1912 - 1990 (77 years)
Name |
Joseph Ray "Jodie" Payne [1] |
Suffix |
Jr. |
Nickname |
Jodie |
Birth |
10 Apr 1912 |
Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
1 Feb 1990 |
Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma [1] |
Burial |
1 Feb 1990 |
Marlow Cemetery, Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma [1] |
Notes |
- Kept horses and raised pure bred beef stock. Lived at the edge of Marlow, Oklahoma.
On 7 June 1991, an "Order Approving the Final Account, Determining Heirship and Distributing Estate" was executed in the District Court within and for Stephens County, State of Oklahoma." It was noted that he died testate on the 1st day of February, 1990 while an actual bona fide resident of Marlow, Oklahoma and that on the date of his death he left to survive him as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, and none other, to-wit:
Billie Burrow Payne, surviving spouse Mary G. Wade, sister William T. Payne, brother Philip Dale Vanscoy, nephew Virginia Elizabeth Vansoy, great niece Joseph E. Vanscoy, Jr., great nephew Phyllis Dale Vanscoy, great niece
That said decedent left to survive him no children or adopted children, no issue of any predeceased children...
Joseph Ray (Jodie) Payne Jr.
Duncan Banner Fri. February 2, 1990 Pg. 3a Transcribed by C. R. Strong 11-29-2003
MARLOW - Lifetime Marlow resident Joseph Ray Payne Jr., 77, died Thursday, Feb, 1, 1990, in an Oklahoma City hospital.
Service will be at 2 p.m. Monday at the First United Methodist Church of Marlow with the Rev. Charles Nordean officiating. Burial will be at Mar-low Cemetery under the direction of the Callaway-Smith-Cobb Funeral Home.
Mr. Payne was born April 10,1912, in Marlow. He graduated from Marlow High School and Oklahoma A&M. A rancher and farmer, he was a veteran of World War II, serving with the U.S Navy, and was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Marlow. He married Billie Burrow on April 5, 1943, in Lindsay.
Survivors include his wife of the home near Marlow; a brother, W.T. "Bill" Payne of Fort Worth, Texas; a sister, Marylyn Wade of Marlow; and three cousins, Robert T. Lyle of Duncan and Mary Lou Mahaffey and Charles McKinney, both of Marlow.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Marlow First United Methodist Church memorial fund or the American Cancer Society.
NOTE Headstone in Marlow Cemetery, Sect E Blk 59 (Lot 2), states b. 4-10-1912 d. 2-1-1990
Person ID |
I19920 |
Strong Family Tree |
Last Modified |
17 Aug 2014 |
Father |
Joseph Ray Payne, b. 18 Jul 1892, Indian Territory d. 18 Aug 1965, Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma (Age 73 years) |
Mother |
Mabel Lyles, b. Abt 1893 d. Abt 1977 (Age 84 years) |
Marriage |
5 Apr 1943 |
Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma [1] |
He would have been born in approximately 1890 versus the year 1892 as derived from census records
Family ID |
F7150 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Billie Stinson Burrow, b. 4 Jun 1913, Chickasha, Grady County, Oklahoma d. 25 Dec 2002, Marlow, Stephens County, Oklahoma (Age 89 years) |
Marriage |
5 Apr 1943 |
Lindsay, Garvin County, Oklahoma [1, 2] |
Family ID |
F7154 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
9 Dec 2010 |
Photos |
 | Payne Home, Marlow, Oklahoma, Built by William Henry Harrison Payne, Outskirts of Marlow on the top of the Hill on Jarboe Street
Built 1904, Demolished 2006 From its unique design to the way it was conceived, the Payne home took with it a rich history of one of the pioneer families that shaped a community. W.H. Payne and his wife Hattie came to Marlow from Missouri, with brief stops in Texas and Velma, Oklahoma. In 1904, W. H. built a home on Jarboe Street. It was one of the better homes of the time and became a landmark for the Payne family that was passed down to W. H.?s son Joe and his son Joe, Jr. (Jodie). All have passed, but it was Jodie that remembered in a 1973 story in The Marlow Review of how his grandmother told him of the planning of the home. They laid out dominoes as imaginary walls leaving gaps between them to represent doors. And plenty of gaps there were as each of the seven rooms had an outside door. Over the years, a Payne still inhabited the old home before it became a rent house in more recent times. The actual address was 514 W. Jarboe, but a faint 510 was also added over the homes east porch. Three brick fireplaces rose from the roof as one could imagine smoke billowing from all three during a cold winter?s night, or how a family could enjoy a beautiful spring day on the wooden front porch that provided a view Mt. Scott on the western horizon.
