions.
Harple, John, Pa., Mary/Maria/Maricha, W3138 7 These papers would be available.
1. Harpole, Belma Carroll & Agnes S. (1986) Harpole Cousins - The Harpole-Harpold-Harpool Families in America West Point Miss.(privately published)
2. Strassburger, R. B. & Hinke, W.J. (1934) Pennsylvania German Pioneers Vol 1
(List 63 A) A List of Palatinate Passenger's Names
3. Rupp, I. Daniel 1876 (rp.1965) A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 etc.
4. Montgomery, Thomas Lynch edit. (1906) Pennsylvanian Archives Harrisburg Publishing Company:Harrisburg PA Third Series Vol. 16 page 259.
5. Montgomery, Thomas Lynch edit. (1906) Pennsylvanian Archives Harrisburg Publishing Company:Harrisburg PA Third Series Vol. 16 page 624.
6. Montgomery, Thomas Lynch edit. (1906) Pennsylvanian Archives Harrisburg Publishing Company:Harrisburg PA Third Series Vol. 23 page 512.
7. Index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications in the National Archives (1976)
8. Harpold, William Cody Rev. (1986) Correspondence with B. C. & Agnes S. Harpole
quoting genealogist
Cornelia Schrader-Muggenthaler, Heimeranstrabe 2, 8000 Munchen 2, Germany
Courtesy of
Kenneth C. Harvey
Funeral services for Bobby Patrick Barbee, 53, of Shelbyville were held at 2:00 p.m., Friday, April 13, 2007. Bobby Patrick Barbee was born in Short Community of Shelby County on April 12, 195 to Archie Barbee and Faye DEASON Barbee. He was a member of Spann's Chapel Missionary Church and the Texas Logging Council.
He is survived by his wife, Sharon Barbee of Shelbyville, sons, Adam BARBEE and wife, Jamie of Center and Logan BARBEE of Shelbyville; daughter, Kristy BARBEE of Houston; sisters, Barbara McDONALD and Beverly WALKER, both of Garrison, Vickie SNIDER and husband, Everett, Rhonda HOLLOWAY and husband, Robert and Carolyn HARKNESS and husband, Ricky, all of Center; brothers, Donald BARBEE and wife, Julie of Logansport, John BARBEE and wife, Ginnie, "Bo" Archie BARBEE and wife, Tammy and Denel Ray BARBEE ans wife, Rosy, all of Center; one grandson and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends. Watson and Sons Funeral Home in Center was in charge of arrangements.
The U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. shows she was born in Houston Harr, Texas to Tom Barcelona and Katie Runfalo.
1900 Census
Illinois, Ogle County, Nashua Township, District 88, Page 6
Enumerated 9 Jun 1900
SD 3 ED 88 Sheet 8B
Barden, John Hd W M Aug 1854 45 M23 Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1867 33 Na Day Laborer
Barden, Lucina Wf W F Feb 1857 43 M 23 3/2 Ill Ohio Ohio
Barden, Grace Dtr W F Apr 1883 17 S Ill Canada Ill At School
Barden, Adah Dtr W F Apr 1885 15 S Ill Canada Ill At School
Kenneth Vance Graves, ?i?Thomas Graves of Hartford, Conneticut and Hatfield, Massachusetts?/i?, (Wrentham, Massachusetts, Family History Publications, 1985), p. 21.
Kenneth Vance Graves, ?i?Thomas Graves of Hartford, Conneticut and Hatfield, Massachusetts?/i?, (Wrentham, Massachusetts, Family History Publications, 1985), p. 21.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace O
ccupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
William BARGE Self M Male W 26 GA Farmer GA GA
Martha A. BARGE Wife M Female W 20 LA Keeping House GA MS
Willis E. BARGE Son S Male W 6M AR GA LA Source Information:
Census Place Buena Vista, Columbia, Arkansas
Family History Library Film 1254041
NA Film Number T9-0041
Page Number 217A
1900 Census
Texas, Limestone County, JP 4
Enumerated 7 Jun 1900
SD 9 ED 57 Sheet 8A
Barge, Wm. G Hd W M May 1854 46 M22 Ga Ga Ga Farmer
Barge, Martha Wf W F Aug 1859 40 M22 11/6 La Ga Miss
Barge. Berta Dtr W F Nov 1883 16 S Ark Ga La Farm Laborer
Barge, Lenoira Dtr W F Mar 1886 14 S Ark Ga La Farm Laborer
Barge, Fannie Dtr W F Aug 1895 4 S Tx Ga La
Barge, Dexter Son W M Jun 1898 1 S Tx Ga La
Foster, B. A. Motehr W F May 1836 Wed 8/4 Miss SC Ky
His Texas Death Certificate shows him as a son of Billie Barge and Mattie Hines of Arkansas. He was listed as a retired farmer, and he was buried at Lost Prarie Cemetery.
Name: George Wesley Barker
Death date: 04 Nov 1955
Death place: Graham, Young, Texas
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document): White
Age at death: 72 years 10 months 23 days
Estimated birth year:
Birth date: 12 Dec 1882
Birth place: Texas
Marital status: Married
Spouse name:
Father name: J W Barker
Father birth place:
Mother name: Martha Howe
Mother birth place: Texas
Occupation: Farming
Residence: Bryson, Jack, Texas
Cemetery name: Wesley Chapel Cemetery
Burial place: Jack County, Texas
Burial date: 06 Nov 1955
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2114547
Digital GS number: 4163991
Image number: 1578
Reference number: cn 58205
Collection: Texas Deaths, 1890-1976
1920 census
Jack Co. TX ED 70 Pg. 21A
North half of Prec. 1
Barker, George W., head, MW, 36, M, Farmer, TX US IL
Annie E., wife, FW, 38, M, TX IL MS
Lester T., son, MW, 13, TX TX TX
Birda A., dau., FW, 10, TX TX TX
Martha S., dau., FW, 7, TX TX TX
William C., son, MW, 4, TX TX TX
1930 census
Jack Co. TX ED 119-11 Pg. 222B
Barker, George W., head, MW, 47, M, m@21, Farmer, TX TX IL
Annie E., wife, FW, 45, M, m@23, TX TX TX
Lester T.(?), son, MW, 24, S, Laborer, TX TX TX
Bertie A., dau., FW, 21, S, TX TX TX
Stella M., dau., FW, 18, S, TX TX TX
Chester W., son, MW, 15, TX TX TX
Her FindAGrave memorial page, created by Caroyln Andrews, shows that she was a daughter of Albert Sidney BARKER (FAG#61198185) and Coma Ellen ALLEN (FAG#126191892).
Looking for information on the ancestry of John Barkley who appears in the records of Northampton County, NC, from about 1800 on until he disappears therefrom after 1820. He was married to Rebecca Doles (died before May 18, 1820), daughter of Francis Doles, sometime between 1805 and 1812, and they had five children, Francis Doles Barkley, Martha Mariah Barkley (gg-grandmother of the undersigned), Jesse F Barkley, John R. Barkley and Rebecca J. Barkley. He was also apparently a fairly prominent person for, according to his grandson, Benj. F. McLemore, John Barkley was a NC state senator. Despite this info, I have been unable to connect him. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I would in return be willing to supply info on his McLemore descendants and/or info on his wife's family. Reply either here or directly to:
John David McLemore, a descendant, emailed in July 2010 that Britain McLemore's wife was "Minnie Fry Barksdale (she was related directly to Joshua Fry who commanded George Washington before the French and Indian War broke out, among other things. She also had Maury blood in her too. James Maury was the teacher of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Meriwether Lewis. Minnie was from Charlottesville,VA Albemarle County and coincidentally grew up right off of Barksdale Street.)"
