1893 -
Name |
Paul Mc. Kuykendall [1] |
Birth |
1 Jun 1893 |
Olney, Richland County, Illinois [2] |
Gender |
Male |
Notes |
- "Enlisted in the U.S. Navy Aviation Corps, March 8, 1918. He was trained at the naval training stations at Balboa Park and North Island, both near San Diego, California. He was honorably discharged February 15, 1919. He has been living on his father's place at Tucamcari, New Mexico until recently, but is now living at Olney, Ill."
Person ID |
I7842 |
Strong Family Tree |
Last Modified |
17 Aug 2014 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 1 Jun 1893 - Olney, Richland County, Illinois |
Sources |
- [S169] Kuykendall, George Benson "History of The Kuykendall Family Since Its Settlement in Dutch New York in 1646 With Genealogy,etc" (Portland, OR, 1919), (http://books.google.com/books?id=SB9ZAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPP9,M1).
- [S169] Kuykendall, George Benson "History of The Kuykendall Family Since Its Settlement in Dutch New York in 1646 With Genealogy,etc" (Portland, OR, 1919), (http://books.google.com/books?id=SB9ZAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPP9,M1), 525 (Reliability: 3).
- [S142] Illinois Statewide (Online) Marriage Index 1763-1900; http://www.ilsos.gov/GenealogyMWeb/marrsrch.html.