m. 9 Jul 1857
Birth |
Dec 1833 |
Sachsen, Germany  |
Death |
Aft 1900 |
Burial |
Marriage |
9 Jul 1857 |
Knox County, Tennessee  |
Father |
Mother |
Birth |
Abt 1859 |
Tennessee  |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Burial |
Birth |
17 Mar 1860 |
Knox County, Tennessee  |
Death |
14 Feb 1942 |
Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee  |
Burial |
Spouse |
Judson B. Hodges | F11774 |
Marriage |
Abt 1882 |
Birth |
Abt 1874 |
Tennessee  |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Burial |
Notes |
- http://files.usgwarchives.org/tn/knox/vitals/marriages/knxmrm-m.txt
McLamore, Sarah marr. Neukirchner Frederick on 9 July 1857 in Knox County, TN
On August 15, 2006, Sharon Cheney posted to the Ancestry.com Message Board>Surnames>McLamore the following: "I have Three Fredrick Neukirchner's getting married in Knox County Tennessee. The first Fredrick married Sarah McLamore 9 July 1857. I think I have their tombstome pictures. I have C. Fredirck Neukirchner born 20 Dec 1832 and died 9 April 1904. Wife Sarah born 15 July 1828 and died 6 Jan, 1911. Daughter Lillie born 2 Dec 1873 died 19 July 1892. I don't know from which cemtery these pictures were taken. The second Fredrick Neukirchner married Becky Ann McLemore 2 Sept. 1858. I have no information on them. My Fredrick Goodieff Neukirchner married married Sarch K. Bounds 21 Sept. 1864. This family moved to Oregon.Any help sorting out all these Fredricks would be appreciated."