1920 Census
Texas, San Augustine County, JP 1, District 174
SD 226 ED 174 Sheet 15A Stamped 15
San Augustine and Tebo Road
Barlow, William Hd M W 41 M Miss Miss Miss Farmer
Barlow, Lizzie Wf F W 36 M Tx Tx Tx
Barlow, Alvie Son M W 13 S Tx Ms Tx
Barlow, Adad Sn M W 12 Tx Ms Tx (Probably actually ANNIE PE
ARL, born 1908)
Barlow, Earl Son M W 10 S Tx Ms Tx
Barlow, Marvin Son M W 8 S Tx Ms Tx
Barlow,JL. T. Son M W 6 S Tx Ms Tx
Barlow, Ruth Dtr F W 4 0/12 S Tx Ms Tx
Barlow, Jackson Son M W 2 0/12 S Tx Ms Tx
Barlow, ----- Son M W 1/12 S Tx Ms Tx
A celebration of Creed Lamar Barlow's life, age 85 of Kirbyville-Brookeland, Texas, will be 10:00 am on Friday, June 29, 2018 at Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home in Jasper, Texas. Burial will follow at Brookeland Cemetery. Visitation will be from 5:00pm ? 8:00pm, Thursday, June 28, 2018 at the funeral home.
Lamar died Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at his home. He was a native of Strickland Crossing in Sabine County, Texas. He was a member of Kirbyville Missionary Baptist Church, where he served as a deacon since 1964. He liked camping and fishing, restoring old cars, and to work on antique furniture. Lamar was the owner and operator of Barlow Antiques in Kirbyville for several years. He and Betty married in Pineland in 1955.
Lamar is survived by his wife of 62 years, Betty Brewster Barlow of Kirbyville-Brookeland, Texas; son, Dalton Barlow & wife Misty of Merryville, Louisiana; two daughters, Marla Beavers & husband Donald of Anacoco, Louisiana and Laurie Edgin & husband Jerry of Huntsville, Texas; two sisters, Lora Beth Wright of Cuero, Texas and Mary Edgar of Texarkana, Arkansas; eleven grandchildren, and 10 great grandchildren.
Lamar was preceded in death by his parents, A.H. and Ina Mae Barlow; and a brother, Wendall Barlow.
Services are under the direction of Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home of Jasper.
Copied from the Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home website
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, July 4, 2018, page 8
Wrote a history/genealogy column for the Sabine County Reporter, later formeed to a facebook group of the same name, "Farm Road 1 - From one end to another."
He died of COVID, and the tribute below was posted on the SABINE COUNTY REPORTER facebook page on August 26, 2021, along with a photo.
July 22, 2021. Breakfast was busy that Thursday, but he was who I needed to talk to most. Pineland Day was on the horizon and I wanted to get as many details as I could. He gave me a date and invited me over to his house where he had been collecting memorabilia of Pineland Day for years- maybe for that museum he often talked about. But before we could get too deep into what was happening in October, Ronald wanted to talk about a new cooperative program through 4H that would make the lives of Sabine County youth 1000x better. Horseback riding, archery, shooting, piano, photography, even Tai Kwan Do- and so many more activities. He had businesses and banks onboard and, of course, his beloved Texas A&M was contributing as well. He had most of the logistics worked out and like so many times before, I was blown away by his skills of team-building, organization and productivity. The man could get a job done and done well - better than any I've ever known. We talked for nearly two hours and he was a bit late getting out the door for his weekend conference at College Station. We agreed to a Pineland Day tour after breakfast the following week and he was off.
On Tuesday, as I was sitting in the dentist chair, my phone rang and his deep voice drawled out, "Mrs. Johanna, this is a courtesy call. I left Aggie Land this morning and stopped to take a test because I had a little fever. And the dern thing was positive. I didn't feel bad until Saturday morning, but wanted you to be able to tell the breakfast crew that it was a possibility I had it Thursday."
Inconvenient. That was my initial thought. We had plans and I had gotten a brief glance at his schedule and knew he was all booked up. When were we going to be able to get together again? We chatted for a bit and I prayed for him and told him I'd check in in a couple of days.
Friday he emailed me all the details he had for the new 4 H plan. If you knew him, you knew he was a way above average and competent writer. But on this day he let me know I needed to write it. He didn't feel well and said the COVID packed a punch and he was going to try to rest.
On Monday, I sent him the story and he said it was accurate and we could print and distribute. It ran in the Aug. 4 edition.
I assumed he would get over it quickly, no big deal. And I was very wrong. When I learned he had been hospitalized, I text right away. "18th day of symptoms, 11th day in the hospital," he assured me he was getting better everyday. We talked a few more times before his condition worsened and then Mrs. Carolyn would respond instead.
As it became evident he was in the fight of his life, more than ever, I petitioned God for his physical, earthly healing daily, almost constantly. And to be 100% transparent, I'm struggling with His answer being no. Because I love this man. I have admired and looked up to him for 23 years, and I'm not ready to let him go and without a doubt, many of you feel the same. That's ok. God is big enough to handle all of our sorrow, anger and doubt. His grace is always sufficient.
It's Thursday, one month has passed since this photo was taken, and breakfast is being prepared, because that's all I know to do. Keep going. Support one another. Pray. Take care of Sabine County and the Pineland that he loved, in anyway we can. He served so many here for decades. We will honor him and remember.
Obituary, Downloaded from Staff Funeral Home
Ronald Earl Barlow, 61, of Pineland, Texas passed away Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at Woodland Heights Medical Center in Lufkin, Texas.
Ronald was born in Jasper, Texas on August 2, 1960 to Wendall Barlow and Doris Powell Barlow. He was a lifetime resident of Pineland, Texas, a place that he loved and devoted a major part of his life to the town and it's residents.
He was a graduate of West Sabine High School, where he later served as an agriculture teacher for five years, served as elementary principal for three years and as high school principal for two years. After graduating high school, he attended his beloved Texas A&M University where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural education in 1983. In 1992, he earned his Master's Degree in education from Stephen F. Austin State University.
In addition to serving at West Sabine ISD, he also was principal at Joaquin ISD and Ag Teacher for Dayton ISD and Latexo ISD. He was a member of numerous community committees and activities such as West Sabine School Board, Sabine County Historical Commission, Sabine County Livestock Show, Pineland Service Club, and Pineland Day Steering Committee, to name a few.
He was also awarded with many, many awards and recognition over the years for his service to his community. He ended his service to Sabine County serving as County Extension Agent where he helped many and was building on the 4H program for the young people in this area.
Ronald was also worked for many years in the Oil and Gas Industry area of construction.
