1820 - 1895 (74 years)
Name |
Clementine Watterson Easley [1, 2, 3, 4] |
Birth |
26 Dec 1820 |
Hickman, Smith County, Tennessee [2, 3, 4, 5] |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
5 Nov 1895 |
Hemphill, Sabine County, Texas [1] |
Notes |
- The following information was emailed to me by Tony Pickett (abpickett@aol.com)
Civil War Service Record, from the holdings of the Texas State Archives
Easley, C.W., 4th Sergt. Burroughs, J.M. Capt CSA June 15, 1863 at Hemphill for 3 mos Nativity: Tex; Age 36; Eyes Light Hair Dark; Complection Dark; Stature 5'10"; Occupation Farmer; R&F 67; roll date Jan 15-63 to Ap. 15-63; Co. sta. at Buenavista, Shelby County; Drury Field Insp. & Mus. Off.; Military App. very good; arms very few; accoutrements very ltd. & no tents; clothing limited.
Land Grants from the Republic of Texas Abstract: 97, Original Grantee: Clement W. Easley, Patentee: Clement W. Easley, Quantity: 251 acres Class: Third, Date of Patent: 20 June 1864 Pa: 36
790 Abstract of Land Titles, Jasper County Abstract: 141, Original Grantee: Clement W. Easley Certificate: #94 Patentee: Clement W. Easley Quantity: 320 Acres Date of patent: 14 Sept 1866 Pa: Vol Survey #6, Old Abstract #73
Deed Book F, p 250 Clement W. Easley 3rd Class-251 Acres Preemption Filed July the 16 1887 11 am W.T. Arnold, Clerk, Sabine Co, Texas
To all whom these presents shall come Know ye. I Pendleton Murray Governor of the State aforesaid, by virtue of the power vested in me by Law and in accordance with the Laws of said state in such case made and provided, do by these presents Grant to Clement W. Easley his heirs or Assigns forever, two hundred and fifty one acres of land, situated and described as follows in Sabine County, about 15 1/2 miles s. 34 degrees W of Milam, on the waters of Bear Creek; by virtue of Pre-emption Certificate No. 1 issued by the Clerk of said county, on the 15th day of November, 1858. .....Hereby relinquishing to him said Clement W. Easley and his heirs or assigns forever all the right and title in and to said land, herefore held and possessed by the said State to be affixed as well as the Seal of the General Land Office. Done at the City of Austin on the Twentieth day of June in the Year of Lord One Thousand eight hundred and sixty four.
Deed Book M, p 617 CW EASLEY 160 acres preemption Filed 26 March 1901 8 am J.A. Watson, Clerk, Sabine Co, Texas
To all to whom these presence shall come, know ye, I, O.M. Roberts, Governor of the State aforesaid by virtue of the power vested in me by law ans in accordance witht he laws of said State in such case made and provided do by these presents grant to C.W. Easley his heirs or assigns forever One Hundred and Sixty acres of land, situated and described as follows. In Sabine County about 6 miles S.55 W from Hemphill, by virtue of his affidavit made before the Clerk of the District Court for Sabine County July 1, 1871, Under an act supplementary to an Act to regulate the disposal of the Public Lands of the State of Texas approved March 24th, 1871, Beginning on Isaac F. Pace South b'dy at a Stake.....Hereby relinquishing to him the said C.W. Easley and his heirs or assigns forever all the rights and title in and to said land, hereafter held and possessed by the said State, and I do hereby issue this letter Patent for the same. In Testimony Whereof, I have caused the seal of the State to be affixed as well as the seal of the General Land Office. Done at the City of Austin in the ninth day of June, in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Eighty Two.
W.C. Walsh Commissioner of the Ge. Land Office O.M. Roberts, Governor
The State of Texas County of Sabine
Know all by these presents. That we Eliza Jane Easley, Surviving widow of C.W. Easley and Jas. T. Went & John E. Went & wife Fannie E. Went & D.H. Easley & C.M. Easley surviving heirs at law of said C.W. Easley of the said County of Sabine and State aforesaid for and in consideration of the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars to us in hand paid by J.H. Bell as follows cash in hand the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, Sold and conveyed and by these presents do grant Sell and convey unto the said J.H. Bell of the County of Sabine and State of Texas all that certain tracts or parcel of land lying in Sabine County, Texas about 5 mile South West from Hemphill and being our entire interest in the C.W. Easley 160 acre pre-emption patented to....Witness our hands at Home this 12th day of October A.D. 1897 Eliza Jane Easley (her mark) J.T. Went D.H. Easley J.E. Went F.A. Went C.M. Easley
Person ID |
I462 |
Strong Family Tree |
Last Modified |
17 Aug 2014 |
Family |
Elizabeth Jane White, b. 1 May 1825, Amite County, Mississippi d. 19 May 1899, Sabine County, Texas (Age 74 years) |
Marriage |
Abt 1852 |
Spring Hill Community, Sabine County, Texas [1, 6] |
Children |
| 1. Clementine Millington Easley, b. 23 Feb 1853, Spring Hill Community, Sabine County, Texas d. 11 Mar 1930, Hemphill, Sabine County, Texas (Age 77 years) |
| 2. William Watterson Easley, b. Abt 1855, Texas d. Abt 1886 (Age 31 years) |
| 3. Helen White Easley, b. Abt 1856, Texas d. Yes, date unknown [Father: Adopted] [Mother: Adopted] |
| 4. Frances "Fannie" Benena Easley, b. 4 Nov 1857, Hemphill, Sabine County, Texas d. 1 Jan 1905, Texas (Age 47 years) |
| 5. Daniel Hornbeck Easley, b. 27 Mar 1861 d. 6 Aug 1942, Rosanky, Bastrop County, Texas (Age 81 years) |
Photos |
 | Easley, Clementine Watterson and Eliza Jane (White) Eliza was a widow with four young children when she married Clementine Easley, soon after she moved to Sabine County, Texas around 1851. Jane and Clementine had five additional children. |
Family ID |
F366 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
9 Dec 2006 |
Sources |
- [S461] White & Toole, "Sabine County Historical Sketches and Genealogical Records" c. 1972.
- [S350] Schluter, Helen Gomer "1835 Sabine District, Texas Census" c. 1983 Distributed by Ericson Books, p 9 (Reliability: 3).
- [S351] Boyer, Pam--Family Researcher (pamb@rtrans.net).
- [S144] 1850 United States Federal Census [Ancestry.com database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005, (Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850. M432, 1,009 rolls. This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1850 United States Federal Census, the Seventh Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; birthplace, occupation of males over age fifteen, and more. No relationships were shown between members of a household. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1850 Federal Census.), Texas, Sabine County, Sabine District Page 319 130-130 (Reliability: 3).
- [S374] Speights, Virgie "Old Timers of Sabine County, Texas Vignettes of Pioneer Families" (S. Malone, c. 1983).
- [S250] Ancestral File, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints [database online], (Ancestral File (found at www.familysearch.org) is a collection of genealogical information taken from Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to the Family History Department since 1978. The information has not been verified against any official records. Since the information in Ancestral File is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the file to verify its accuracy.).