1844 - 1906 (62 years)
Name |
Lofton Hayes McLemore [1, 2, 3] |
Birth |
10 Mar 1844 |
Sampson County, North Carolina [2, 3] |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
3 Oct 1906 |
Sampson County, North Carolina [2] |
Notes |
- According to Robert McLemore Butler, he was Pvt 2nd Co A 2nd Artillery Regt during the Civil War. He was born ca 1843 in Sampson County and the son of Amos McLemore (b. 1813). Lofton enlisted July 15, 1862 in Wake County. He was wounded May 2, 1863 at Chancellorsville, Va. Reported absent for the next 11 months due to wounds. Discharged April 24, 1864 due to phthisis pulmonalis affecting both lungs. The Cumberland Plough Boys website instead shows that he servied in the North Carolina Regiment, 2nd Company E.
In 1869, Lofton was a witness, along with Zachariah ROYAL, to the Will of Zachariah ROYAL dated 28 Jun 1869. It was probated 12 Mar 1870. Zachariah's wife was Louisa ROYAL, and she was left the furniture, enough provisions for her support for one year and livestock...at her death to be divided equally between all five (5) children---Oliver ROYAL, Allen ROYAL, Rice ROYAL, Emely ROYAL and Nancy ROYAL. (Courtesy Robert McLemore Butler, who noted that Emily Royal was Lofton's wife).
After Lofton's death, his oldest sons, Edward and Amos, conveyed land they had inherited from him to their younger half brothers, O.B, Alvin and Dennis. As son Abner was not mentioned in the deed, it appears they may have died prior to its execution in 1910. Edward and and Amos's sister, Ida, was also not mentioned in the conveyence.
Sampson County Deed Book Book 183, Page 554 Abstract of Deed Amos B. McLEMORE and Others to O.B. McLEMORE & others
State of North Carolina, Sampson County. This indenture made the 27th day of October 1906, by Amos B. McLEMORE and wife Katie McLEMORE of the town of Mooringsport, County of Caddo in the State of Louisiana, and E. C. McLEMORE and wife Lena McLEMORE of the town of Fayetteville and State of North Carolina of the first part to O. B. McLEMORE, Alvin H. McLEMORE and Dennis L. McLEMORE of the County of Sampson and State of North Carolina of the second part. Witnesseth: That the Said Amos B. McLEMORE and wife Katie, and E.C. McLEMORE and wife Lena of the first part for and in consideration which they may have bear for the said O.B. McLEMORE, Alvin H. McLEMORE, and Dennis L. McLEMORE and in futher consideration of one Dollar to them paid by the said parties of the second part....(do) convey...unto the said parties of the second part....all their right...in and to all the real estate of which Lofton H. McLEMORE, last of the County of Sampson, and State of North Carolina died....mor particularly designated as follows: First tract...being known as Boykin Land and is situated on the East side of Bearsking Swamp in Sampson County...adjoining the lands of Amos CRUMPLER and others and is that tract of land described in a certain deed made by W. H. Boykin to L.H. McLEMORE and recorded in Book 70, page 18....containing 70 acres more of less....Second tract, situated on the East side of said Bearskin Swamp in said county of Sampson, adjoining the Amanda FAIRCHILD and Lewis LEW lands and is fully described in a deed from W.E. PRIDGEN and wife to L.H. McLEMORE which deed is recorded in Book 37 at Page 478 of the said Register's office and said tract contains 109 acres more or less...Third tract, being composed of three separate tract is situated on the East side of the said Bearskin Swamp in the said county of Sampson, adjoining the land of S. B STEVENS, J.R. AUTRY and others and being the three tracts conveyed by deeds to L.H. McLEMORE by J.O. TEW and wife which deeds is duly registered in Book 91 at page 500 of the Registers office of said County of Sampson, to which record reference is hereby made for a description of said three tracts of land by meters and bounds said three tracts containing two hundred and twenty one acres more or less....
...In testimony whereof the said parties of the the first part have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.. A.B. McLEMORE, Katie McLEMORE, E.C. McLEMORE, L.A. McLEMORE
...North Carolina, Cumberland County...Superior Court Clerk...attests that E.C. McLEMORE and Lena McLEMORE personally appeared...4 June 1910...
(Abstracted by Melinda McLemore Strong on 1 August 2005)
- (Research):
Census Information:
1870 census
North Carolina, Sampson County, Little Coharie Twp, Dismal P.O.
