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Jakob "Jacob" Maier

Male 1853 - 1925  (71 years)

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  • Name Jakob "Jacob" Maier  [1, 2, 3, 4
    Nickname Jacob 
    Birth Sep 1853  Kleineislingen, G?ppingen, Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3, 5
    Gender Male 
    Death 10 Mar 1925  Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Burial Elkland Township Cemetery, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    • It appears that the Jacob Maier who married Fannie Striffler in Cass City, Michigan was also a near neighbor of the Benkelmann family while still in G?ppingen, W?rttemberg. Kathy Brandt Bonnell, who has transcribed the G?ppingen area parish registers, shows a Jakob Maier born on 18 Sept 1853 in Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany. This Jakob was a namesake son of Jakob Maier born in Gro?s??en and Sophia Krapf of Salach. Both Gro?s??en and Salach are slightly southeast of G?ppingen. Jacob's 1925 obituary shows he was born in Klein Eislingen, Wuertenberg, Germany, on Sept. 17, 1853. Kleineislingen is just north east of Gro?s??en, straight east of G?ppingen. Due to the near exact birthdate, and the close proximity to G?ppingen, and the connection of both the Krapf and Benkelmann families to the Maier's in Michigan, it appear likely this is the same Jakob. This has not been proven however.

      Cass City Chronicle
      Cass City, Michigan
      Friday, January 23, 1931
      "Thirty-five years ago: January 24, 1896"
      At the Evangelical church, the following Sunday School officers have been elected for the ensuing year: Supt., Mrs. Lena SCHWEGLER; ass't supt., Mrs. Mary BENKELMAN; sec., J. MAIER; treas., Adam BENKELMAN; librarian, Miss Lillie STRIFFLER; ass't librarian, Miss Maud MAIER; organist, Miss Martha STRIFFLER; ass't organist, Oscar LENZNER.

      Cass City Chronicle
      Friday, March 13, 1925
      Vol. 20, No. 44.

      In Business here 45 Years
      Jacob Maier Passed Away Tuesday at Age of 71 Years.
      Opened a Photo Studio here in 1880 Which He Conducted Continuously Since That Date

      Jacob Maier, who has held the honor of being in business in Cass City the greatest number of consecutive years, passed away at his home on Third street early Tuesday morning, at the age of 71 years. He has been in business her continuously from 1880 to 1925, a period of 45 years.

      Mr. Maier has been in failing health for over a year, but was actively engaged in his photograph gallery until shortly before the holidays. He made his last visit to his place of business two weeks previous to his death and was confined to his bed but a week. Death was caused by Bright's disease.

      Funeral services were held at the family residence Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. I.W. Cargo, and interment was made in Elkland cemetery. Local business houses closed during the funeral hour.

      Jacob Maier was born in Klein Eislingen, Wuertenberg, Germany, on Sept. 17, 1853. He came to the United States as an orphan at the age of 16 years. His first residence was at Gardenville and Lancaster, N.Y., where he was employed as a carpenter. Later he was employed in Buffalo and Philadelphia and he came to Cass City in 1876.

      In April, 1879, he was united in marriage with Miss Fannie Striffler. That year, he returned for a short period to Lancaster, N.Y, where he learned the first principles of the art of photography and on New Years Day in 1880, he opened up a photograph studio in Cass City. He has served the public here continuously since that date.

      Mr. Maier is survived by his widow and three children, Edward, Fred and Laura Maier, all of Cass City. Two daughters preceded the father in death.

      (Transcribed by Melinda McLemore Strong, January 2008)

      Volume 14 of the STRIFFLER-BENKELMAN BROADCAST, dated September 3, 1951, reported that his family regularly corresponded with his niece, Fanny Sauter in Scheer Adana, Germany, about 25 miles from the Black Forest.
    • (Research):
      Census Information:

      1880 Census
      Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City
      18 Jun 1880
      Page Twenty three SD ?? ED 400
      Myer, Jacob W M 26 Carpenter Wurtemberg Wurtemberg Wurtemberg
      Myer, Fanny W F 24 Wife Keeping House Mo France Wurtemberg
      Myer, Mary W F 3/12 Dtr At Home Mich Wurtemberg Mo.