On Ronald's personal side, he was a very laid back man that was a friend to many, not to mention a loving husband and father. He enjoyed organizing events, all things historical, learning new things, and writing tributes for those he knew best. He was a collector of sports memorabilia and things concerning Pineland, enough so that he could probably have filled a museum.
He was a big fan of his grandchildren and enjoyed taking them on adventures. And of course, he was a Die Hard Aggie.
Ronald is survived by his wife, Carolyn Barlow of Pineland; his mother, Doris Barlow; son, Matthew Joel Barlow and wife, Katheryn, of Fort Worth; stepsons, Nick Estes and wife, Ashley, of Martinsville, Michael Estes and wife, Molly, of San Augustine, and Wade Wheeless of Cushing; step daughter, Katie Holland and husband, Matthew, of Cushing; brothers, Michael Henry Barlow of Bronson and Randall Barlow of Sutton-on-Hill, England; sister, Pam Abdallh and husband, Yousef, of Silsbee; and eleven grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his father, Wendall Barlow.
A visitation of family and friends will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 28, 2021 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will begin at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 29, 2021 at First Baptist Church Family Life Center in Pineland under the direction of Starr Funeral Home with Bro. Floyd Wright officiating.
Burial will follow services in Bethel Chapel Cemetery in Pineland with Jamie Powell, Doug Welch, Matt Barlow, Michael Barlow, Mike Pate, Jason Collins, Daryl Melton, and Ken Kilcrease serving as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers are Benny Jacks, Yousef Abdallh and Keith Franks.
Condolences can be made and guest book may be signed online at
Ronald Earl Barlow, 61, of Pineland, Texas passed away Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at Woodland Heights Medical Center in Lufkin, Texas.
Ronald was born in Jasper, Texas on August 2, 1960 to Wendall Barlow and Doris Powell Barlow. He was a lifetime resident of Pineland, Texas, a place that he loved and devoted a major part of his life to the town and it's residents.
He was a graduate of West Sabine High School, where he later served as an agriculture teacher for five years, served as elementary principal for three years and as high school principal for two years. After graduating high school, he attended his beloved Texas A&M University where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural education in 1983. In 1992, he earned his Master's Degree in education from Stephen F. Austin State University.
In addition to serving at West Sabine ISD, he also was principal at Joaquin ISD and Ag Teacher for Dayton ISD and Latexo ISD. He was a member of numerous community committees and activities such as West Sabine School Board, Sabine County Historical Commission, Sabine County Livestock Show, Pineland Service Club, and Pineland Day Steering Committee, to name a few.
He was also awarded with many, many awards and recognition over the years for his service to his community. He ended his service to Sabine County serving as County Extension Agent where he helped many and was building on the 4H program for the young people in this area.
Ronald was also worked for many years in the Oil and Gas Industry area of construction.
On Ronald's personal side, he was a very laid back man that was a friend to many, not to mention a loving husband and father. He enjoyed organizing events, all things historical, learning new things, and writing tributes for those he knew best. He was a collector of sports memorabilia and things concerning Pineland, enough so that he could probably have filled a museum.
He was a big fan of his grandchildren and enjoyed taking them on adventures. And of course, he was a Die Hard Aggie.
Ronald is survived by his wife, Carolyn Barlow of Pineland; his mother, Doris Barlow; son, Matthew Joel Barlow and wife, Katheryn, of Fort Worth; stepsons, Nick Estes and wife, Ashley, of Martinsville, Michael Estes and wife, Molly, of San Augustine, and Wade Wheeless of Cushing; step daughter, Katie Holland and husband, Matthew, of Cushing; brothers, Michael Henry Barlow of Bronson and Randall Barlow of Sutton-on-Hill, England; sister, Pam Abdallh and husband, Yousef, of Silsbee; and eleven grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his father, Wendall Barlow.
A visitation of family and friends will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 28, 2021 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will begin at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 29, 2021 at First Baptist Church Family Life Center in Pineland under the direction of Starr Funeral Home with Bro. Floyd Wright officiating.
Burial will follow services in Bethel Chapel Cemetery in Pineland with Jamie Powell, Doug Welch, Matt Barlow, Michael Barlow, Mike Pate, Jason Collins, Daryl Melton, and Ken Kilcrease serving as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers are Benny Jacks, Yousef Abdallh and Keith Franks.
Condolences can be made and guest book may be signed online at
Ronald Earl Barlow, 61, of Pineland, Texas passed away Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at Woodland Heights Medical Center in Lufkin, Texas.
Ronald was born in Jasper, Texas on August 2, 1960 to Wendall Barlow and Doris Powell Barlow. He was a lifetime resident of Pineland, Texas, a place that he loved and devoted a major part of his life to the town and it's residents.
He was a graduate of West Sabine High School, where he later served as an agriculture teacher for five years, served as elementary principal for three years and as high school principal for two years. After graduating high school, he attended his beloved Texas A&M University where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural education in 1983. In 1992, he earned his Master's Degree in education from Stephen F. Austin State University.
In addition to serving at West Sabine ISD, he also was principal at Joaquin ISD and Ag Teacher for Dayton ISD and Latexo ISD. He was a member of numerous community committees and activities such as West Sabine School Board, Sabine County Historical Commission, Sabine County Livestock Show, Pineland Service Club, and Pineland Day Steering Committee, to name a few.
He was also awarded with many, many awards and recognition over the years for his service to his community. He ended his service to Sabine County serving as County Extension Agent where he helped many and was building on the 4H program for the young people in this area.
Ronald was also worked for many years in the Oil and Gas Industry area of construction.
On Ronald's personal side, he was a very laid back man that was a friend to many, not to mention a loving husband and father. He enjoyed organizing events, all things historical, learning new things, and writing tributes for those he knew best. He was a collector of sports memorabilia and things concerning Pineland, enough so that he could probably have filled a museum.
He was a big fan of his grandchildren and enjoyed taking them on adventures. And of course, he was a Die Hard Aggie.
Ronald is survived by his wife, Carolyn Barlow of Pineland; his mother, Doris Barlow; son, Matthew Joel Barlow and wife, Katheryn, of Fort Worth; stepsons, Nick Estes and wife, Ashley, of Martinsville, Michael Estes and wife, Molly, of San Augustine, and Wade Wheeless of Cushing; step daughter, Katie Holland and husband, Matthew, of Cushing; brothers, Michael Henry Barlow of Bronson and Randall Barlow of Sutton-on-Hill, England; sister, Pam Abdallh and husband, Yousef, of Silsbee; and eleven grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his father, Wendall Barlow.
A visitation of family and friends will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 28, 2021 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will begin at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 29, 2021 at First Baptist Church Family Life Center in Pineland under the direction of Starr Funeral Home with Bro. Floyd Wright officiating.
Burial will follow services in Bethel Chapel Cemetery in Pineland with Jamie Powell, Doug Welch, Matt Barlow, Michael Barlow, Mike Pate, Jason Collins, Daryl Melton, and Ken Kilcrease serving as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers are Benny Jacks, Yousef Abdallh and Keith Franks.