McLemore, Lofton 25 M W Farmer $700 $500 N. Carolina
McLemore, Elizabeth 26 F W Keeping House N. Carolina
McLemore, Edward C 3 M W At Home N. Carolina
McLemore, Amos 1 M W At Home N. Carolina
1880 census
North Carolina, Sampson County, Little Coharie Twp, ED 199
McLamore, Loften W M 35 Farmer NC NC NC
McLamore, Nancy E. W F 22 Wife Can't R/W Keeping House NC NC NC
McLamore, Owen A W M 2 Son NC NC NC
McLamore, Amos W M 9 Son NC NC NC
McLamore, Ida L W F 8 Dtr NC NC NC
1900 Census
North Carolina, Sampson, Little Coharie, ED 96
McLemore, Lofton Hd W M Mar 1844 56 M 23 NC NC NC Farmer
McLemore, Nancy Elizabeth Wife W F Mar 1859 41 M 23 4/4 NC NC NC
McLemore, Ida Dtr W F Sept 1874 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Osker B Son W M Jun 1881 19 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Alvin Son W M May 1884 16 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Lofton D Son W M Jun? 1889 10 S NC NC NC
McLemore, Owen A Son W M Feb 1878 22 S NC NC NC
Shell, Nancy Nephew (sic) W F Mar 1825 75 S
Person ID |
I22047 |
Strong Family Tree |
Last Modified |
18 Jan 2021 |
Father |
Amos McLemore, b. Abt 1813, Sampson County, North Carolina d. Aft 1887, Sampson County, North Carolina (Age 75 years) |
Mother |
Jemima Simmons, b. Between 1809 and 1814, Sampson County, North Carolina d. Aft 1884, Sampson County, North Carolina (Age 76 years) |
Marriage |
Aft 1833 |
North Carolina |
- Amos and Jemima jointly sold land to Aaron Simmons in 1854, as noted below. Aaron and Jemima were both heirs of Sherwood Simmons, presumably siblings. They also jointly sold land to John Register in 1870, relationship unknown, and to J.W. WRIGHT in 1884. At the time of the 1884 sale, they were living in Cumberland County.
Sampson County Deed Book
Book 32, Page 144 Abstract of Deed Amos McLEMORE & Wife to Aaron SIMMONS State of North Carolina, Sampson County
...This Indenture made this Sixteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Fifty four by Amos McLEMORE and wife of the first part and Aaron SIMMONS of the Second part, both of the County and State aforesaid...in consideration of the Sum of Two hundred and Seventy give dollars...have...sold to...Aaron SIMMONS one certain parcel of land ...in the County and State aforesaid...Beginning...in a small branch John SIMMONS corner and ...to a stake Aaron SIMMONS corner then...to a large pine near Herringtons POCASON...thence to a...stump Wilson LOCKAMAN corner thence direct to the beginning containing one hundred acres be more of less.... ...In testimony whereof the Said Amos McLemore and wife have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written Amos (his mark) McLEMORE Jemima (her mark) McLEMORE ...Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Neill CAMPBELL Amos McLEMORE ...Be it known that on the 30th day of February 1854 Amos McLEMORE and wife Jemima McLEMORE before me in open Court...acknowledged....let the same be registered, Lott RICH J.P. ...Registered the 31st March 1854 W. ROYAL, Regr.
(Abstracted by Melinda McLemore Strong on 2 August 2005)
1870 Cumberland County NC Deed Bk 58 p 274 Amos & Jemima McLEMORE to Haywood McLEMORE--297 acres in Bladen County, NC (Courtesy of Robert McLemore Butler)
Sampson County Deed Book Book 37, Page 526 Abstract of Deed Amos McLEMORE & wife to John REGISTER State of North Carolina, County of Sampson
This indenture made this 23rd day of April A.D. 1870 between Amos McLEMORE & wife Jemimah McLEMORE of the one part and John R. REGISTER of the other part, all of the County of Sampson and State of North Carolina. Witnesseth that said Amos McLEMORE & wife Jemimah for and in consideration of the sum seven hundred and seventy five dollars....sell (to)....said John R. REGISTER...tracts of land...as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake & John HERRINGS line...down the branch to a pine by the side of the Crossway branch at the Road, thence with this old Road as it varies....to a pine near Babel PETERSONS house, then to the beginning containing ninety & ? acres. The second tract being in said County and State aforesaid, and described and bounded as follows, lying and being between Great and Little Coharie Rivers beginning at a pine in a pond...containing one hundred and fifty acres....Third tract lying in said County and State and described and bounded as follows, Beginning at a stake on the old Pond two pines as pointers below his old house, whence with Henry McLEMOREs line to a stake his corner on the edge of the Goal branch Doctor OWENS line ...thence his other line...to a stake on the old Road, thence along the road to the beginning containing one hundred and four and ? acres being a part of the contents of a patent granted Roger ALDEN in the year 1796.... ...In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto at their hands and seals the day and year above written Amos (his mark) McLEMORE Jemimah (her mark) McLEMORE ....Signed sealed and delivered in presence of M.C. RICHARDSON ....Be it remembered that on this the 23rd day of April A.D. 1870 before the undersigned Judge of Probate for said County personally came Amos McLEMORE and Jemimah McLEMORE, wife (to confirm the said transaction)
...J.R. MORISEY Probate Judge, Registered June 27th, 1870
(Abstracted by Melinda McLemore Strong on 3 August 2005)
Sampson County Deed Book Book 51, Page 255-257 Abstract of Deed
Amos McLEMORE and wife to James W. WRIGHT State of North Carolina, Cumberland County This Deed made this 30th day of January, 1882 by Amos McLAMORE and his wife Jemima McLAMORE of Cumberland County and State of North Carolina of the first part to J.W. WRIGHT of Sampson County and State of North Carolina of the second part. Witnesseth that said parties of the first part in consideration of the sum of Sixty Three ($63) Dollars to them paid by said J.W. WRIGHT....(sells to) J.W. WRIGHT....Two tracts or parcels of land in Sampson County State of North Carolina adjoining the lands of Sylvester CARTER, Daniel CARTER, H.J. PETERSON and others on the East side of Little Cohora....containing thirty acres more or less...and Twelve acres of Entered land adjoining the above named land.... ...In testimony whereof the said Amos McLAMORE and wife Jemimie McLAMORE have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written Attest Thomas G. HALL Amos (his mark) McLAMORE Jemima (her mark) McLAMORE ...Certified by Thomas G. Hall, JP Cumberland County 30th day of January A.D. 1882 ...(Registered) by D.G. MacRAE Clerk Cumberland Superior Court 17th day of April 1882 ...Certified by D.A. CULBRETH Clerk Superior Couty of Sampson County, 19th day of April 1882 ...Registered May 2nd, 1882, Josiah ROBINSON, Regr.