      1900 Census
      Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City
      Enumerated 12 June 1900 by A.D. Gillis
      SD 8 ED 111 Sheet 8B
      Jacob Maier Hd W F Sept 1853 46 Md 10 Germany Germany Germany Photographer
      Fanny Maier Wf W F Feb 1856 43 Md 10 5.5 Iowa Germany Germany
      Maud Maier Dtr F W Mar 1880 29 S Mich Germany Iowa
      Edward Maier Son W M Jun 1885 15 S Mich Germany Iowa
      Bertha Maier Dtr W F Aug 1886 13 S Mich Germany Iowa
      Frederick Maier Son W M Jul 1888 11 S Mich Germany Iowa
      Nora Maier Dtr March 1897 3 S Mich Germany Iowa

      1910 Census
      Michigan, Tuscola County, Elkland Twp, Cass City Village
      13 April 1910
      SD 8 ED 113 Sheet 5B
      Maier, Jacob Hd M W 56 M1 30 Germany Germany Germany Photographer Own Shop
      Maier, Emma Wf F W 53 M1 30 5/4 Iowas Germany Germany
      Maier, Edward G Son M W 26 S Mich Germany Iowa Photographer Fathers Shop
      Maier, Frederick W Son M W 21 S Mich Germany Iowa Salesman Butcher Shop
      Maier, Laura M Son (sic) F W 12 S Mich Germany Iowa
    Person ID I29050  Strong Family Tree
    Last Modified 17 Aug 2014 

    Father Jakob Maier,   b. 29 Dec 1821, Gro?s??en, Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown 
    Mother Sophia Krapf,   b. 3 Nov 1816, Salach, Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown 
    Marriage 19 Jun 1853  Salach, Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    • Both Gro?s??en and Salach are to the southeast of G?ppingen (at approximately 48.6833333 N, 9.75 E).
    Family ID F12935  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Fannie Striffler,   b. 17 Feb 1856, Lee County, Iowa Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Dec 1938, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 82 years) 
    Marriage Apr 1879  Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
     1. Maude Mary Maier,   b. 28 Mar 1880, Elkland Township, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Jul 1903, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 23 years)
     2. Edward G. Maier,   b. 19 Jun 1883, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 10 Apr 1948, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 64 years)
     3. Bertha Maier,   b. 28 Aug 1886, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Oct 1917, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 31 years)
     4. Frederick W. Maier,   b. 13 Jul 1888, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Jan 1963, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years)
     5. Nora Maier,   b. Mar 1897, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     6. Laura Marguerite Maier,   b. 21 Mar 1900, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 3 Dec 1982, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 82 years)
    Family ID F9380  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 6 Jul 2013 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - Sep 1853 - Kleineislingen, G?ppingen, Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Apr 1879 - Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 10 Mar 1925 - Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - - Elkland Township Cemetery, Cass City, Tuscola County, Michigan Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S722] Elkland (Twp, Tuscola Co, MI) Cemetery Records ;

    2. [S384] 1900 United States Federal Census [ database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004, (Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls. This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1900 United States Federal Census, the Twelfth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address, relationship to the head of household, color or race, sex, month and year of birth, age at last birthday, marital status, number of years married, the total number of children born of the mother, the number of those children living, birthplace, birthplace of father and mother, if the individual was foreign born, the year of immigration and the number of years in the United States, the citizenship status of foreign-born individuals over age twenty-one, occupation, and more. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1900 Federal Census.), Michigan, Tuscola County, Cass City Enumerated 12 June 1900 by A.D. Gillis SD 8 ED 111 Sheet 8B (Reliability: 3).

    3. [S653] Cass City Chronicle, P.O. Box 115, Cass City, Michigan 48726, Published continously since 1899, archived from 1899 through 2005 at, Friday, March 13, 1925 Vol. 20, No. 44. (Reliability: 3).

    4. [S311] Bonnell, Kathy Brandt ( "G?ppingen, W?rttemberg, Germany and surrounding villages", (RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: G?ppingen, W?rttemberg, Germany and surrounding villages. This database is one large family tree; everyone is connected by birth or marriage. Many of the families were inputted from the family books which were compiled by the pastors of each village beginning in 1808. Villages include Heiningen, Bartenbach, Gruibingen, Faurdau, Schlat, Hattenhofen, Eislingen, Holzheim, Auendorf , D?rnau, Bezgenriet, Ebersbach , Maitis, Gammelshausen, B?rtlingen, Boll, and others. Kathy Brandt Bonnell work directly from German records to the computer.).

    5. [S311] Bonnell, Kathy Brandt ( "G?ppingen, W?rttemberg, Germany and surrounding villages", (RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: G?ppingen, W?rttemberg, Germany and surrounding villages. This database is one large family tree; everyone is connected by birth or marriage. Many of the families were inputted from the family books which were compiled by the pastors of each village beginning in 1808. Villages include Heiningen, Bartenbach, Gruibingen, Faurdau, Schlat, Hattenhofen, Eislingen, Holzheim, Auendorf , D?rnau, Bezgenriet, Ebersbach , Maitis, Gammelshausen, B?rtlingen, Boll, and others. Kathy Brandt Bonnell work directly from German records to the computer.), instead shows DOB as 18 Sept 1853 in Donaukreis, W?rttemberg, Germany (Reliability: 3).

    6. [S653] Cass City Chronicle, P.O. Box 115, Cass City, Michigan 48726, Published continously since 1899, archived from 1899 through 2005 at, Friday, December 9, 1938 Vol. 33, Number 37. Page One (Reliability: 3).