m. 22 Feb 1958
Birth |
4 Mar 1935 |
Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma  |
Death |
29 Apr 2013 |
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma  |
Burial |
3 May 2013 |
Father |
Mother |
Notes |
- The Ada Evening News
Friday, June 13, 1958 Page 7
Courtesy Compliments Bride Who Will Join Her Husband Soon in Baltimore, Maryland
Mrs. Betty Wehunt Strong, who was a member of the Denver, Colorado, public school faculty this past term, will leave soon for Baltimore, Maryland. She will join her husband who is stationed at Fort ???. A postnuptial shower was given Monday evening in Fellowship Hall of the Calvary Baptist Church, Sulphur, to honor her. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Raymond Danner, Mrs. Oscar Huffines, Mrs. Kyle Sheegog, Mrs. Louis Schepp, Mrs. C. H. Abernathy, Mrs. J. D. Niblack, Mrs. Jack Donald, Mrs. L. O. Warren, Mrs. Arnold Aaron, Mrs. Carl Goddard, Mrs. S. T Peak, Mrs. C. E. Yates, and Mrs. Roy Howeth.
Mrs. Robert Blackburn registered the guests.
The honoree, assisted by her mother, Mrs. A. R. Wehunt, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. H. R. Strong, Duncan, opened the gifts. Mrs. Pat Kubik, Duncan, cousin of the bridegroom, assisted with the ribbons. Gifts were registered by Mrs. Thurman Brogin.
The tea table was laid with a white linen cloth, centered with a three tiered white cake. A pair of crystal candelabra holding pink tapers and a crystal punch bowl complemented the table appointments. Mrs. Donald Farr, Oklahoma City, served the punch.
The guest list included?..Viola Weaver, Mrs. Eldon Pickrell, Mrs. Carl Ables, Mrs. Barl Russell, Mrs. Richard Stark, and Myrtis Gentry, all of Duncan?Mrs. Geoge Wehunt and Mrs. Lowell Wehunt, Okemah?.(approximately 100 to 150 additional names omitted from this transcription).