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Family: Jacob Anton Striffler / Ottila "Odila" "Otil" Zimmerman

m. 4 Nov 1809


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Striffler-Benkelman Annual Labor Day Family Reunion, 1936 Newspaper article

In the mid 1850's, in Erie County, New York, two sons of Jacob & Otilla Striffler married two Benkelman sisters. Shortly after their marriages, the couples moved to the Michigan frontier, many of their brothers and sisters following them. The two families remained intertwined for subsequent generations. At a reunion of the Henry Striffler family in 1930 it was decided to enlarge the scope of the reunion to include descendants of Henry, Jacob, Joseph, Christian, John and Susan Striffler. Members and "in laws" of these families first gathered at the Assembly grounds in Sebewaing for a reunion in 1932. As the Benkelman-Striffler family had remained very close over the years, all branches of the Benkelman family were invited to their Sixth Reunion, and since that time it remained a joint event. This articles from the 1936 "Cass City Chronicle" details one of the earliest joint reunions. Attended by over 170 family members, the reunion was held on the John Striffler homestead northeast of Cass City, with attendees travelling from Ontario, Ohio and many places in Michigan. President W.D. STRIFFLER presided at a business meeting in 1936, and Harry HUNT, Mrs. S.G BENKELMAN (the former Mary Striffler), and Mrs. Ben SCHWEGLER (the former Joanna Mark) were elected officers for the ensuing year. The first volume of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST was published for the September 1936 reunion.

Owner of originalCass City Chronicle, Page 8, Second Column
DateSeptember 11, 1936
PlaceCass City, Michigan
Linked toFamily: Benkelmann/St?hle (F35); Family: Striffler/Zimmerman (F1784); Joseph A. Benkelman; Edgar Garfield Braun, Sr.; Harry Lewis Hunt; Erwin W. Kercher; Joanna Magdalena "Lena" Mark; Calvin J. Striffler; Franklin Arthur Striffler; Mary Striffler; William David Striffler

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