Condolences can be made and guest book may be signed online at
Obituary, copied from his FindAGrave memorial page
Wendall Joe Barlow, 77, of Pineland, died at 6:00 Thursday evening, October 24, 2013, at his home on the Charlie Forse Road, north of Pineland. He was born September 1, 1936 at home in the Slip-Up-and-Hitch Community (between the Plainview and Strickland Crossing Communities) in Sabine County, Texas to Adron Horace "Dick" Barlow (1907-1987) and Ina Mae Russell Barlow (1916-2001).
The family soon moved to a home northwest of Pineland, on the Bear Creek Farm that Wendall has continued farming throughout his lifetime. Wendall grew up on this farm, at his father's sawmill and garage, and working on used cars that his father bought and sold.
He attended all twelve grades at Pineland I.S.D. schools in Sabine County, graduating from Pineland High School in May, 1954, ranked 9th in a class of nine graduates. His favorite class was Mr. B.A. Reid's Agriculture classes and he supported and encouraged FFA and 4-H activities for the remainder of his life to benefit like-minded boys and girls.
From 1954 to 1958, he roughnecked on drilling rigs, both onshore and offshore, mostly in South Louisiana, and worked in all areas of drilling and production.
From 1958 to 1960, he did carpentry and concrete work on plants and dwellings.
From 1960 to 1963, he worked in Pineland as an automotive mechanic with his father, Dick Barlow, L.P. Knight and Ivy Jacks, in their garage on Highway 96.
From 1963 to 1967, he operated heavy equipment while building the Sam Rayburn Reservoir Dam, the Six Mile Bridge, the Ayish Bayou Bridge, and other highway projects in the area. He ran bulldozers, draglines, road maintainers, and scrapers and performed finish work on many of these jobs.
In 1967, he hired on at Magasco with United Gas Pipeline Company, and retired from this company in 1991. During that period, he worked as a pipeliner, compressor helper, construction inspector, Magasco Compressor Station Superintendent, and supervised construction and overhaul of various plants, facilities and pipelines all over the south. He loved the old Cooper compressor engines at Magasco, which operated from 1924 until the 1990s.
Following retirement from United Gas Pipeline (now Boardwalk/GulfSouth), he continued the same line of inspection work as an independent consultant. He worked all over Louisiana and Texas, sometimes working as many as 350 days in a year. After spending several years consulting in South Texas, he served as chief inspector for the construction of three new pipeline compressor stations for Boardwalk/Gulf South in Mobile, Alabama and Sherman, Texas, completing the last one in Sherman in 2009, at the age of 72.
In retirement, he continued running beef cattle on his farms around Pineland, owned and managed rental property in Pineland, continued his community service involvement and established the Sabine County Cowboy Church.
He was an uncommon man who lived to work and serve his God, family and community. He worked, almost unceasingly, from daylight to dark, on the job, at the farm, in the church and in the community, and could work circles around men half his age. He was a friend to all and a benefactor to anyone that truly needed help. He never met a stranger and earned friendship, trust and respect quickly. He loved children and children loved him.
He loved local history and everything about rural Deep East Texas. He had a memory for details, people, places and things that few could match, if any. He never missed a Pineland Day, a school reunion or a family reunion.
He was a man of his word and would go to whatever lengths were necessary to keep his word?and he admired the same in others. He despised cruelty, waste and laziness, and devoted every waking minute to doing his job, maintaining his farm, improving his cattle herd, compiling his collections, and finding ways to help his neighbors.
Hundreds of individuals and families in Sabine County have benefitted from his concern and assistance in times of need. He bailed the friendless from jail, made loans to those who could never repay, and found ways to give to widows and orphans through his labor and talents. He was a frugal man concerning his own needs and comfort, but would give the shirt off his back to a family member, friend or stranger in need.
He served on the boards of several organizations in Pineland and Sabine County.
His retirement, which was forced by his cancer, was spent in planning and providing for the establishment of the Sabine County Cowboy Church. His gifts of land, buildings, furnishings, equipment, labor and love made this mission possible.
On October 5, the Pineland Service Club recognized Wendall as the Citizen of the Year at Pineland Day 2013 in recognition of his many years of service to the community through Pineland Day, Pineland Clean Sweep, Business Startup Assistance, Church Establishment, FFA and 4-H activities, and other charitable deeds and philanthropy for the citizens of the Pineland and West Sabine community.
He wanted his philanthropy to be anonymous, and if it became public, he humbly diverted the praise to others, or shyly changed the subject. He asked for little in return?and what he did ask for was intended to make life better for the recipient.
Wendall is survived by his sons; Rev. Randall Barlow and his wife Pauline of Hull, England, Ronald Barlow of Pineland, and Michael Barlow and his wife Kerie of Stonewall, Louisiana, his daughter; Pam Abdallh and her husband Yousef of Silsbee, five grandchildren (Matt Barlow, Yasmine Abdallh, Ginger Barlow Wallace, Erica Barlow and Cash Barlow) and five great grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother; Lamar Barlow and wife Betty of Brookeland, and sisters; Lora Beth Barlow Wright and husband Carl of Houston and Mary Virginia Barlow Edgar and husband Wallace of Texarkana, Arkansas.
Visitation will be held from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM, Saturday, October 26, 2013, at the Sabine County Cowboy Church in Pineland, with a meal being served at 11:30. Funeral services will closely follow at 1:00 PM, Saturday, October 26, 2013, at the Sabine County Cowboy Church in Pineland. Officiating will be his son Randall Barlow, his brother-in-law Wallace Edgar and J.P. Mills, pastor of the Sabine County Cowboy Church. Burial will follow in the Bethel Chapel Cemetery in Pineland. Pall bearers will be Benny Jacks, Jamie Powell, Tommy Mason, Billy Mack Dickerson, Matt Barlow, Cody McBride, Chip Lowrey and Jennifer Maxey. Conducting the graveside service will be Charlie Creech, pastor of First Baptist Church of Bronson. Services are under the direction of Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill Texas 75948. The family requests that instead of flowers, please consider making a contribution to the Sabine County Cowboy Church's Arena Construction Fund, P.O. Box 867, Pineland, Texas 75968. U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. show he served in the US Army from 20 Oct 1941 to 16 Aug 1945.
Larry Crawford shows that he was the son of Bryant Barlow and Sarah Ellen Rush. He notes that:
1860; living with parents in Ellisville, Jones County, Mississippi. Census enumerated 18 Jul 1860. Listed as "W C Barlow", 1/2 year old in 1860 census.
1870; living with mother on Carliles Mill in Perry County, Mississippi. (Post Office: Augusta) Census enumerated 27 Jun 1870. Listed as "Columbus Barlow, 11 years old in 1870 census.
1880; living in Perry County, Mississippi. Listed as "Wiat C Barlow", 21 years old, born Mississippi in 1880 census. Father born Mississippi, mother born Alabama.
1930; living on New Augusta Road in Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Mississippi. Census enumerated 17 Apr 1930.
After his wife Martha died, he married her sister Catherine and had ten more children.