(Excerpted from an article in The Marlow Review dated January 11, 2007, courtesy of Lynell Cordell)
Home of Aunt Annie (O'Neill) Sparks -
303 Hickory, Duncan, Oklahoma
This 1927 Payne Reunion photo is of 41 people. On September 21-23, 1999, Charles R. Strong along with his mother, Anna Laura "Rooney" (Payne) Strong and two aunts ? Dora Fay (Payne) Pierce-Yeager and Lois Marie (Payne) Hanna reviewed the picture. The late Lewis Adair Payne had already prepared his own list identifying all persons. Both list had errors. Mary Gwendolyn ?Marilynn? (Payne) Wade of Marlow later helped Charles Strong reconcile the two lists and correct some errors. One reason for differences in the two lists was due to the existence of two pictures, which were almost, but not exactly, identical. This photo slightly differs from Aunt Annie?s version.
. NOTE-The list below is numbered left to right - top to bottom. The first number is sequential in total, and the
second number is position within the row.
1 1 Paul Puckett, Boy living with Hattie (Brown) Payne.
2 2 Mabel Lyles
3 3 Baby is Mary Gwendolyn ?Marilynn? (Payne) Wade.
4 4 Joseph Ray ?Jodey? Payne Jr.
5 5 Virginia (Payne) Hardin - d. of Walter W., # 22 below
6 6 Vera (Payne) Roberts-Young, -d. of Walter W. #22 and mother of #30 below
7 7 Mary Ethyl (Payne) Benton-Madison-Parker. d. of W. W. # 22
8 8 Claude Chadwick Payne
9 9 Ruth Hazel Witherspoon-d. of Mable (Gentry) Witherspoon, d. of John Price Gentry.
10 10 Florence Scott d. of # 23 Lou Payne Scott & niece of W.W. Payne
11 11 Marvin Walter Payne Sr. Father of #'s 8, 28, 37, & 38
12 12 Gracie (Gentry) Payne Wife of # 11 Marvin W. Payne
13 13 Rene Gentry - s. of Frank Melton and Ada (Jones) Gentry, and nephew of Gracie #12
14 14 Edna (Surginer) Payne, First wife of John Earl (Dukie) Payne
15 15 John Earl, (Dukie) Payne
16 16 Caroline "Carrie" (Cover) Payne
17 17 Harry Carl Payne,Sr.
18 1 William "Billy" West - Grandson of # 23, Louise (Payne) Scott
19 2 Joseph Ray Payne, s. of Wm. Henry H. Payne
20 3 C. Frank Payne, Brother to # 11, Marvin W. Payne Sr.
21 4 Annie (O'Neill) Sparks, Wife of #26
22 5 Walter Winkle Payne
23 6 Louise "Lula" (Payne) Scott
24 7 Hattie (Brown) Payne
25 8 Orville Scott
26 9 James Rufus Sparks f. of # 33, Mary Pat (Sparks) Kubic
27 1 Anna Laura "Rooney" (Payne) Strong
28 2 Mary Olive (Payne) Thompson
29 3 Mary Ethyl (Benton) Jones
30 4 Clifford "Bosco" Roberts
31 5 Virginia Payne, sister to # 4 above, and d. of Joseph R. & g.d. Wm. H. H. Payne ?
32 6 Dora Fay (Payne) Pierce - Yeager
33 7 Mary Pat (Sparks) Kubik
34 8 Francis Hardin, d. of Virginia Payne Hardin, # 5 above, (in lap of Mary Pat)
35 9 Thelma (Gentry) Callaway - d. of Edgar J. Gentry & g.d. of Wm. M. Gentry
36 10 Lois Marie (Payne) Hanna
37 11 Lewis Adair Payne
38 12 Marvin Walter "Snort" Payne Jr. in Lewis' lap.
39 13 Willie Lee "Billy" Payne ?
40 14 Paul James Payne
41 15 Jean Bruce (Benton) Turner
Sources |
- [S532] Cordell, Lynell Gentry-Family Researcher P.O. Box 1992 Duncan OK 73534-1992 Correspondence, Gedcom, Family Group Sheets, Email.