(Abstracted by Melinda McLemore Strong on 4 August 2005)
Family ID |
F5325 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Elizabeth Ann Bullard, b. 12 Feb 1843, Roseboro, Sampson County, North Carolina d. 15 Apr 1875, North Carolina (Age 32 years) |
Marriage |
18 Sep 1866 |
Sampson County, North Carolina [4] |
- On 18 Sept 1866, L.H. McLemore married Elizabeth BULLARD Parker. She was the daughter of James BULLARD and widow of George PARKER.
Diane McLemore Harrision, a descendant, shows Elizabeth with a date of death of April 15, 1875, and Lofton remarried and went on to have four more children with his second wife.
Some researchers have speculated that Lofton and Elizabeth divorced, as Elizabeth Bullard McLemore is said to be mentioned by name in the 1883 Will of her father, James Bullard. This is likely jsut a transcription error, as differing groups of descendants of Lofton and Elizabeth all have her date of death as circa 1875.
Children |
| 1. Edward Claudius McLemore, b. 6 Mar 1867, North Carolina d. 24 Jun 1930, South Norfolk, Norfolk County, Virginia (Age 63 years) |
| 2. Amos Bullard McLemore, b. 5 Mar 1869, North Carolina d. 3 Feb 1944, Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana (Age 74 years) |
| 3. Ida Laura McLemore, b. 5 Sep 1871, North Carolina d. Abt 1905 (Age 33 years) |
Family ID |
F7697 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
18 Jan 2021 |
Family 2 |
Nancy Elizabeth Spell, b. 10 Mar 1860, Sampson County, North Carolina d. 6 Aug 1930, Sampson County, North Carolina (Age 70 years) |
Marriage |
Abt 1877 |
- Robert McLemore Butler thinks it possible that the mother of Lofton's four youngest children was actually Emily ROYAL, and that "we suspect that after Lofton's death, or their divorce, (his first wife) Elizabeth BULLARD remarried and her new husband was named SPELL"
The 1900 census indicates that Lofton and his current wife had been married 23 years, and that she was the mother of four children, all living.
Children |
| 1. Owen Abner H. McLemore, b. 13 Feb 1878, North Carolina d. Abt 1904, North Carolina (Age 25 years) |
| 2. Oscar Bernice McLemore, b. 15 Jan 1881, North Carolina d. 20 May 1949, Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina (Age 68 years) |
| 3. Alvin Hayes McLemore, b. 31 May 1884, North Carolina d. 17 Jan 1941, Sampson County, North Carolina (Age 56 years) |
| 4. Dennis Lofton McLemore, b. 20 Jun 1889, North Carolina d. 2 Feb 1943, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina (Age 53 years) |
Family ID |
F7698 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
9 Dec 2006 |
Photos |
 | McLemore, Lofton Hayes B. 1844 D. 1906 Sampson County, North Carolina
Pvt 2nd Co A 2nd Artillery Regt, C.S.A.
Lofton was married twice, and the father of seven children in total. |
Sources |
- [S538] Seiler, Bonnie Adams--Family Researcher, 3523 Ambtion Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28306 (b.seiler@cox.net).
- [S493] Harrison, Diane McLemore-Family Researcher (harrisontx@sbcglobal.net).
- [S98] 1860 United States Federal Census [Ancestry.com database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004., (Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of the United States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls. This database is an index to individuals enumerated in the 1860 United States Federal Census, the Eighth Census of the United States. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, age as of the census day, sex, color; birthplace, occupation of males over age fifteen, and more. No relationships were shown between members of a household. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1860 Federal Census.), North Carolina, Sampson County, McDaniels District Enumerated 14 July 1860 Page 83 Stamped 433 (Reliability: 3).
- [S371] Butler, Robert McLemore--Family Researcher Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 (deceased).