1900 Census
Mississippi, Perry County, Beat 3 (Hattiesburg)
Enumerated 20 June 1900 by W. Lister Bass
SD 140 ED 91 Sheet 7A Stamped 170
Barlow, Wyatt Hd W M Jan 1858 52 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
Barlow, Catherine Wf W F Nov 1868 31 M15 6/6 Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Archie Son W M Sept 1884 15 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Barlow, Rufus Son W M Oct 1889 10 S Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Barlow, John Son W M July 1891 8 S Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Lewis Son W M July 1892 6 S Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Ause Son W M July 1897 2 S Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Dellie Dtr W F Aug 1899 9/12 S Miss Miss Miss
1910 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
Enumerated 25 May 1910 by Luther M. Cox
SD 6 ED 15 Sheet 34 A
Barlow, Wyatt C Hd M W 51 M2 24 Miss Miss Miss Farmer
Barlow, Catharine Wf F W 42 m1 24 10/9 Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Archie Son M W 22 Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Barlow, Rufus Son M W 20 Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Barlow, John Son M W 18 Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Barlow, Lewis Son M W 14 Miss Miss Miss Farm Laborer
Barlow, Anson Son M W 11 Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Della Dtr F W 9 Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Curry Son M W 6 Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Hattie Dtr F W 6 Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, George Son M W 1 8/12 Miss Miss Miss
1920 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 2
Enumerated 20 and 21 January 1920 by Eugene V. Ford
SD 6 ED 14 Sheet 10B
Barlow, Wyatt C H M W 61 M Miss Miss Miss Farmer
Barlow, Catherine L Wf F W 54 M Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Rufus B Son M W 31 S Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Mary D Dtr F W 19 S Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, Hattie G Dtr F W 13 S Miss Miss Miss
Barlow, George D W 11 S Miss Miss Miss
McLemore, Richard J Bro-in-Law M W 56 D Miss Miss Miss Laborer Working Out
1930 Census
Mississippi, Forrest County, Beat 3 (part)
Enumerated April 17, 1930 by Mrs. Ida C. Mitchell
ED 18-11 SD 11 Sheet 11B
Ken Augustus Road
Barlow, Wyatt C Hd M W 71 M 20 Miss Miss Miss None
Barlow, Catherine L Wf F W 66 M 19 Miss Miss Miss None
Barlow, Rufus B Son M W 41 S Miss Miss Miss None
Barlow, Dorsey G Son M W 19 S Miss Miss Miss Carpenter Wood Products Fcty
Published in The Huntsville Times, Huntsville, AL, Saturday, July 26, 2003
Charles Ray Barnes of Athens passed away on Thursday at Crestwood Hospital.
Mr. Barnes was born December 4, 1924 in New Castle, Pennsylvania to Ray Carlos Barnes and Sallie Hightower Barnes. He had been a resident of East Limestone since 1939.
Mr. Barnes was a mud Marine in the Fourth Marine Division in World War II Company "C" serving in Iwo Jima. He was retired from Monsanto in Decatur and was a retired farmer. He was a lover of trains.
He was preceded in death by his parents; one grandson, Lance Waddell, one great-grandson and Morgan Hargrave.
Survivors include his wife, Emogene M. Barnes of Athens; daughters, Pamela B. Waddell, Kaye B. Higginbotham, and Gwen B. Scott, all of Athens; sons, Mark Barnes of Clearwater, FL, and Gary Barnes of Montgomery; sister, Kathryn B. Brock of Harvest; 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
Graveside services will be held at 4 p.m. today at Roselawn Cemetery.
1910 Census
Oklahoma, Garvin County, Walker
Enumerated 18 Apr 1910
SD 5 ED 89 Sheet 1A
Stamped 209
Barnes, Marion P Hd M W 52 m1 22? Ala Ga Ga Farmer
Barnes, Elisia J Wf F W 39 m1 19 8/8 La NY Tn
Barnes, Richard H Son M W 15 S Ok Ala La
Barnes, Eva A Daugh F W 13? S Ok Ala La
Barnes, Ruby G Son M W 10 S Ok Ala La
Barnes, Minnie N Dtr F W 9 S Ok Ala La
Barnes, Charles H Son M W 2 Ok Ala La
Sullivan, Laura Mother-in-law F W 66 We 1 Tn Tn Tn
Voneta Gillock Sales emailed, on May 1, 2010, that "Laura Jane (McLemore) and William DeBeaumont were my Great Grandparents. My Mother, Minnie 'Lee' (Barnes) Gillock was the daughter of Eliza Jane 'Jennie' (DeBeaumont) and Marion Posey Barnes. Laura and William also had two sons, Louis and Bobbie. After Willaim died Laura Jane married J.C. Sullivan and they had two sons; Ed and B.K. (Bud). Laura Jane died in Albany, Bryan Co. Oklahoma on May 30, 1918. Laura Jane was the daughter of Rev. Nicholas H and Elena McLemore. He was in Upshur Co. Texas in 1879."
Alisa Legae Barnett, 51, of Pineland, Texas passed away Sunday, February 19, 2023 at Baylor St. Luke's Hospital in Houston, Texas.
Alisa was born in Nacogdoches, Texas on October 26, 1971 to James Landy Barnett, Jr. and Reba Jean Clark Barnett. She graduated from Hemphill High School with the Class of 1990. She went on to earn her bachelor's degree from East Texas Baptist University.
Alisa was a lifelong resident of Sabine County. She was a local missionary and philanthropist. Her whole life was dedicated to helping others. She was active in her community serving as a member of the Pineland City Council, and as a member of the Pineland Service Club. She also enjoyed refereeing Jr. High and Little Dribblers basketball games.
She was a devoted Christian and an active member of Plainview Community Church.
She is survived by her mother, Reba Barnett of Pineland; brothers, Randy Barnett of Pineland, David Barnett and wife, Carita, of Pineland, Clark Barnett and wife, Kelli, of Hemphill and Richard Barnett and wife, Stacee, also of Hemphill; sister, Cookie Cryer and husband, Tom, of Hemphill; and many beloved nieces, nephews, family and friends.
She was preceded in death by her father, J. L. Barnett and sister, Trisha Hearon.
Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 23, 2023 at Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr Street, Hemphill, Texas.
Funeral services will begin at 2:00 p.m. Friday, February 24, 2023 in Starr Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. David Ebarb and Bro. Curtis White officiating.
Burial will follow services at Fairmount Cemetery with Corey Hearon, Nicholas Hearon, Scott Barnett, Taylor Barnett, Samuel Barnett and Levi Cryer serving as pallbearers.
Memories and condolences may be shared online at
Downloaded from Starr Funeral Home
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, February 22, 2023, page 4
Obituary copied from the Rader Funeral Home webite
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, February 28, 2018, Page 5
Patricia Lynne Barnett-Hearon, 62, went home to be with The Father our Lord peacefully on February 19, 2018. Patricia was born to James L. and Reba Clark-Barnett of Hemphill Texas on March 10, 1955.
Wife of 44 years to Troy "Bucky" Hearon of Kilgore and wonderful Mother to their three beautiful children, Corey Hearon of Overton, Rebecca Anne Hearon-McGahee of Alba and Nicholas Jacob Hearon of Kilgore. Her Father, James Barnett and Grandson, Colton M. McGahee proceeded her in death and she is survived by her Mother Ms. Reba Clark-Barnett, her loving Husband Troy "Bucky" Hearon, her three children, two daughter-in laws, Elizabeth Hearon and Justen Hearon, one son-in law Todd McGahee, 15 grandchildren, one great grandson, brother- Randy Barnett of Pineland, brother- David Barnett of Pineland, sister- Laranda "Cookie" Barnett-Cryer of Hemphill, brother- Clark Barnett of Hemphill, sister- Lisa Barnett of Pineland and brother- Richard Barnett of Hemphill, several loving brother and sister-in laws and many nieces and nephews.
