m. 3 Apr 1869
Birth |
Jul 1831 |
Tennessee  |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Burial |
Father |
Mother |
Notes |
- http://files.usgwarchives.org/tn/knox/vitals/marriages/knxmrm-m.txt
Plumlee, W H marr. McCarty, Caroline C on 3 Apr 1869
The image of the actual Knox 1869 Marriage License Record book, Apl 67/21, shows the license dated 4-3-1869, between W H Plumlee and Caroline C. McCa???, and that the rites were soleminized on 3 day of April 1869 by G. W Newman JP Knox county.
Sources |
- [S56] Ancestry.com - Tennessee, Marriage Records, 1780-2002 [database online].