Mrs. Hearon loved sharing The Good News to others, she bloomed beautifully where she was planted and encouraged others to do the same. She had a passion for writing poetry and short stories and valued the blessings of all her loving family.
Service for Mrs. Hearon will be 10:00 a.m. Friday, February 23, 2017 in the Rader Funeral Home Chapel with Reverend Lee Bryan officiating. The family will receive friends at Rader Funeral Home from 9:00 a.m until 10:00 a.m. before services on Friday. Graveside services will follow at 3:00 p.m. Friday at the Fairmount Cemetery in the Fairmount Community near Hemphill.
In lieu of flowers donations can be made to help the family offset funeral expenses Rader Funeral Home 401 N. Martin St. Kilgore, Texas 75662.
Ruth Marchetti indicates her last name was also shown as Bernhart. Marchetti further indicates that Katherine died between 1885 and 1890, in Kansas. It appears that is incorrect. Don Staton found the following census information from 1900, showing the widowed Kate Striffler, born Jan 1818 in France, living with her daughter, Emma Willis, in Atchison, Kansas.
May have instead been born in Canada to German-speaking parents? (Per 1900 and 1910 census responses for sons Peter Striffler and Frank Striffler)
1930 Census
Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Wilkinsburg, Ward 2
Enumerated April 9, 1930
ED 2-8 SD 14 Sheet 10B
Cool Street
Barnhart, Elmer Hd R $40 M W 35 M25 Pa Pa Pa Engineer Manuf
Barnhart, Marion Wf F W 35 M25 Ohio Ohio Ohio Ohio
Barnhart, Catherine Dtr F W 6 S Pa Pa Ohio
Smith, Harold Hd R $40 M W 28 M 24 Pa Pa Pa Foreman Laundry
Smith, Susie Wf F W 25 M 21 Pa Pa Ps
Smith, Harold Jr Son m W 10/12 S Pa Pa Pa
His Texas Death Certificate, viewable online at, Texas Deaths, 1890-1976m sghiws that he was the son of Alanson Barr and Luna Montgomery, and a retired carpenter.
1900 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish, Ward 2, Toro
Enumerated 7 June 1900
SD 4 ED 89 Sheet 4A Stamped 23
Barr, Nancy Hd W F July 1861 38 W 10 n5/3 La La Miss Farming
Barr, Wade StepSon W M Aug 1881 18 S La La La Farming
Barr, Alpheus StepSon W M Jan 1893 (sic) 16 S La La La Farm
Barr, Lee StepSon W M Sept 1895 (sic) 14 S La La La Farming
Barr, Annie E Dtr W F May 1891 9 S La La La
Barr, James Son W F July 1895 4 S La La La
Barr, Mabel Dtr W F Jun 1897 S La La La
Ritter, Mallie Sister W Jan 1856 43 S La La La
1910 Census
Texas, Sabine, JP 1
Enumerated 27 April 1910
SD 2 ED 131 Sheet 9A Stamped 94
Hemphill and Brookeland Road
Barr, Alpheus A Hd M W 25 M1 1 La La La Farmer
Barr, Mary A Wf F W 19 M1 1/1 Tx Tx Tx
Barr, Joseph L Son M W 11/12 S Tx La Tx
Whittlesey, Cannon T Brother-in-law M W 17 S Tx Tx Tx Laborer
Also shown as Alanson Barr. Bob Miller shows that he was the son of Alanson Barr and Mahala Anderson.
The History of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (author John Belisle, The Sabien Banner Press, 1912) states that "in 1860 the white population of Sabine Parish numbers about four thousant, and there were less than two thousand slaves. There were few really wealthy people in the parish, and many owned not more than one of two slaves. the owners of six or more in 1861 included A. Barr, possibly his father.
1880 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish, Ward 2, Toro
Enumerated 16 June 1880
Page 22 SD 2 ED 46
Montgomery, V. A. W M 52 Farmer La Ms Tenn
Montgomery, Mary E. W F 48 W Keeping House La Ala Ala
Montgomery, G. E. W M 14 Son Work at Home Farm La La La
Montgomery, Zoe A. W F 8 Str La La La
Barr A A W M 29 Farmer La Vermont Pa
Barr, L B. W F 17 Keeping House La La La
The U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. shows that he was born in Four One Hal, Texas, to Lennis BARR and Kate LANE.
1900 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish, Ward 2, Toro
Enumerated 7 June 1900
SD 4 ED 89 Sheet 4A Stamped 23
Barr, Nancy Hd W F July 1861 38 W 10 n5/3 La La Miss Farming
Barr, Wade StepSon W M Aug 1881 18 S La La La Farming
Barr, Alpheus StepSon W M Jan 1893 (sic) 16 S La La La Farm
Barr, Lee StepSon W M Sept 1895 (sic) 14 S La La La Farming
Barr, Annie E Dtr W F May 1891 9 S La La La
Barr, James Son W F July 1895 4 S La La La
Barr, Mabel Dtr W F Jun 1897 S La La La
Ritter, Mallie Sister W Jan 1856 43 S La La La
1900 Census
Louisiana, Sabine Parish, Ward 2, Toro
Enumerated 7 June 1900
SD 4 ED 89 Sheet 4A Stamped 23
Barr, Nancy Hd W F July 1861 38 W 10 n5/3 La La Miss Farming
Barr, Wade StepSon W M Aug 1881 18 S La La La Farming
Barr, Alpheus StepSon W M Jan 1893 (sic) 16 S La La La Farm
Barr, Lee StepSon W M Sept 1895 (sic) 14 S La La La Farming
Barr, Annie E Dtr W F May 1891 9 S La La La
Barr, James Son W F July 1895 4 S La La La
Barr, Mabel Dtr W F Jun 1897 S La La La
Ritter, Mallie Sister W Jan 1856 43 S La La La
Billy Barrett passed away June 7, 2014 at The Courtyards Nursing Home in Pasadena, Texas. He was born March 01, 1932 to Ruby Williams Barrett and Willie G. Barrett in Homer, Texas. He later moved to Pasadena, Texas, where he lived for 58 years.
Billy was a veteran of The Korean War and as a member of Monument Baptist Church (formerly Thomas Avenue Baptist Church) for 54 years. He retired from Lubrizol in 1994 after 25 years of service.
He was preceded in death by his parents and 2 brothers. J.D and Jimmy Barrett, and 5 sisters Lois Harbuck, Margaret Holidy, Doris Bryant, Betty Scott Brigham, and Geneva Williams.
Billy is survived by his wife of 62 years, 6 months and 1 day, Mrs. Charlyce Cammack Barrett of Pasadena, Texas. He is also survived by 2 sons and their wives: James Douglas and Donnis Harmon Barrett of Deer Park, Texas. Donald Billy and Debra Harris Barrett of Pasadena, TX. Two grandsons Jason Barrett of Denver, Colorado and Brandon Barrett of San Francisco, California. Two Granddaughters, Charlsa Barrett of Deer, Park, TX and Brooke Barrett of Pasadena, TX. A great-grandson Barrett Crow and a great-granddaughter Zoie Chesser who was the apple of his eye. Six nieces and six nephews.
Services will be held at Pasadena Funeral Chapel 2203 Pasadena Blvd. Pasadena, TX 77502. Visitation will be Tuesday June 10, 2014 5-8 PM. Service will be Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 11:30 AM with burial at Grandview Cemetery 8501 Spencer Hwy. Deer Park, TX 77505.
Copied from
Also published in The Sabine County Reporter, June 25, 2014, Page 12
Bobbie Jean Barrett Cammack, 83, of Pasadena, Texas went to be with her Lord and Savior at her home on Friday, March 5, 2021, surrounded by her loving family. She was born July 14, 1937 in Lufkin, Texas to Willie G. and Ruby (Williams) Barrett. Bobbie was a beautiful, Christian lady who always loved to look her best. She enjoyed shopping and doting on her grandchildren. She was a lifetime homemaker who enjoyed volunteering at her daughter's events. She was a member of Golden Acres Baptist Church since the mid-1970's. Bobbie loved the Lord and was a professing believer in Jesus Christ even though she could not attend church in her later years. She enjoyed supporting a wide variety of charitable organizations and causes that were near to her heart. She stayed current on a number of topics of interest to her including politics, pop culture and current events. She relished conversation on those topics. She also loved to sing, especially old hymns and ballads from the 50's. She enjoyed getting dressed up and going out to eat and shopping with her daughter and husband when she was able. She had a keen sense of humor and wit. She loved flowers, her birdhouses and birds in the quietness and serenity of her backyard. Above all else, Bobbie was known by all as a caring and giving person who displayed great generosity.
Bobbie is survived by her loving husband of 61 years, Max H. Cammack of Pasadena, Texas; daughter, Retta Cammack Jones and husband, Tommy of Pasadena, Texas; 2 granddaughters, Heather Cook of Haw River, North Carolina and Holly Cook of Los Angeles, CA; 2 bonus grandsons, Joshua Jones and Jonathan Jones of Houston, Texas; sister, Peggy Barrett Whitter of Kingwood, Texas and sister-in-law, Charlcye Cammack Barrett of Pasadena, Texas; along with 14 nieces and nephews and other family members. She is preceded in death by her parents; her sisters, Lois Harbuck, Doris Smith, Betty Brigham, Margaret Holidy and half-sister, Geneva Barrett and her brothers, Billy Barrett, Jimmy Barrett and J.D. Barrett.
Visitation will be held Thursday evening, March 11, 2021 at Grand View Funeral Home from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Funeral Services will be held Friday afternoon at Grand View Funeral Home at 2:00 pm with her son-in-law Tommy Jones officiating. Burial will follow at Grand View Memorial Park.
Downloaded from Facebook, also published in The Sabine County Reporter, March 17, 2021 page 4
Doris Lou Bryant, 77, died Saturday morning in the Hemphill Care Center in Hemphill, Texas. She was born in Homer, Texas, to Willie G. and Ruby Williams Barrett. Mrs. Bryant was a resident of Pineland.
She is survived by her son Ray and his wife Deana Bryant of Fresno, California, her daughters, JoAnn and her husband Ricky Clark of Pineland and Elaine and her husband John Wells of Livingston, her grandchildren, Andy, Trey and Ryan Wells, Stephen and Matthew Clark and Whitney McBride, Garrett, Ashlee, Breanna and Jordan Bryant, her great grandchildren, Dylan, Dalton, Delanie and Ana Wells, Hayden, Mason, Ryder, Whitley Jo and Zane Clark, Cayson and Cutter McBride. She is also survived by her brother Billy Barrett and sisters Peggy Whitter, Bobbie Cammack and Betty Scott. Mrs. Bryant was preceded in death by her husbands, George Emmett Smith and Robert Bryant.
Visitation will be from 5:00PM until 7:00PM, Sunday, August 12, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home, 510 Starr St., Hemphill, Texas. Funeral services will be at 10:00AM, Monday, August 13, 2012, in the Starr Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow in the Fairmount Cemetery near Hemphill.
A nearly identical obituary was published in the Sabine County Reporter, August 15, 2012, page 14.
FindAGrave notes that "E.M. Barrett was an overseer for Elizabeth and Richard Kelley, and became Elizabeth's second husband after Richard died. They were married on August 8, 1875 in Rusk County, Texas; they had six children together. Elizabeth and E.M. lived with their son Odar during their old age...." His tombstone is engraved with a Masonic symbol.
1880 Census
Texas, Rusk County, Beat 76, Precinct 4
Enumerated 21 Jun 1880
Page 28 SD 1 ED 76 Stamped 138
Barrett E M W M 23 Husband Farmer Miss Miss Ala
Barrett, E J W F 29 Wf Keeping House Ga Ga Ga
Kelly, J A W M 17 Stepson Working on farm Tx Ala Ga
Kelly, G C W M 14 Stepson Working on Farm Tx Ala Ga
Kelly, Robt Lee W M 12 Stepson Working of Farm Tx Ala Ga
Kelly, Emma H W F 10 Stepdtr At School Tx Ala Ga
Barrett, Jno. W W M 3 Son Tx Miss Ga
Barrett, Forrest W M 2 Son Tx Miss Ga
Barrett, Odor W M 10/12 Aug Son Tx Miss Ga
1900 Census
Texas, Nacogdoches, Pr 6
Enumerated 6 Jun 1900
SD 8 ED 47 Sheet 6B
Barrett, Forrest Head W M Dec 1878 21 m 3 Tx Miss Ga Farmer
Barrett, Evie Wf W F Nov 1881 18 M 3 3/3 Tx Ala Tx
Barrett, Willie Son W M Jun 1897 2 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Leon Son W M Dec 1898 1 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Wilmer Dau W F Feb 1900 3/12 Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Odar Brother W M Aug 1881 18 S Tx Miss Ga Farmer
1910 Census
Texas, Angelina County, Pr 1
Enumerated 28 Apr 1910
SD 2 ED 3 Sheet 22A Stamped 122
Angelina St
Barrett, Forest Head M W 32 M 13 Tx Tx Tx Salesman Dry Goods
Barrett, Evie Wf F W 27 M 13 6/6 Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Willie Son M W 12 Tx Tx Tx Driver, Livery Barn
Barrett, Leon Son M W 10 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Wilma Dtr F W 9 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Georgie Dtr F W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Gordon Son M W 6 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Forest Dtr F W 9/12 S Tx Tx Tx
1920 Census
Texas, Angelina County, JP 1, Lufkin
Enumerated 17 Jan 1920
SD 2 ED 5 Sheets 23 A and 23B
Barrett, Forest Head M W 48 M Tx Ark Ga Salesman Retail Dry Goods
Barrett, Evie Wf F W 37 M Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Wilma F W 18 S Tx Tx Tx Saleslady Retail Dry Goods
Barrett, Leon M W 20 S Tx Tx Tx Salesman Retail Dry Goods
Barrett, Gordon M W 16 S Tx Tx Tx Salesman Retail Dry Goods
Barrett, Forest Dtr F W 1o S Tx Tx Tx Salesman Retail Dry Goods
Barrett, Harry M W 8 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Evelyn Dtr F W 5 S Tx Tx Tx
Barrett, Elizabeth F W 2 2/12 Tx Tx Tx
When he registered for the draft during World War I, he was a resident of San Antonio, Texas. He was the Acting Army Field Clerk, an employee of the U.S. Government at Army Headquarters, Fort Sam Houston. He was single, and was described as Tall, Medium build and with brown eyes and black hair. He registered on 5 Jun 1917. He was also a resident of San Antonio when he registered for the draft during World War II. At that thiem he was married, and lived on 611 Kampmann Blvd in San Antonio, and was self employed, with an office at 1620 Alamo National Bank Building in San Antonio.
name: Borrett
event: Birth
event date: 08 May 1920
event place: Lufkin, Angelina, Texas, United States
gender: Female
father: Willie G Borrett
mother: Ruby Williams
certificate number: 23436
digital folder number: 004515973
image number: 00621
Collection: "Texas, Birth Certificates, 1903-1935," Borrett, 1920
Elaine Wells said that their first born child was a daughter, Geneva, who died at about 2 years of age. The GarrisonLogan website shows her as Hester Geneva, and instead lists her date of birth as 18 May 1920.
The Crosby County History Book, 1876-1977 Norton Barrett Biography Birth Date: Nov 22, 1919 Death Date: Dec 6, 1990 Birthplace: Spur, TX Death: Lubbock Occ: Retired Crosbyton City Secretary SS# 462-09-7612 Father: Lilburn R. Barrett Mother: Georgia Z. Brodock Funeral: Methodist
The C.W. Barrett family lived in Stephenville in the early 1900's. A son, Lilburn R. Barrett, went to Montana with a herd of sheep and there met Georgia Z. Brodock. Within six months, on Nov. 3, 1909, the couple was married and on their way to Stephenville. On Jan. 3, 1910, Lilburn and Georgia arrived in Spur, Dickens Co. by train. Lilburn, a tinsmith by trade, set up a business and specialized in lining caskets. The L. R. Barrett family was one of the oldest families playing a part in the building of Spur and Dickens County. Lilburn and Georgia had six sons and five grew to adulthood, Horton, C.W. Clinton, Norton and Billy Ray. L. R., Jr. died when he was 18 months old. Norton Barrett was born Nov. 22, 1919 in Spur. He graduated from Spur High School in May, 1938. After graduation, he took a job as bookkeeper for Musser Lumber company in spur. Later he was transferred to Abilene. In 1944 Norton moved back to Spur and went to work for Bryant Link Company. He was attracted to a young schoolteacher, Margaret May Weaver, who taught in Spur school system. They were married June 14, 1946. They have one son, Robert Norton. In 1954, Norton, Margaret and Robert moved to Crosbyton where he became manager of Carter Implement Co. In 1955,when Guy Denton retired as City Secretary of Crosbyton, Norton felt the job opportunity would be an advancement for him so he applied for the position. The City Council felt Norton was qualified for the job and appointed him to fill the position. having an avid interest in municipal business, Norton attended numerous seminars at North Texas State University at Denton. In 1973, he became a certified City Secretary as set out by the Association of City Clerks and Secretaries in the State of Texas. He was in the first group of Texans to receive this certification. Norton is past president of the Crosbyton Lions Club, past president of Methodist Men, chief of the Crosbyton Fire Department for the past six years, ex-officio member of Crosbyton Chamber of Commerce, ex-officeio member of Crosby County Pioneer Memorial board (museum and community center), member of the board of Crosbyton Industrial Foundation, member of South Plains Association of Tax Assessors and collectors. Norton was chosen as Crosbyton Citizen of the Year in 1962. In 1959 Norton received the Municipal Advisory Council Achievement Award for Outstanding Financial Administration. In 1962 he served as president of South Plains Association of City Clerks and Secretaries. In 1968 he served as president of Association of City Clerks and Secretaries of the State of Texas. In 1970 he was recognized by International Institute of Municipal Clerks and Secretaries as "International City Secretary of the Year". In 1971 he received International City Secretary Certification. In 1972, Teas Association of City Clerks and Secretaries honored him as "Texas City Secretary of the Year." Norton presently serves as representative of Association of City Clerks and Secretaries to Texas Municipal League Board and is active in the Municipal Finance Officer's Association and Tax Assessor-Collectors of Texas. Norton has spent much time outside office hours in exploring and planning ways and means to improve Crosbyton's image. His goal has been to make Crosbyton a place in which people will be proud to live and to which industries and visitors will be attracted. Norton believes in Crosbyton and works for the good of the town.
His tombstone is engraved "Texas, Sgt, 9940 Tech 5VC Unit, World War II."
name: James Dugan Barrett
death date: 21 Jul 1951
death place: Fort Sam Houston, Bexar, Texas
gender: Male
race: White
death age: 30 years 5 months 17 days
estimated birth date:
birth date: 05 Feb 1921
birthplace: Lufkin, Texas
marital status: Single
spouse's name:
father's name: Willie G. Barrett
father's birthplace: Texas
mother's name: Ruby Williams
mother's birthplace: Texas
occupation: Professional Soldier
place of residence: Lufkin, Angelina, Texas
cemetery: Lufkin Cemetery (sic-Fielder Memorial Cemetery)
burial place: Lufkin, Texas
burial date: 23 Jul 1951
Cause of death: Embolism pulmonary, massive, thrombophlebitis, both illiac vessels (3 months), Infarction, pulmonary
additional relatives:
film number: 2074774
digital film number: 4167203
image number: 00000551
reference number: cn 33013
Collection: "Texas, Deaths, 1890-1976," James Dugan Barrett, 1951
Jimmy L. Barrett, 65, of Mount Pleasant, formerly of Hemphill, died Sunday, June 12, 1994.
Funeral Services were held Tuesday, June 14, at the Bates, Cooper, Weems, Robinson Funeral Home chapel with Rev. Al West and Rev. Tom Close officiating. Interment followed at Union Hill Cemetery.
He was born May 12, 1929, in Houston as a son of Will and Ruby Williams Barrett. He was retired from General Motors in Dallas. Barrett was a U.S. Air Force veteran and a member of Cypress Baptist Church.
Survivors: wife, Alice M. Barrett of Mt. Pleasant; sons, Bill Barrett of Arlington and Danny Barrett of Farmer's Branch; daughter, Sandra Close of Blue Ridge; step daughters, Donna Hembre and Angie Barrett, both of Farmer's Branch, and Carla Whitley of Lewisville; brother, Billy Barrett of Pasadena; sisters, Lois Harbuck and Peggy Whitter, both of Lufkin, Doris Bryant of Hemphill, Bobbie Cammack of Pasedena, Margaret Holiday of Deer Park, Betty Scott Brigham of Garland, and Geneva Williams, and ten grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by brother, J.D. Barrett.
Published in The Sabine County Reporter, June 29, 1994, Page 8